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Spell Effect IDs

ID SPA Spire SPA Effect Name Description Base Limit Max Notes
0 SE_CurrentHP Current HP Modify targets hit points by amount, repeates every tic if in a buff. Heals and damage. amount target restriction id max amount (use positive value) Negative base value for damage
1 SE_ArmorClass AC Modify AC by amount amount none amount
2 SE_ATK ATK Modify ATK by amount amount none amount
3 SE_MovementSpeed Movement Rate Modify movement speed by amount amount none amount
4 SE_STR STR Modify STR by amount amount none amount
5 SE_DEX DEX Modify DEX by amount amount none amount
6 SE_AGI AGI Modify AGI by amount amount none amount
7 SE_STA STA Modify STA by amount amount none amount
8 SE_INT INT Modify INT by amount amount none amount
9 SE_WIS WIS Modify WIS by amount amount none amount
10 SE_CHA CHA Modify CHA by amount amount none amount
11 SE_AttackSpeed Attack Speed Modify attack speed by percent percent haste or slow none none Base greater than 100 for haste (120 = 20 pct haste)
12 SE_Invisibility Invisibility: Unstable Apply invsibility that can drop before duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
13 SE_SeeInvis See Invisible Apply see invisbile which will allow you to see invisible entities see invisible level none none See Invisible level determines what level of invisible it can see.
14 SE_WaterBreathing Water Breathing Immune to drowning 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) none none
15 SE_CurrentMana Mana Modify mana by amount, repeates every tic if in a buff. amount none max amount (use positive value)
16 SE_NPCFrenzy NPC Frenzy
17 SE_NPCAwareness NPC Awareness
18 SE_Lull Pacify Seen in harmony and lull spells. No coded functionality. 1 none none
19 SE_AddFaction NPC Faction Modify your faction with an NPC by amount amount none none
20 SE_Blind Blindness Remove vision from clients or cause NPC's to flee if not in melee range. 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) none none
21 SE_Stun Stun Interrupts spell casting and prevents target from doing any actions for duration duration ms pvp duration ms max target level
22 SE_Charm Charm Control another entity as your pet Unknown set to 1 none max target level
23 SE_Fear Fear Causes the entity to run away until duration ends Unknown set to 1 none max target level
24 SE_Stamina Stamina Loss Modify endurance upkeep by amount while using disciplines that drain endurance amount none none Positive value will reduce endurance upkeep
25 SE_BindAffinity Bind Affinity Bind location for gate spell. bind id (Set to 1, 2, or 3) none none Bind id allows you set alternate bind points. Bind Point ID (1=Primary, 2=Secondary 3=Tertiary)
26 SE_Gate Gate Chance to teleport to bind location. success chance bind id (2 or 3) none If limit is not set, you will gate to primary bind location. Bind Point ID (1=Primary, 2=Secondary 3=Tertiary)
27 SE_CancelMagic Dispel Magic Chance to removes detrimental and beneficial buffs chance level modifier none none Success chance is based on level difference of caster and caster of the buff, base value raises the casters level by the base amount.
28 SE_InvisVsUndead Invisibility to Undead: Unstable Apply invsibility verse undead that can drop before duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
29 SE_InvisVsAnimals Invisibility to Animals: Unstable Apply invsibility verse animals that can drop before duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
30 SE_ChangeFrenzyRad NPC Aggro Radius Set NPC aggro radius amount none max target level
31 SE_Mez Mesmerize Stuns target until duration ends or target takes damage. 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) none max target level Higher value of stacking type will always override the lower value. Used if you want one type of mez to overrite another.
32 SE_SummonItem Summon Item Summon an item. item id none stack amount
33 SE_SummonPet Summon Pet Summon a pet. 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
34 SE_Confuse Confuse
35 SE_DiseaseCounter Disease Counter Determines potency of determental disease spells or potency of cures. amount none none Set to positive values for potency of detrimental spells
36 SE_PoisonCounter Poison Counter Determines potency of determental poison spells or potency of cures. amount none none Set to positive values for potency of detrimental spells
37 SE_DetectHostile Detect Hostile
38 SE_DetectMagic Detect Magic
39 SE_TwinCastBlocker Twincast Blocker Prevent this spell from being twincast. 1 none none
40 SE_DivineAura Invulnerability Invulnerable to spells and melee, you can not cast or melee while under this effect. 1 none none
41 SE_Destroy Destroy Instantly kill target. 1 none none
42 SE_ShadowStep Shadow Step Warps player a short distance in a random direction. Unknown (Seen 1 to 50) none none This effect is handled by the client. Changing the base value does not appear to have any affect.
43 SE_Berserk Berserk Sets entity as 'Berserk' allowing for chance to crippling blow regardless of hit points and class. 1 none none This is an unused live spell effect. Custom Spell Effect may be subject to change if live reuses the SPA.
44 SE_Lycanthropy Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker Used as stacking checker in healing effects that use spell triggers. stacking overwrite value none none
45 SE_Vampirism Vampirism Heal for a percentage for your melee damage on target. Percentage none none This is an unused live spell effect. Custom Spell Effect may be subject to change if live reuses the SPA.
46 SE_ResistFire Fire Resist Modify fire resist by amount amout none max amount
47 SE_ResistCold Cold Resist Modify cold resist by amount amout none max amount
48 SE_ResistPoison Poison Resist Modify poison resist by amount amout none max amount
49 SE_ResistDisease Disease Resist Modify disease resist by amount amout none max amount
50 SE_ResistMagic Magic Resist Modify magic resist by amount amout none max amount
51 SE_DetectTraps Detect Traps
52 SE_SenseDead Detect Undead Point player in direction of nearest Undead NPC 1 none none
53 SE_SenseSummoned Detect Summoned Point player in direction of nearest Summoned NPC 1 none none
54 SE_SenseAnimals Detect Animals Point player in direction of nearest Animal NPC 1 none none
55 SE_Rune Rune Absorb all melee damage until a maxium amount of damage is taken then fades. amount none max amount
56 SE_TrueNorth True North Points player in north direction. 1 none none
57 SE_Levitate Levitation Float above ground and take no fall damage. 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) levitate while moving (Set to 1) none Levitate while moving is seen on Live 'Flying Mounts'
58 SE_Illusion Illusion Change appearance. race id or gender id texture id (see notes) helmet id (see notes) Illusions have complicated rules. See
59 SE_DamageShield Damage Shield Take damage for the damage shield amount when meleeing a target with his effect. amount none max amount
60 SE_TransferItem Transfer Item
61 SE_Identify Identify Provides information about the item that your target is holding. 1 none none To use, hold item on cursor and cast spell on self or target. The 'lore' field from items table is displayed in chat window.
62 SE_ItemID Item ID
63 SE_WipeHateList Memblur Chance to wipe hate list of target, repeates every tic if in a buff. percent chance none unknown Actual chance to memory blur is much higher than the spells base value, caster level and CHA modifiers are added get the final calculated percent chance
64 SE_SpinTarget Spin Stun Spins and stuns target duration ms pvp duration ms max target level
65 SE_InfraVision Infravision Improved night vision 1 none none
66 SE_UltraVision Ultravision Vastly improved night vision 1 none none
67 SE_EyeOfZomm Eye Of Zomm Transfers your vision and control to a summoned temporary pet 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
68 SE_ReclaimPet Reclaim Energy Kills your pet in exchange for mana. Returns 75 percent of pet spell actual mana cost. 1 none none
69 SE_TotalHP Max HP Modify maximum hit points by amount. amount none max amount
70 SE_CorpseBomb Corpse Bomb
71 SE_NecPet Create Undead Pet Summon a pet. 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
72 SE_PreserveCorpse Preserve Corpse
73 SE_BindSight Bind Sight Transfers your vision to your target. 1 none none
74 SE_FeignDeath Feign Death Fall to the ground and have a chance to loss aggro from engaged NPCs. success chance none none
75 SE_VoiceGraft Voice Graft Speak through your pet 1 none none
76 SE_Sentinel Sentinel Creates a proximity zone where cast that alerts caster if NPC's or Players enter it. 1 none none Not implemented on EQEMU
77 SE_LocateCorpse Locate Corpse Points player in direction of their target's corpse. 1 none none
78 SE_AbsorbMagicAtt Spell Rune Absorb all spell damage until a maxium amount of damage is taken then fades. amount none max amount
79 SE_CurrentHPOnce Current HP Once Modify hit points by amount. Instant heals and direct damage. amount target restriction id max amount Negative base value for damage
80 SE_EnchantLight Enchant Light
81 SE_Revive Resurrect Summon player to corpse and restore a percentage of experience. percentage exp none none
82 SE_SummonPC Summon Player Summon a player to casters location. 1 none none
83 SE_Teleport Teleport Teleport to another zone or location. coordinate(x,y,z,h) none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to zone short name OR set to 'same' to teleport within same zone. To set all xyzh cooridinates, you have use the following. Use this effectid only once in first effect slot . Cooridinates defined as effect_base_value1=x effect_base_value2=y effect_base_value3=z effect_base_value4=h
84 SE_TossUp Gravity Flux Toss up into the air. distance (negative) none none
85 SE_WeaponProc Add Melee Proc Add proc to melee spellid rate modifer none
86 SE_Harmony Reaction Radius Set NPC assist radius amount none none
87 SE_MagnifyVision Magnification Zoom players vision amount none none
88 SE_Succor Evacuate Teleport Group/Self to a defined location or to safe point in zone with a 2 percent fail rate coordinate(x,y,z,h) none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to zone short name OR set to 'same' to evac within same zone. To set all xyzh cooridinates, you have use the following. Use this effectid only once in first effect slot . Cooridinates defined as effect_base_value1=x effect_base_value2=y effect_base_value3=z effect_base_value4=h
89 SE_ModelSize Player Size Modify targets size by percent or set to a specific model size. percent shrink or grow model size unknown Base greater than 100 for growth (120 = 20 pct growth)
90 SE_Cloak Ignore Pet Ignore pet 1 none none Not implemented on EQEMU
91 SE_SummonCorpse Summon Corpse Summon targets corpse to caster. max target level
92 SE_InstantHate Hate Add or remove a set amount of hate instantly from target. amount none max amount Positive value increases hate.
93 SE_StopRain Control Weather Stops zone weather related rain. 1 none none
94 SE_NegateIfCombat Make Fragile Removes buff if player casts or does any combat skill. 1 none none
95 SE_Sacrifice Sacrifice Kills player and creates 'Essence Emerald', corpse can not be resurrected 1 none none
96 SE_Silence Silence Prevents spell casting. 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) none unknown
97 SE_ManaPool Max Mana Modify max mana pool by amount. amount none max amount
98 SE_AttackSpeed2 Attack Speed: Does not exceed cap Modify attack speed by percent. Stacks with other Attack Speed effects. Does need exceed haste cap. percent haste or slow none none Base greater than 100 for haste (120 = 20 pct haste)
99 SE_Root Root Immobilize target. -10000 none none
100 SE_HealOverTime Heal Over Time Heal over time. Stacks with other heal over time effects. amount target restriction id max amount
101 SE_CompleteHeal Complete Heal: With Recast Blocker Buff Heal for baseline of 7500 HP and apply a buff icon that blocks the same effect from taking hold until it fades. heal amount multiplier none max heal amount multipler
102 SE_Fearless Fear Immunity Immune to fear effect. 1 none none
103 SE_CallPet Summon Pet Summon Pet to owner. 1 none none
104 SE_Translocate Translocate Teleport your target to a specific location or bind. coordinate(x,y,z,h) or Bind Point ID none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to zone short name OR set to 'same' to evac within same zone. To set all xyzh cooridinates, you have use the following. Use this effectid only once in first effect slot . If 'Teleport_Zone' field is not set, then will send to bind point id, set base value to Bind Point ID (1=Primary, 2=Secondary 3=Tertiary)
105 SE_AntiGate Inhibit Gate Prevent target from casting gate Seen 1 to 3 none none Unclear what base value determines. May be related to Bind Point IDs.
106 SE_SummonBSTPet Summon Warder Summon a beastlord pet. 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
107 SE_AlterNPCLevel Alter NPC Level Change NPC level by amount. Level returns to original level when buff fades. amount none none This is a no longer used on live. Custom Spell Effect may be subject to change if live reuses the SPA.
108 SE_Familiar Summon Familiar Summon a familiar. 0 or 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
109 SE_SummonItemIntoBag Summon into Bag Summons item into a summoned bag. item id none none To use this the first effectid must be SPA 32 SE_SummonItem and this must be a bag such as Phantom Satchel ID 17310. Then use this effectid to summon items that will go into that bag.
110 SE_IncreaseArchery Increase Archery
111 SE_ResistAll All Resists Modify all resists by amount. amount none max amount
112 SE_CastingLevel Casting Level Modify casting level by amount, this will determine fizzel rate. amount none none
113 SE_SummonHorse Summon Mount Summon a mount 1 none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'filename' field in of the mount you want in the horses table.
114 SE_ChangeAggro Hate Multiplier Modify hate generated by percent percent hate modifer none none
115 SE_Hunger Food Resets hunger counter preventing hunger and thirst checks. 1 none none Set to positive values for potency of detrimental spells
116 SE_CurseCounter Curse Counter Determines potency of determental curse spells or potency of cures. amount
117 SE_MagicWeapon Make Weapons Magical Allows non-magic weapons to be considered magical 1 none none
118 SE_Amplification Singing Amplification Modifies bard 'singing modifier' by percent. percent none none Recasting this effect will cause it to focus itself, increasing its potency.
119 SE_AttackSpeed3 Attack Speed: Overhaste Modify attack speed by percent. Stacks with other Attack Speed effects. Can exceed haste cap. percent haste or slow none none Base greater than 100 for haste (120 = 20 pct haste)
120 SE_HealRate Incoming Healing Effectiveness Modify incoming heals by percentage. percent healing none none
121 SE_ReverseDS Reverse Damage Shield Heal for the reverse damage shields amount when meleeing a target with his effect. amount Negative value will cause the reverse damage shield to heal.
122 SE_ReduceSkill Reduce Skill pending pending pending pending not implemented
123 SE_Screech Stacking: Screech If a buff has a Screech base value of +1 that buff will block any other buff that contains Screech with a base value of -1 1 or -1 none none
124 SE_ImprovedDamage Focus: Spell Damage Modify outgoing spell damage by percentage. min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
125 SE_ImprovedHeal Focus: Healing Modify outgoing spell healing by percentage. min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
126 SE_SpellResistReduction Focus: Spell Resist Rate Modify outgoing spell resistance rate by percentage. min percent none none
127 SE_IncreaseSpellHaste Focus: Spell Cast Time Modify outgoing spell casting time by percentage. percent none none
128 SE_IncreaseSpellDuration Focus: Spell Duration Modify outgoing spell buff duration by percentage. percent none none
129 SE_IncreaseRange Focus: Spell Range Modify outgoing spell casting range percentage. percent none none
130 SE_SpellHateMod Focus: Spell and Bash Hate Modify outgoing spell and bash hate by percentage. min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
131 SE_ReduceReagentCost Focus: Chance of Using Reagent Modify outgoing spells chance to not consume reagent by percentage min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
132 SE_ReduceManaCost Focus: Spell Mana Cost Reduce outgoing spells mana cost by percentage min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
133 SE_FcStunTimeMod Focus: Spell Stun Duration Modify outgoing spell stun duration by percentage. percent none none
134 SE_LimitMaxLevel Limit: Max Level Max level of spell that can be focused, if 'limit' is set then decrease effectiviness by the limit values percent per level over max level. max level effectiviness percent none
135 SE_LimitResist Limit: Resist Resist Type(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude. resist type none none Include set value to positive
136 SE_LimitTarget Limit: Target Target Type(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude. target type none none Include set value to positive
137 SE_LimitEffect Limit: Effect Spell effect(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude. spell effect ID none none Include set value to positive
138 SE_LimitSpellType Limit: SpellType Only allow focus spells that are Beneficial or Detrimental. 0=Detrimental, 1=Beneficial none none
139 SE_LimitSpell Limit: Spell Specific spell id(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude. spell ID none none Include set value to positive
140 SE_LimitMinDur Limit: Min Duration Mininum duration of spell that can be focused. tics none none Set duration in tics, 1 tick is 6 seconds of game time
141 SE_LimitInstant Limit: Instant spells only Include or exclude if an instant cast spell can be focused. 0=Exclude if Instant, 1=Allow only if Instant none none
142 SE_LimitMinLevel Limit: Min Level Mininum level of spell that can be focused. level none none
143 SE_LimitCastTimeMin Limit: Min Cast Time Mininum cast time of spell that can be focused. milliseconds none none
144 SE_LimitCastTimeMax Limit: Max Cast Time Max cast time of spell that can be focused milliseconds none none
145 SE_Teleport2 Banish Teleports targets to a defined location or to safe point in zone coordinate(x,y,z,h) none none Set 'Teleport Zone' field to zone short name OR set to 'same' to teleport within same zone. To set all xyzh cooridinates, you have use the following. Use this effectid only once in first effect slot . Cooridinates defined as effect_base_value1=x effect_base_value2=y effect_base_value3=z effect_base_value4=h
146 SE_ElectricityResist Portal Locations pending pending pending pending
147 SE_PercentalHeal Percent HP Heal Modify targets hit points for percent value of the targets max HP. Heal or damage. percentage none max amount of hit points Negative base value for damage
148 SE_StackingCommand_Block Stacking: Block Effect is found on buff and is used to prevent another buff from taking hold if specific criteria is met. spell effect id none Block if less than this value. Formula - 201 = Slot to block
149 SE_StackingCommand_Overwrite Stacking: Overwrite Effect is found on buff and is used to overwrite another buff if specific criteria is met. spell effect id none Overwrite if less than this value. Formula - 201 = Slot to block
150 SE_DeathSave Death Save When this effect is applied to a target the owner of the buff is given a chance at receiving a heal when under 15 percent hit points. 1 = 300 HP Healed, 2 = 8000 HP Healed min target level to apply override heal amount override heal amount If max value is set as heal amount this value will be used instead as the heal amount if the owner of the buff is the mininum level specified in limit field. Chance to receive a heal is determined by the owner of the buffs Charisma. [Chance = ((Charisma * 3) +1) / 10) ] . SPA 277 gives a second chance to be healed if you fail.
151 SE_SuspendPet Suspend Pet Places a pet in temporary storage. save type none none Save Types, 0 = save pet with no buffs or equipment, 1 = save pet with no buffs or equipment, 2 = unknown. SPA 308 allows for suspended pets to be resummoned after zoning.
152 SE_TemporaryPets Summon a Pet Swarm Summon temporary pet(s) that will fade after duration, will stack with regular pets. amount of pets none duration seconds Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'type' field in of the pet you want in the pets table.
153 SE_BalanceHP Balance Party HP Balances groups HP with a percent modifier to the damage being distributed. percent modifier max HP taken from player none Positive base value increases damage being distrubuted
154 SE_DispelDetrimental Dispel Detrimental Dispels detrimental buffs. percent chance x 10 none none Actual percent chance is calculated as base / 10
155 SE_SpellCritDmgIncrease Spell Critical Damage Modifies critical spell damage by percent percent modifier none none
156 SE_IllusionCopy Illusion: Target Turns caster into mirror image of target. Seen 0,1,30 none none Unknown what base values represent.
157 SE_SpellDamageShield Spell Damage Shield Inflicts non-melee damage on caster of a spell. amount damage shield (negative) none unknown Spells must have 'feedbackable' field set to a value otherwise they will not be affected by spell damage shields.
158 SE_Reflect Reflect Spell Reflect casted detrimental spell back at caster. percent chance resist modifier percent of base damage modifier Spells must have 'reflectable' field set to a value otherwise they will not be reflected. Resist modifer, positive value reduces the resist rate, negative value increases the resist rate. Percent of base damage modifer, max greater than 100 for damage mod (120 = 20 pct increase in damage)
159 SE_AllStats All Stats Modify all base stats by percent. (STR, AGI, DEX, WIS, INT, CHA) amount none max amount Effect currently handled entirely client side.
160 SE_MakeDrunk Drunk Intoxicate if tolerance under the base value. amount none max amount
161 SE_MitigateSpellDamage Mitigate Spell Damage Rune Mitigate incoming spell damage by percentage until rune fades. percent mitigation max damage absorbed per hit rune amount Special: If this effect is placed on item as worn effect or as an AA, it will provide stackable percent spell mitigation for the base value.
162 SE_MitigateMeleeDamage Mitigate Melee Damage Rune Mitigate incoming melee damage by percentage until rune fades. percent mitigation max damage absorbed per hit rune amount
163 SE_NegateAttacks Absorb Damage Complete or partially block incoming spell and melee damage amount of blocked hits none max amount of damage blocked per hit
164 SE_AppraiseLDonChest Sense LDoN Chest Attempt to sense the presence of a cursed trap on the targeted object. 1 none skill check value
165 SE_DisarmLDoNTrap Disarm LDoN Trap Attempt to disarm a cursed trap on the targeted object. 1 none skill check value
166 SE_UnlockLDoNChest Unlock LDoN Chest Attempt to destroy any cursed lock present on the targeted object. 1 none skill check value
167 SE_PetPowerIncrease Focus: Pet Power Increase statistics and level of the pet when summoned. power value none none Pet power can be scaled automatically if 'petpower' field in pets table is set to 0 or -1, if the power field is set to anything it will look to find the cooresponding pet in the table with same power for that 'type'.
168 SE_MeleeMitigation Defensive Modify incoming melee damage by percent. percent modifer none none Negative base value decreases damage taken
169 SE_CriticalHitChance Critical Melee Chance Modify melee critical hit chance by skill. percent modifer skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
170 SE_SpellCritChance Spell Critical Chance Modifies spell critical chance by percent. percent modifier none none Must have a chance to perform critical hits in order to have a chance to crippling blow.
171 SE_CrippBlowChance Crippling Blow Chance Modify melee crippling blow chance percent modifer none none
172 SE_AvoidMeleeChance Evasion Modify chance to avoid melee. percent modifer none none
173 SE_RiposteChance Riposte Modify chance to riposte. percent modifer none none
174 SE_DodgeChance Dodge Modify chance to dodge. percent modifer none none
175 SE_ParryChance Parry Modify chance to parry. percent modifer none none
176 SE_DualWieldChance Dual Wield Modify dual weild chance. percent modifer none none
177 SE_DoubleAttackChance Double Attack Modify double attack chance. percent modifer none none Positive value will heal you
178 SE_MeleeLifetap Melee Lifetap Heal for a percentage for your melee damage on target. percentage none none
179 SE_AllInstrumentMod All Instrument Modifier Set modifier value for all instrument and singing modifers that will be used if higher then the respective item modifers. modifier percentage none none
180 SE_ResistSpellChance Resist Spell Chance Modify chance to resist incoming spells by percent. percent modifer none none
181 SE_ResistFearChance Resist Fear Spell Chance Modify chance to resist incoming fear spells by percent. percent modifer none none
182 SE_HundredHands Attack Delay Reducation Modify attack delay by percent. percent modifier none none Negative value reduces delay, example -115 is calculated as a 15 percent reduction (-115/100). Positive value increases delay, 300 is calculated as a 30 percent increase in delay
183 SE_MeleeSkillCheck Melee Skill Chance Unknown intended effect. percent chance skill type (-1 = all skill types) none No longer used on live. It provides no benefits on eqemu.
184 SE_HitChance Chance to Hit Modify chance to hit by skill percent modifer skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
185 SE_DamageModifier Skills Damage Modifier Modify melee damage by skill. percent modifer skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
186 SE_MinDamageModifier Skills Minimum Damage Modifier Modify melee minimum damage by skill. percent modifer skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
187 SE_BalanceMana Balance Party Mana Balances groups mana with a percent modifier to the damage being distributed. percent modifer max mana taken from player none Positive base value increases damage being distributed
188 SE_IncreaseBlockChance Chance to block Modify chance to block melee. percent modifer none none
189 SE_CurrentEndurance Endurance Modify targets endurance by amount, repeates every tic if in a buff. amount none max amount
190 SE_EndurancePool Max Endurance Modify max endurance pool by amount. amount none max amount
191 SE_Amnesia Amnesia Prevents disciplines use. 1 (increase for stacking overwrite) none none
192 SE_Hate Hate Modify targets hate toward you by amount, repeates every tic if in a buff. amount none max amount
193 SE_SkillAttack Skill Attack Perform a combat round using a specific skill at a set weapon damage and chance to hit modifier. weapon damage chance to hit modifier unknown Skill used to perform combat round is determined by the 'skill' field in spells table.
194 SE_FadingMemories Fade Remove from hate lists and make invisible. Can set max level of NPCs that can be affected. success chance max level (ROF2 era) max level (modern era) Support for max level requires Rule (Spells, UseFadingMemoriesMaxLevel) to be true. If used from limit field, then it set as the level, ie. max level of 75 would use limit value of 75. If set from max field, max level 75 would use max value of 1075, if you want to set it so it checks a level range above the spell target then for it to only work on mobs 5 levels or below you set max value to 5.
195 SE_StunResist Stun Resist Modifies chance to resist a stun from a bash or kick by percent percent modifier none none
196 SE_StrikeThrough Strikethrough Modify chance to strikethrough by percent, bypassing an opponent's special defenses, such as dodge, block, parry, and riposte percent modifier none none
197 SE_SkillDamageTaken Skill Damage Taken Modify damage taken by percent from specific skill. percent modifier skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
198 SE_CurrentEnduranceOnce Instant Endurance Modify targets endurance by amount. amount none max amount Negative base value decreases damage taken
199 SE_Taunt Taunt Chance to taunt target and apply instant hate. taunt success chance amount hate added
200 SE_ProcChance Worn Proc Chance Modify worn weapon proc chance by percent. percent modifier none none
201 SE_RangedProc Ranged Proc Add proc to ranged attacks spellid rate modifer none
202 SE_IllusionOther Project Illusion Allows next casted self only illusion buff to be cast on a targeted player in group. none none none
203 SE_MassGroupBuff Mass Group Buff Allows next casted Group Buff to hit all players and pets within a large radius from caster at double the mana cost. 1 none none
204 SE_GroupFearImmunity Group Fear Immunity Provides immunity to fear for group. duration none none Duration is calculated as base value * 10. Thus, value of 1 would be 10 seconds. This is not a buff and gives no icon.
205 SE_Rampage AE Rampage Perform a primary slot combat rounds on all creatures within a 40 foot radius. number of attack rounds max entities hit per round aoe range override On live base is always set to 1, if more than one attack is a spell it uses this SPA in multiple slots. Limit value can be used to set a max amount of entities able to be attacked per round.
206 SE_AETaunt AE Taunt Taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 'base values' points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target. added hate none aoe range override
207 SE_FleshToBone Flesh to Bone Turns meat or body parts items into bone chips. 1 none none
208 SE_PurgePoison Purge Poison
209 SE_DispelBeneficial Dispel Beneficial Dispels beneficial buffs. percent chance x 10 none none Actual percent chance is calculated as base / 10
210 SE_PetShield Pet Shield Allows pet to use 'shield ability' on owner to reduce 50 percent of damage taken by owner for duration Duration multiplier 1=12 seconds, 2=24 ect mitigation on pet owner override mitigation on pet overide Special: limit and max values are not on live, they can be used to give mitigation penalties or bonuses to shielder or shielded.
211 SE_AEMelee AE Melee Perform a primary slot combat rounds on all creatures within a 40 foot radius for a duration. Duration multiplier 1=12 seconds, 2=24 ect none none Only implemented for clients.
212 SE_FrenziedDevastation Frenzied Devastation Increase spell critical chance and while present all direct damage spells cost double the amount of mana. 1 chance modifier none Live no longer uses the effect in this way. It is now a focus effect.
213 SE_PetMaxHP Pet Max HP Modifies your pets maximum HP by percent. percent modifier none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
214 SE_MaxHPChange Change Max HP Modify your maximum HP by percent. percent modifier none none Base value is divided by 100 to get actual percentage. Example, for 10 percent max HP increase, base value should be 1000.
215 SE_PetAvoidance Pet Avoidance Modifies your pets chance to avoid melee by percent. percent modifier none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
216 SE_Accuracy Accuracy Modify your chance to hit by modifying accuracy by amount. amount accuracy skill type (-1 = all skill types) none AA version of this is not skill limited. Differs from SPA 184, which is a multiplier of your total accuracy.
217 SE_HeadShot Headshot Grants your archery attacks a chance to deal extra damage to humanoid NPC targets. percent chance damage amount none Used with SPA 346 which limits headshot by level and adds a bonus chance.
218 SE_PetCriticalHit Pet Crit Melee Modifies your pets chance to perform a critical melee hit by percent. percent modifier none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
219 SE_SlayUndead Slay Undead Chance to do increased damage verse undead. damage percent modifier chance none Actual chance will be your limit value / 10. Example a 14 percent chance would require limit value of 140. Damage modifier baseline is 100, Base greater than 100 for increased damage (120 = 20 pct damage increase)
220 SE_SkillDamageAmount Skill Damage Bonus Add a flat amount of damage when a specific melee skill is used. amount skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
221 SE_Packrat Reduce Weight Modify weight of your inventory by percent. percent modifier none none
222 SE_BlockBehind Block Behind Modify chance to block from behind. percent modifer none none
223 SE_DoubleRiposte Double Riposte Chance to do an additional riposte attack after a successful riposte. percent chance none none No longer used on live.
224 SE_GiveDoubleRiposte Additional Riposte Chance to do an additional riposte attack, or skill based riposte like Flying Kick. percent chance skill type none If limit value is set you can riposte using a specific special attack skill, like 'flying kick'. You can not have multiple skills that can riposte, thus limited to use in only one effect.
225 SE_GiveDoubleAttack Double Attack Allows any class to double attack at a set percent chance or modifty chance if class can innately double attack. percent chance or modifer none none
226 SE_TwoHandBash Two Hand bash Bash with a two handed weapon. 1 none none Handled client side.
227 SE_ReduceSkillTimer Base Refresh Timer Reduce base refresh timer of skill time seconds (positive) skill type none
228 SE_ReduceFallDamage Reduce Fall Dmg Reduce the damage that you take from falling by percent. percent modifer none none
229 SE_PersistantCasting Cast Through Stun Chance to continue casting while stunned. percent chance none none
230 SE_ExtendedShielding Increase Shield Distance Modify the range of your /shield ability by an amount of distance distance none none
231 SE_StunBashChance Stun Bash Chance Modify chance to land a stun using bash skill by percent percent modifer none none
232 SE_DivineSave Divine Save Chance to return to life with the blessing Touch of the Divine when you would otherwise die. percent chance spellid none This effect triggers upon death, where base value gives you percent chance to cast Touch of the Divine which is an Invulnerability, heal, HoT and purify effect. Limit value can be used to add an additional spell being applied on death, usually this is a heal.
233 SE_Metabolism Metabolism Modifies food and drink consumption rates. percent modifer none none Positive value decreases consumption rate
234 SE_ReduceApplyPoisonTime Poison Mastery Decrease poison application time. time none none Reducation time calculated as base /1000. Example, 2.5 second reduction would be a base value of 2500.
235 SE_ChannelChanceSpells Focus Channelling Modify chance to channel a spell and avoid being interupted by percent. percent modifer none none No longer used on live.
236 SE_FreePet Free Pet
237 SE_GivePetGroupTarget Pet Affinity Allows summoned pets to receive group buffs. 1 none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
238 SE_IllusionPersistence Permanent Illusion Illusions will persist through zoning and last up to 16 hours. If base value increased to two, will persist through death. 1 or 2 none none 1=Persist through zoning, 2=Persist through death
239 SE_FeignedCastOnChance Feign Death Through Spell Hit Chance to feign death through spell hit. percent chance none none If spell is resisted your chance is multipled by two.
240 SE_StringUnbreakable String Unbreakable
241 SE_ImprovedReclaimEnergy Improve Reclaim Energy Modify amount of mana returned from from reclaim energy by percent. percent modifier none none
242 SE_IncreaseChanceMemwipe Increase Chance Memwipe Modify the chance to wipe hate with memory blurr by percent. percent modifier none none Actual chance to memory blur is much higher than the memory blurs spells base value, caster level and CHA modifiers are added get the final calculated percent chance. This effect modifiers that final percent chance.
243 SE_CharmBreakChance Charm Break Chance Modify chance of charm breaking early by percentage. percent modifier none none
244 SE_RootBreakChance Root Break Chance Modify chance of the casters root being broken by percentage. percent modifier none none Modifies the base line root break chance. The benefit is given to any player casting on that NPC with the root, opposed to only the caster of the root.
245 SE_TrapCircumvention Trap Circumvention Decreases the chance that you will set off a trap when opening a chest or other similar container by percentage. percent modifier none none
246 SE_SetBreathLevel Lung Capacity Modify the amount of air you can hold in your lungs by percent percent modifier none none Should work client side. No server side support.
247 SE_RaiseSkillCap Increase SkillCap Increase skill cap. amount skill type none
248 SE_SecondaryForte Extra Specialization Gives you a second specialize skill that can go past 50 to 100. 100 none none Changing base value will not alter this effect.
249 SE_SecondaryDmgInc Offhand Min Damage Bonus Modify offhand weapons minimum damage bonus by percentage. percent modifier none none
250 SE_SpellProcChance Spell Proc Chance Modify proc chance of combat procs gained by spells or AAs by percent. percent modifier none none
251 SE_ConsumeProjectile Endless Quiver Chance not to consume a projectile when usimg archery or throwing skill. percent chance none none
252 SE_FrontalBackstabChance Backstab from Front Chance to perform a full backstab while in front of the target. percent chance none none
253 SE_FrontalBackstabMinDmg Chaotic Stab Allow a frontal backstab for mininum damage. 1 none none
254 SE_Blank No Spell Default value for an unused effect slot. none none none Do not replace this effect.
255 SE_ShieldDuration Shielding Duration Extends the duration of your /shield ability. seconds none none
256 SE_ShroudofStealth Shroud Of Stealth Rogue improved invsible. 1 none none
257 SE_PetDiscipline Give Pet Hold Gives pet command, pet /hold 1 none none SPA 267 with a limit value of 15 is required now to obtain pet /hold.
258 SE_TripleBackstab Triple Backstab Chance to perform a triple backstab. percent chance none none
259 SE_CombatStability AC Softcap Limit Modify AC soft cap by amount. amount none none
260 SE_AddSingingMod Instrument Modifier Set modifier value a specific instrument/singing skills that will be used if higher then the respective item modifier for that skill. percent modifier Item Type ID none Item Type IDs, 23=Woodwind, 24=Strings, 25=Brass, 26=Percussions, 50=Singing, 51=All instruments
261 SE_SongModCap Song Cap Modify max song modifier cap by amount. amount none none Song cap is set in spells table as field 'song_cap'. Not used on live.
262 SE_RaiseStatCap Raise Stat Cap Modify stat cap type by amount. amount stat type id none Stat type id, STR=0, STA=1, AGI=2, DEX=3, WIS=4, INT=5, CHA=6, MR=7, CR=8, FR=9, PR=10, DR=11, COR=12
263 SE_TradeSkillMastery Tradeskill Masteries Allows you to raise additional standard tradeskill (Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, or Tailoring) from its initial Specialization cap of 200 up to 250. amount of skills that can be raised (max=6) none none
264 SE_HastenedAASkill Reduce AA Timer Reduces reuse time on AA skills. reducation amount seconds aa id none This can be only set as an AA ability.
265 SE_MasteryofPast No Fizzle Makes it impossible for you to fizzle spells at our below the spell level specified by the base value. level none none
266 SE_ExtraAttackChance Add Extra Attack: 2H Primary Gives your double attacks a percent chance to perform an extra attack with 2-handed primary weapon. percent chance number of attacks none
267 SE_AddPetCommand Add Pet Commands Enables multilpe different pet commands based on limit value. 1 pet command type none Full list of command types found in common.h
268 SE_ReduceTradeskillFail Tradeskill Failure Rate Modify chance to fail with given tradeskill by a percent. chance modifier none none
269 SE_MaxBindWound Bandage Percent Limit Modify max HP you can bind wound by percent. percent modifier none none
270 SE_BardSongRange Bard Song Range Modify range of beneficial bard songs by percent. percent modifier none none
271 SE_BaseMovementSpeed Base Run Speed Modify base rune speed by percentage. percent modifier none none Does not stack with run speed modifiers.
272 SE_CastingLevel2 Casting Level Modify effective casting level by amount. level amount none none Live decription: This affects, spells that get stronger or last longer based on your level, stacking priority on targets, likelihood that spells that dispel effects will succeed, likelihood that spells that cure blindness will succeed, likelihood that spells that sense, disarm, or pick locked traps will succeed.
273 SE_CriticalDoTChance Critical DoT Modifies chance to critical damage over time spells. percent chance none none
274 SE_CriticalHealChance Critical Heal Modify chance to critical heal spells. percent chance none none
275 SE_CriticalMend Critical Mend Modify chance to critical the monks mend ability. percent chance none none
276 SE_Ambidexterity Dual Wield Skill Amount Modify your chance to successfully dual wield by increasing dual weild skill by amount. amount none none
277 SE_UnfailingDivinity Extra DI Chance Gives second chance for a death save to fire and if successful gives a modified heal amount. heal modifier percent none none This works with Death Save SPA 150.
278 SE_FinishingBlow Finishing Blow Grants melee attacks a chance to deal massive damage to NPC targets with 10% or less health. percent chance damage amount none Actual chance is calculated as base value / 10. Example for 50 percent chance, set base to 500. Use with SPA 440 to set max level of NPC that can be affected by finishing blow.
279 SE_Flurry Flurry Chance Chance to do a melee flurry, performing two extra attacks. percent chance none none
280 SE_PetFlurry Pet Flurry Chance Chance for pet to perform a melee flurry. percent chance none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
281 SE_FeignedMinion Give Pet Feign
282 SE_ImprovedBindWound Bandage Amount Modify bind wound healing amount by percent. percent modifier none none
283 SE_DoubleSpecialAttack Special Attack Chain Chance to perform second special skill attack as monk. percent chance none none
284 SE_LoHSetHeal LoH Set Heal
285 SE_NimbleEvasion NoMove Check Sneak
286 SE_FcDamageAmt Focus: Spell Damage Amount Modify spell damage by a flat amount. amount none none
287 SE_SpellDurationIncByTic Focus: Buff Duration by Tics Modify spell buff duration by tics. duration tics none none 1 tic = 6 seconds, set base in tics
288 SE_SkillAttackProc Add Proc From Skill Attack Chance to cast a spell when a skill attack is performed. chance percent skill type none Chance is calculated as base value / 10, example 20 percent chance would be a value of 200. For AA's the proc spell ID is the 'spell' field used in the aa_ranks table.
289 SE_CastOnFadeEffect Cast Spell On Fade Cast a spell only if buff containing this effect fades after the full duration. spellid none none Typically seen on spells that can be cured.
290 SE_IncreaseRunSpeedCap Movement Cap Increase movement speed cap. amount none none
291 SE_Purify Purify Remove up specified amount of detiremental spells, excluding charm, fear, resurrection, and revival sickness. amount spells removed none none
292 SE_StrikeThrough2 Strikethrough (v292) Modify chance to strikethrough by percent, bypassing an opponent's special defenses, such as dodge, block, parry, and riposte percent modifier none none
293 SE_FrontalStunResist Frontal Stun Resist Chance to resist a stun from a bash or kick if facing target. percent chance none none
294 SE_CriticalSpellChance Spell Crit Chance Modify chance to critical direct damage spells and modify spell critical spell damage by percent critical chance critical damage percent modifier none
295 SE_ReduceTimerSpecial Reduce Timer Special
296 SE_FcSpellVulnerability Focus: Incoming Spell Damage Modify incoming spell damage taken by percent. min percent modifier none max percent modifier Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
297 SE_FcDamageAmtIncoming Focus: Incoming Spell Damage Amt Modify incoming spell damage taken by a flat amount. amount none none
298 SE_ChangeHeight Pet Size Modify size by percent. percent modifier none none
299 SE_WakeTheDead Wake the Dead Create temporary pet from nearby corpses. 1 none duration seconds Maximum range for corpse from caster is 250 units.
300 SE_Doppelganger Doppelganger Create a temporary pets that mirrors you appearance. amount of pets none duration seconds
301 SE_ArcheryDamageModifier Archery Damage Modifer Modify archery base damage by percent. percent modifier none none
302 SE_FcDamagePctCrit Focus: Spell Damage (v302 before crit) Modify spell damage by percent. Damage is applied before critical calculation. min percent modifier none max percent modifier Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
303 SE_FcDamageAmtCrit Focus: Spell Damage Amt (v303 before crit) Modify spell damage by a flat amount. Damage is applied before critical calculation.. amount none none
304 SE_OffhandRiposteFail Secondary Riposte Modify chance to avoid an offhand riposte by percent. percent modifier none none
305 SE_MitigateDamageShield Damage Shield Mitigation Modify incoming damage from damage shield using your off hand weapon by amount. amount none none For spells/items set to positive value will reduce the damage shield amount, for AA's set this value to negative for reducation, this is converted to positive in source code. This is how live has it.
306 SE_ArmyOfTheDead Army of the Dead Create temporary pets from nearby corpses. Can only spawn one pet per corpse up a maximum amount of pets. amount of pets none duration seconds Maximum range for corpse from caster is 250 units.
307 SE_Appraisal Appraisal Roughly estimates the selling price of the item you are holding.
308 SE_ZoneSuspendMinion Zone Suspend Minion Allow suspended pets to be resummoned upon zoning. 1 none none
309 SE_GateCastersBindpoint Gate Caster's Bindpoint Teleports target or group members to casters bind point. bind id (Set to 1, 2, or 3) none none
310 SE_ReduceReuseTimer Decrease Reuse Timer Reduce spell recast time and disciple reuse time by amount. time ms none none Positive value reduces reuse timer. Note: You can set to negative to increase reuse timer, but client will not display it properly.
311 SE_LimitCombatSkills Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed Include or exclude combat skills or procs from being focused. 0=Exclude if proc 1=Allow only if proc none none
312 SE_Sanctuary Sanctuary Places caster at bottom hate list, effect fades if caster casts spell on targets other than self. 1 none none
313 SE_ForageAdditionalItems Forage Master Chance to forage additional items using forage ability. percent chance none none
314 SE_Invisibility2 Improved Invisibility Apply invsibility that will last until duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
315 SE_InvisVsUndead2 Improved Invisibility Vs Undead Apply invsibility verse undead that will last until duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
316 SE_ImprovedInvisAnimals Improved Invisibility Vs Animals Apply invsibility verse animal that will last until duration ends invisibility level none none Invisibility level determines what level of see invisible can detect it.
317 SE_ItemHPRegenCapIncrease Worn Regen Cap Increase HP regen from items over cap by amount. amount none none
318 SE_ItemManaRegenCapIncrease Worn Mana Cap Increase Mana regen from items over cap by amount. amount none none
319 SE_CriticalHealOverTime Critical HP Regen Modifies chance to perform a critical heal over time by percent. percent modifier none none
320 SE_ShieldBlock Shield Block Chance Chance to block an attack while shield is equiped. percent chance none none
321 SE_ReduceHate Reduce Target Hate Remove or add a set amount of hate instantly from target. amount none max amount Positive value decreases hate.
322 SE_GateToHomeCity Gate to Starting City Gate to original starting city. 1 none none
323 SE_DefensiveProc Add Defensive Proc Add defensive proc that triggers from incoming melee hits. spellid rate modifer none
324 SE_HPToMana HP for Mana Casted spells will use HP instead of Mana with a conversion penalty rate. conversion rate percent
325 SE_NoBreakAESneak No Break AE Sneak Chance to remain hidden when hit by an area effect spell. percent chance none none
326 SE_SpellSlotIncrease Spell Slots Increase spell gems by amount. amount none none Client has to support the value you use.
327 SE_MysticalAttune Buff Slots Increase max spell buff slots amount. amount none none Client has to support the value you use.
328 SE_DelayDeath Negative HP Limit Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying after falling unconscious at 0 health. amount none none Positive value to increase effective negative hit points.
329 SE_ManaAbsorbPercentDamage Mana Shield Absorb Damage Reduces incoming damage by percent and converts that amount to mana loss. mitigation percent none none
330 SE_CriticalDamageMob Critical Melee Damage Modifies damage done from a critical melee hit by percent. percent modifier skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
331 SE_Salvage Item Recovery Modify chance to salvage from tradeskills by percent. percent modifier none none Positive values increase chance to salvage
332 SE_SummonToCorpse Summon to Corpse Summons a player back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Coprse can still be resurrected. seen 0 or 1 none none
333 SE_CastOnRuneFadeEffect Trigger Spell On Rune Fade Cast a spell when rune amount is used up and fades. spellid none none This effect needs to go on a spell containing a rune effect.
334 SE_BardAEDot Bard AE Dot Use on area of effect damage over time songs. Damage is only done if target is not moving. amount none amount max
335 SE_BlockNextSpellFocus Focus: Block Next Spell Chance to block next spell that meets the focus limits. percent chance none none
336 SE_IllusionaryTarget Illusionary Target
337 SE_PercentXPIncrease Experience Modify amount of experience gained. percent modifier none none
338 SE_SummonAndResAllCorpses Expedient Recovery Summon and ressurect all corpses for 100% experience. Seen at 70 Unknown what base value represents.
339 SE_TriggerOnCast Focus: Trigger on Cast Chance to cast an additional spell on the target when the spell you are casting meets the focus limits. percent chance spellid none
340 SE_SpellTrigger Spell Trigger: Only One Spell Cast Chance to cast a spell on the target. When multiple of this effects are present, only one is cast. percent chance spellid none When multiple of this effect exist on the same spell, only one spell will be selected from the list to be cast. For best results, the total percent chance should equal 100%. Example, Slot 1: Cast Ice Nuke 20%, Slot2: Cast Fire Nuke 50%, Slot3 Cast Magic Nuke 30%. When the spell is cast, only one of these spells be triggered on the target.
341 SE_ItemAttackCapIncrease Worn Attack Cap Increase ATK from items over cap by amount. amount none none
342 SE_ImmuneFleeing Prevent Flee on Low Health Prevent NPC from fleeing at low health. 1 none none
343 SE_InterruptCasting Spell Interrupt Chance to interrupt targets spell casting can be instant or per buff tick. percent chance none none
344 SE_ChannelChanceItems Item Channeling Modify chance to channel a spell from items and avoid being interupted by percent. percent modifer none none
345 SE_AssassinateLevel Assassinate Max Level Set max target level and bonus proc chance for assissinate. max target level proc chance bonus none
346 SE_HeadShotLevel Headshot Max Level Set max target level and bonus proc chance for assissinate. max target level proc chance bonus none
347 SE_DoubleRangedAttack Double Ranged Attack Chance to perform an additional ranged attack. percent chance none none Will consume an additional ammo item.
348 SE_LimitManaMin Limit: Min Mana Mininum mana of spell that can be focused. mana amount none none
349 SE_ShieldEquipDmgMod Damage With Shield Modify melee damage and hate when having a shield equiped by percentage. percent modifier none none
350 SE_ManaBurn Manaburn Instantly drains mana for damage at a defined ratio up to a defined maximum amount of mana. max amount of mana drained percent of mana converted to damage none Limit value if set to negative will result in damage
351 SE_PersistentEffect Persistent Effect Create an aura that will provide a persistent effect around your character. unknown none unknown Set 'Teleport Zone' field to be the same as 'name' field in of the pet you want in the auras table.
352 SE_IncreaseTrapCount Trap Count Increase trap count by amount. amount none none
353 SE_AdditionalAura Aura Count Increase aura count by amount. amount none none
354 SE_DeactivateAllTraps Deactivate All Traps
355 SE_LearnTrap Learn Trap
356 SE_ChangeTriggerType Change Trigger Type
357 SE_FcMute Focus: Mute Chance to prevents casting of spell if limits are met. chance none none
358 SE_CurrentManaOnce Mana Once Modify mana by amount. Instant only. amount none max amount (use positive value)
359 SE_PassiveSenseTrap Passive Sense Trap Grants you a chance to innately sense traps when you near them.T his passive chance is only half as effective as your active Sense Trap skill.
360 SE_ProcOnKillShot Trigger Spell On Kill Shot Chance to cast a spell if you are the one responsible for the death of a challenging foe. percent chance spellid minimum target level Typical use case is a self only buff when triggered.
361 SE_SpellOnDeath Trigger Spell On Death Chance to casts a spell when the entity with this effect is killed. percent chance spellid none Typical use case is casting an area of effect upon death. Placing self only beneficial spells such as heals will not work due to player already being dead.
362 SE_PotionBeltSlots Potion Belt Slots
363 SE_BandolierSlots Bandolier Slots
364 SE_TripleAttackChance Triple Attack Chance Modify chance to triple attack by percentage. percent modifier none none
365 SE_ProcOnSpellKillShot Trigger Spell on Spell Kill Shot Chance to cast a spell when your target is killed and the kill is caused by the specific spell with this effect in it. percent chance spellid none This effect is typical found on direct damage spells.
366 SE_GroupShielding Group Shielding
367 SE_SetBodyType Modify Body Type Set body type of target. body type none none
368 SE_FactionMod Modify Faction
369 SE_CorruptionCounter Corruption Counter Determines potency of determental corruption spells or potency of cures. amount none none Set to positive values for potency of detrimental spells
370 SE_ResistCorruption Corruption Resist Modify fire corruption by amount amout none max amount
371 SE_AttackSpeed4 Attack Speed: Inhibit Melee Decrease the remaining portion of your targets attack speed value not lowered by standard slows, this stacks with other slow effects. slow amount none none This effect works differently than other slows. Base should always be positive. Example: (SPA 11) Sha's Legacy 65% slow + (SPA 371) Lassitude 25% slow, Sha's Legacy is calculated as 100 - 35 = 65% slow, therefore the remaining attack speed is (35). Lassitude will now decrease the remaining value (35) by 25% = 16.5%. The total slowed value on the target would be 65% + 16.5% = 81.25% slow. If SPA 371 is only slow effect on target, then it will be slowed for full base value.
372 SE_ForageSkill Grant Foraging Grants forage skill. 1 none none
373 SE_CastOnFadeEffectAlways Cast Spell On Fade (v373) Cast a spell only if buff containing this effect fades after the full duration. spellid none none
374 SE_ApplyEffect Spell Trigger: Apply Each Spell Chance to cast a spell on the target. When multiple of this effect are present, each is applied. percent chance spellid none
375 SE_DotCritDmgIncrease Critical DoT Damage Modify damage from critical damage over time by percent. percent modifier none none
376 SE_Fling Fling Knocbkack to target. Handled client side.
377 SE_CastOnFadeEffectNPC Cast Spell On Fade (v377) Cast a spell only if buff containing this effect fades after the full duration. spellid none none
378 SE_SpellEffectResistChance Spell Effect Resist Chance Chance to resist specific spell effect. chance modifier spell effect id none
379 SE_ShadowStepDirectional Directional Shadowstep Teleport a specified distance and direction. distance unit direction degrees This effect is handled client side. Unclear how base value equates to actual in game distance movement. Limit directional values example, 0: Shadowstep Forward, 90: Shadowstep Right, 180:Shadowstep Back, 270: Shadowstep Left
380 SE_Knockdown Knockback Knockback effect. push up? push back? none Handled by client.
381 SE_KnockTowardCaster Fling Target to Caster Knockback to caster. Handled client side.
382 SE_NegateSpellEffect Negate Spell Effect Negates specific spell effect benefits for the duration of the debuff and prevent non-duration spell effect from working. negate spell effect type spell effect id none
383 SE_SympatheticProc Focus: Proc on Spell Cast Cast on spell use with proc rate determined by cast time. proc rate modifier spellid none Typically found on item focus effects. Longer cast time spells are adjusted to have higher proc rates.
384 SE_Leap Fling Caster to Target Teleport to location that is a specificed distance away. distance none none
385 SE_LimitSpellGroup Limit: SpellGroup Spell group(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude, base1: spellgroup id, Include: Positive Exclude: Negative spellgroup id none none Include set value to positive
386 SE_CastOnCurer Trigger Spell on Curer Casts a spell on the curer of the afflicition. spellid none none This effect goes on the spell that needs curing.
387 SE_CastOnCure Trigger Spell on Cure Casts a spell on the entity being cured of the afflicition. spellid none none This effect goes on the spell that needs curing.
388 SE_SummonCorpseZone Summon All Corpses Summons all of the corpses of your targeted group member to that target's location. 1 none none
389 SE_FcTimerRefresh Focus: Spell Gem Refresh Reset all recast spell gem timers, can limit to reset only specific spell gem timers. 1 none none Applied from casted spells only.
390 SE_FcTimerLockout Focus: Spell Gem Lockout Set a spell gem to be on recast timer. recast duration milliseconds none none Applied from casted spells only.
391 SE_LimitManaMax Limit: Max Mana Mininum mana of spell that can be focused mana amount none none
392 SE_FcHealAmt Focus: Healing Amount (v392) Modify healing by a flat amount. amount none none
393 SE_FcHealPctIncoming Focus: Incoming Healing Effectiveness (v392) Modify incoming heals by a percentage. percent modifier none none
394 SE_FcHealAmtIncoming Focus: Incoming Healing Amount Modify incoming heals by a flat amount. amount none none
395 SE_FcHealPctCritIncoming Focus: Incoming Healing Effectiveness (v395) Modify incoming heals by a percentage. percent modifier none none
396 SE_FcHealAmtCrit Focus: Healing Amount (v396 before crit) Modify incoming heals by a flat amount. Healing is added before critical calculation. amount none none
397 SE_PetMeleeMitigation Pet Mitigation Modify pets incoming damage mitigation by percentage. percent modifier none none
398 SE_SwarmPetDuration Focus: Swarm Pet Duration Increase swarm pet duration by amount time. duration ms none none
399 SE_FcTwincast Focus: Twincast Chance Chance to cast a spell a second time. percent chance none none
400 SE_HealGroupFromMana Heal Group From Mana Drains your mana and heals your target for an amount determined by ratio modifier for each point of mana drained. max amount mana drained ratio of HP gain per 1 mana drained none Ratio is calculated as value / 10, example if you want to heal 13 HP for every 1 mana, set base to 130.
401 SE_ManaDrainWithDmg Damage for Amount Mana Drained Drains your mana and damages a target for an amount determined by ratio modifier for each point of mana drained. max amount mana drained ratio of HP of damage per 1 mana drained Ratio is calculated as value / 10, example if you want to damage for l 13 HP for every 1 mana, set base to 130.
402 SE_EndDrainWithDmg Damage for Amount Endurance Drained Drains your mana and damages a target for an amount determined by ratio modifier for each point of mana drained. max amount endurance drained ratio of HP of damage per 1 endurance drained Ratio is calculated as value / 10, example if you want to damage for l 13 HP for every 1 endurance, set base to 130.
403 SE_LimitSpellClass Limit: SpellClass Spell Category' using table field 'spell_class' that a spell focus can require or exclude. spell_class id none none Include set value to positive
404 SE_LimitSpellSubclass Limit: SpellSubclass Spell Category Subclass' using table field 'spell_subclass' that a spell focus can require or exclude. spell_subclass id none none Include set value to positive
405 SE_TwoHandBluntBlock Staff Block Chance Chance to block an attack while two handed blunt weapon is equiped. percent chance none none
406 SE_CastonNumHitFade Trigger Spell on Hit Count Fade Cast a spell when a spell buffs hit counter is depleted. spellid none none
407 SE_CastonFocusEffect Trigger Spell on Focus Effect Success Casts a spell if the spells focus limits are met. spellid none none This effect goes on a spell with a focus effect.
408 SE_LimitHPPercent Heal Up To Percent Limit Cap HP at lowest of percent or amount. Can not be healed beyond this limit. percent HP amount HP none
409 SE_LimitManaPercent Restore Mana Up To Percent Limit Cap Mana at lowest of percent or amount. Can have mana restored beyond this limit. percent HP amount HP none
410 SE_LimitEndPercent Restore Endurance Up To Percent Limit Cap HP at lowest of percent or amount. Can not be healed beyond this limit. percent HP amount HP none
411 SE_LimitClass Limit: PlayerClass Class(es) that can use the spell focus. class bitmask none none The class value in dbase is +1 in relation to item class value, set as you would item for multiple classes.
412 SE_LimitRace Limit: Race Race that can use the spell focus. race id none none Not used in any known live spells. Use only single race at a time.
413 SE_FcBaseEffects Focus: Base Spell Value Modify spell effect value after formula calculations but before other focuses. percent modifier none none Used to set bard instrument modifiers. Can be used to focus many effects otherwise not able to be focused by other methods. If modifying spells that are buffs, value must be intervals of 10% and starting at greater than 10%. For example, if a 10% increase in rune amount is required, set base value to 11, that will be calculated as base value * 1.10, resulting in a 10% increase. For a 20% increase set to 12.
414 SE_LimitCastingSkill Limit: CastingSkill Spell and singing skills(s) that a spell focus can require or exclude. skill type none none Include set value to positive
415 SE_FFItemClass Limit: ItemClass Limits focuses to be applied only from item click. item ItemType item SubType item Slots Not used on live. Details, base: item ItemType (-1 to include for all ItemTypes, -1000 to exclude clicks from getting the focus, or exclude specific SubTypes or Slots if set), limit: item SubType (-1 for all SubTypes), max: item Slots (bitmask of valid slots, -1 ALL slots), See comments in Mob::CalcFocusEffect for more details. Special: Can be used with SPA 310 reduce item click recast and SPA 127, 500,5001 to reduce item click casting time.
416 SE_ACv2 AC (v416) Modify AC by amount amount none amount
417 SE_ManaRegen_v2 Mana Regen (v417) Modify mana by amount, repeates every tic if in a buff. amount none max amount (use positive value)
418 SE_SkillDamageAmount2 Skill Damage Bonus (v418) Add a flat amount of damage when a specific melee skill is used. amount skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
419 SE_AddMeleeProc Add Melee Proc (v419) Add proc to melee. spellid rate modifer none
420 SE_FcLimitUse Focus: Hit Count Modify buff hit count by percent. percent modifier none none Not used in any known live spells. Hit count is set using field 'numhits' in spells new.
421 SE_FcIncreaseNumHits Focus: Hit Count Amount Modify buff hit count by flat amount. hit count amount none none Hit count is set using field 'numhits' in spells new.
422 SE_LimitUseMin Limit: Minimum Hit Count Minium amount of hit count for a spell to be focused. hit count amount nonw none Hit count is set using field 'numhits' in spells new.
423 SE_LimitUseType Limit: Hit Count Type Focus will only affect if has this hit count type. hit count type nonw none hit type is set using field 'numhitstype' in spells_new. 1:Incoming Hit Attempts, 2:Outgoing Hit Attempts, 3:Incoming Spells, 4:Outgoing Spells, 5: Outgoing Hit Successes, 6:Incoming Hit Successes, 7:Matching Spells, 8:Incoming Hits Or Spells, 9:Reflected Spells, 10:Defensive Proc Casts, 11: Offensive Proc Casts.
424 SE_GravityEffect Gravitate Causes a target that is within specific distance of you to gravitate toward or away from you with set amount of force over a period of time. Force Distance unknown Negative base value will pull target
425 SE_Display Fly Grants flying animation to certain illusions.
426 SE_IncreaseExtTargetWindow AddExtTargetSlots Increases the capacity of your extended target window
427 SE_SkillProc Skill Proc On Attempt Add proc to a specific combat or ability skill is used. spellid rate modifer none Example, can add a proc to taunt which will have a chance to fire each time you use skill.
428 SE_LimitToSkill Limit To Skill Limits what combat skills will trigger a skill (SPA 426, 429), melee (SPA 419) or ranged (SPA 201) proc. skill type none none This needs to be placed after the proc SPA in a spell to be checked properly.
429 SE_SkillProcSuccess Skill Proc On Success Add proc to a specific combat or ability skill when that skill is succesfully used. spellid rate modifer none Example, can add a proc to taunt which will have a chance to fire if you taunt successsfully.
430 SE_PostEffect PostEffect
431 SE_PostEffectData PostEffectData
432 SE_ExpandMaxActiveTrophyBen Expand Max Active Trophy Benefits
433 SE_CriticalDotDecay Critical DoT Decay Increase critical dot chance, effect decays based on level of spell it effects. percent chance decay modifier none Live no longer uses this effect, replaced after ROF2 with different effect. Effects were introduced during VoA.
434 SE_CriticalHealDecay Critical Heal Decay Increase critical heal chance, effect decays based on level of spell it effects. percent chance decay modifier none Live no longer uses this effect, replaced after ROF2 with different effect. Effects were introduced during VoA.
435 SE_CriticalRegenDecay Critic Heal Over Time Decay Increase critical heal over time chance, effect decays based on level of spell it effects. percent chance decay modifier none Live no longer uses this effect, replaced after ROF2 with different effect. Effects were introduced during VoA.
436 SE_BeneficialCountDownHold Toggle Freeze Buff Timers
437 SE_TeleporttoAnchor Teleport to Anchor
438 SE_TranslocatetoAnchor Translocate to Anchor
439 SE_Assassinate Assassinate Grants backstab and critical throwing attacks a chance to deal massive damage to targets when attacking from behind. percent chance damage amount none Use with SPA 345 to set max target level and bonus chance.
440 SE_FinishingBlowLvl Finishing Blow Max Level Sets the max level and max hit point ratio an NPC must be to receive a Finishing Blow. max target level hit point percent to trigger none Limit value is calculated as limit / 10. To set FB to trigger below 10 pct HP, set limit to 100. If multiple version of this affect exist it will use highest HP percent.
441 SE_DistanceRemoval Distance Buff Removal Buff is removed from target when target moves specified amount of distance away from where initially hit. distance amount none none
442 SE_TriggerOnReqTarget Trigger Spell on Target Requirement Cast a spell when Target Requirement conditions are met. spellid Target Restriction ID none See enum SpellRestriction in spdat.h for IDs. This trigger spell is usually cast on a target.
443 SE_TriggerOnReqCaster Trigger Spell on Caster Requirement Cast a spell when Caster Requirement conditions are met spellid Target Restriction ID none See enum SpellRestriction in spdat.h for IDs. This trigger spell is usually cast on self.
444 SE_ImprovedTaunt Improved Taunt Causes target to locks aggro on the caster and decreases other players hate by percentage on NPC targets below the specified max level. 999 other players percent of hate generation max target level Limit greater than 100 increased hate generation on other players (120 = 20 pct increased hate generation)
445 SE_AddMercSlot Add Merc Slot
446 SE_AStacker A Stacker Buff blocker A stacking value none none "Buffs containing these effects can block each other from taking hold via the following. Does not matter what slot the effect is in. (B) Blocks any buffs from taking hold with (A) in it. (C) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (B) in it.
(D) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (C) in it. When checking same type (ie A vs A), the higher base effect value will determine which takes hold."
447 SE_BStacker B Stacker Buff blocker B stacking value none none "Buffs containing these effects can block each other from taking hold via the following. Does not matter what slot the effect is in. (B) Blocks any buffs from taking hold with (A) in it. (C) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (B) in it.
(D) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (C) in it. When checking same type (ie A vs A), the higher base effect value will determine which takes hold."
448 SE_CStacker C Stacker Buff blocker C stacking value none none "Buffs containing these effects can block each other from taking hold via the following. Does not matter what slot the effect is in. (B) Blocks any buffs from taking hold with (A) in it. (C) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (B) in it.
(D) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (C) in it. When checking same type (ie A vs A), the higher base effect value will determine which takes hold."
449 SE_DStacker D Stacker Buff blocker D stacking value none none "Buffs containing these effects can block each other from taking hold via the following. Does not matter what slot the effect is in. (B) Blocks any buffs from taking hold with (A) in it. (C) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (B) in it.
(D) Blocks any buff from taking hold with (C) in it. When checking same type (ie A vs A), the higher base effect value will determine which takes hold."
450 SE_MitigateDotDamage Mitigate Damage Over Time Rune Mitigate incoming damage from damage over time spells by percentage until rune fades. percent mitigation max damage absorbed per hit rune amount Special: If this effect is placed on item as worn effect or as an AA, it will provide stackable percent damage over time mitigation for the base value.
451 SE_MeleeThresholdGuard Melee Threshold Guard Partial Melee Rune that only is lowered if melee hits are over the specified amount of damage. percent mitigation minimum damage to be lowered rune amount
452 SE_SpellThresholdGuard Spell Threshold Guard Partial Spell Rune that only is lowered if spell hits are over the specified amount of damage. percent mitigation minimum damage to be lowered rune amount
453 SE_TriggerMeleeThreshold Trigger Spell on Melee Threshold Cast a spell when a specified amount of melee damage taken in a single hit. spellid amount of melee damage none
454 SE_TriggerSpellThreshold Trigger Spell on Spell Threshold Cast a spell when a specified amount of spell damage is taken in a single hit. spellid amount of spell damage none
455 SE_AddHatePct Add Hate Percent Modify targets total hate toward the caster by percentage. percent modifier none none Positive value increased hate.
456 SE_AddHateOverTimePct Add Hate Over Time Percent Modify targets total hate toward the caster by percentage, repeates every tic if in a buff. percent modifier none none Positive value increases hate.
457 SE_ResourceTap Resource Tap Return a percentage of Spell Damage as (HP/Mana/Endurance), up to a maximum amount per spell. percent coverted 0=HP, 1=Mana,2=Endurance max amount resource returned Conversion percent calculated as value / 10, example to convert 85 percent of damage to mana set base value to 850 and limit to 1.
458 SE_FactionModPct Faction Pct Modify faction gains and losses by percent. percent modifier none none
459 SE_DamageModifier2 Skill Damage Modifier (v459) Modify melee damage by skill. percent modifer skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
460 SE_Ff_Override_NotFocusable Limit: Include Non-Focusable Allow spell to be focused even if flagged with 'not_focusable' in spell table. 1 none none
461 SE_ImprovedDamage2 Focus: Spell Damage (v461) Modify outgoing spell damage by percentage. min percent none max percent Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
462 SE_FcDamageAmt2 Focus: Spell Damage Amount (v462) Modify outgoing spell damage by a flat amount amount none none
463 SE_Shield_Target Shield Target
464 SE_PC_Pet_Rampage PC Pet Rampage Percent chance for a pet to do a rampage melee attack with damage modifier each melee round. percent chance damage modifier none Limit greater than 100 for increased damage (120 = 20 pct increased damage)
465 SE_PC_Pet_AE_Rampage PC Pet AE Rampage Percent chance for a pet to do a AE rampage melee attack with damage modifier each melee round. percent chance damage modifier none Limit greater than 100 for increased damage (120 = 20 pct increased damage)
466 SE_PC_Pet_Flurry_Chance PC Pet Flurry Chance Percent chance for a pet to do flurry from double attack hit. percent chance none none
467 SE_DS_Mitigation_Amount Damage Shield Mitigation Amount Modify incoming damage shield damage by a flat amount. amount none none
468 SE_DS_Mitigation_Percentage Damage Shield Mitigation Percentage Modify incoming damage shield damage by percentage. percent modifier none none
469 SE_Chance_Best_in_Spell_Grp Spell Trigger: Best in Spell Group: Only One Spell Cast Chance to cast highest scribed spell within a spell group. When multiple of this effects are present, only one is cast. percent chance spellgroup id When multiple of this effect exist on the same spell, only one spell will be selected from the list to be cast. For best results, the total percent chance should equal 100%. Example, Slot 1: Cast Ice Nuke spellgroup 20%, Slot2: Cast Fire Nuke spellgroup 50%, Slot3 Cast Magic Nuke spellgroup 30%. When the spell is cast, only one of these spells be triggered on the target.
470 SE_Trigger_Best_in_Spell_Grp Spell Trigger: Best in Spell Group: Apply Each Chance to cast highest scribed spell within a spell group. Each spell has own chance. percent chance spellgroup id
471 SE_Double_Melee_Round Double Melee Round (PC Only) Percent chance to repeat primary weapon round with a percent damage modifier. percent chance percent damage modifier none
472 SE_Buy_AA_Rank Toggle Passive AA Rank Used in AA abilities that have Enable/Disable toggle. Spell on Disabled Rank has this effect in it. 1 none none Certain AA, like Weapon Stance line use a special toggle Hotkey to enable or disable the AA's passive abilities. This is occurs by doing the following. Each 'rank' of Weapon Stance is actually 2 actual ranks. First rank is always the Disabled version which cost X amount of AA, this is the rank that SPA 472 goes in. Second rank is the Enabled version which cost 0 AA. When you buy the first rank, you make a hotkey that on live say 'Weapon Stance Disabled', if you clik that it then BUYS the next rank of AA (cost 0) which switches the hotkey to 'Enabled Weapon Stance' and you are given the passive buff effects. If you click the Enabled hotkey, it causes you to lose an AA rank and once again be disabled. Thus, you are switching between two AA ranks. Thefore when creating an AA using this ability, you need generate both ranks. Follow the same pattern for additional ranks. See aa.cpp for further details.
473 SE_Double_Backstab_Front Double Backstab From Front Chance to double backstab from front. percent chance none none
474 SE_Pet_Crit_Melee_Damage_Pct_Owner Pet Crit Melee Damage Modifies your pets critical melee damage. percent modifier none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
475 SE_Trigger_Spell_Non_Item Trigger Spell: Not Cast From Items: Apply Each Chance to cast a spell on a target if not cast by item click. Each spell has own chance. chance pecent spellid
476 SE_Weapon_Stance Weapon Stance Apply a specific spell buffs automatically if depending 2Hander, Shield or Duel Wield is equiped. spellid 0=2H, 1=Shield, 2=DW none On live this is an AA, on emu can use as item or spell buff effect. Live AA uses a toggle system to turn on and off weapons stance. which requires use of SPA 472 SE_Buy_AA_Rank within in the AA. Details can be found in aa.cpp
477 SE_Hatelist_To_Top_Index Move to Top of Rampage List Chance to be set to top of rampage list chacne percent none none
478 SE_Hatelist_To_Tail_Index Move to Bottom of Rampage List Chance to be set to bottom of rampage list percent chance none none
479 SE_Ff_Value_Min Limit: Base Value Min Minimum base value of a spell effect within a spell attempting to be focused. effect_base_value spell effect id none Example, only allow focus if spell has Effect ID 0 which is a Heal and the heals effect value is less than 5000.
480 SE_Ff_Value_Max Limit: Base Value Max Maximum base value of a spell effect within a spell attempting to be focused. effect_base_value spell effect id none Example, only allow focus if spell has Effect ID 0 which is a Heal and the heals effect value is greater than 5000.
481 SE_Fc_Cast_Spell_On_Land Focus: Trigger Spell on Spell Landing Cast spell if hit by an incoming spell and that incoming spell meets limit requirements. spellid none none Example, everytime you are hit with a fire nuke, cast a heal on yourself.
482 SE_Skill_Base_Damage_Mod Base Hit Damage Modify base melee damage by percent. percent modifier skill type (-1 = ALL skill types) none
483 SE_Fc_Spell_Damage_Pct_IncomingPC Focus: Incoming Spell Damage (v483) Modify incoming spell damage taken by percent. min percent modifier none max percent modifier Use random effectiveness if base and max value are defined, where base is always lower end and max the higher end of the random range. If random value not wanted, then only set a base value.
484 SE_Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_IncomingPC Focus: Incoming Spell Damage Amount (v484) Modify incoming spell damage taken by a flat amount. amount none none
485 SE_Ff_CasterClass Limit: Caster Class Caster of the spell on target with a focus effect that is checked by incoming spells must be specified class(es). class bitmask none none Set multiple classes same as would for items. This is only used with focus effects that check against incoming spells.
486 SE_Ff_Same_Caster Limit: Caster Caster of spell on target with a focus effect that is checked by incoming spells. 0=Must be different caster 1=Must be same caster none none This is only used with focus effects that check against incoming spells.
487 SE_Extend_Tradeskill_Cap Extend Tradeskill Cap
488 SE_Defender_Melee_Force_Pct_PC Push Taken
489 SE_Worn_Endurance_Regen_Cap Worn Endurance Regen Cap Modify endurance regen cap from items. amount none none
490 SE_Ff_ReuseTimeMin Limit: Reuse Time Min Minimum recast time of a spell that can be focused. recast time none none
491 SE_Ff_ReuseTimeMax Limit: Reuse Time Max Maximum recast time of a spell that can be focused. recast time none none
492 SE_Ff_Endurance_Min Limit: Endurance Min Minimum endurance cost of a spell that can be focused endurance cost none none
493 SE_Ff_Endurance_Max Limit: Endurance Max Maximum endurance cost of a spell that can be focused. endurance cost none none
494 SE_Pet_Add_Atk Pet Add ATK Modifies your pets ATK by amount. amount none none This effect goes on the pet owner and then the benefit is applied to the pet.
495 SE_Ff_DurationMax Limit: Duration Max Maximum duration of spell that can be focused. tics
496 SE_Critical_Melee_Damage_Mod_Max Critical Melee Damage: No Stack Modifies damage done from a critical melee hit by percent. percent modifier skill type (-1 = all skill types) none
497 SE_Ff_FocusCastProcNoBypass Limit: Proc No Bypass
498 SE_AddExtraAttackPct_1h_Primary Add Extra Attack: 1H Primary Gives your double attacks a percent chance to perform an extra attack with 1-handed primary weapon. percent chance number of attacks none
499 SE_AddExtraAttackPct_1h_Secondary Add Extra Attack: 1H Secondary Gives your double attacks a percent chance to perform an extra attack with 1-handed secondary weapon. percent chance number of attacks none
500 SE_Fc_CastTimeMod2 Focus: Spell Haste (v500, no cap) Modify cast time by percent. percent modifier none none Can reduce cast time to 0.
501 SE_Fc_CastTimeAmt Focus: Spell Cast Time Modify cast time by flat amount. time ms none none Can reduce cast time to 0.
502 SE_Fearstun Fearstun Stun with a max level limit. Fear restrictions apply. Normal stun restrictions do not apply. duration ms PC duration ms target max level Max value can be calculated in two ways, to set a max level that target can be affected the formula is value - 1000, example if max level is 80, then set as 1080. If you want to set max level to be relative to caster, example only affects entities that are 3 more less level higher than caster, then set max value to 3.
503 SE_Melee_Damage_Position_Mod Rear Arc Melee Damage Mod Modify melee damage by percent if done from Front or Behind opponent. percent modifier 0=back, 1=front
504 SE_Melee_Damage_Position_Amt Rear Arc Melee Damage Amt Modify melee damage by flat amount if done from Front or Behind opponen. amount 0=back, 1=front
505 SE_Damage_Taken_Position_Mod Rear Arc Damage Taken Mod Modify incoming melee damage by percent if damageis taken from Front or Behind. percent modifier 0=back, 1=front
506 SE_Damage_Taken_Position_Amt Rear Arc Damage Taken Amt Modify incoming melee damage by flat amount if damage is taken from your Front or Behind. amount 0=back, 1=front
507 SE_Fc_Amplify_Mod Focus: Spell Heal Damage and DoT Modify spell damage, healing and damge over time by percent. percent modifier none none
508 SE_Fc_Amplify_Amt Focus: Spell Heal Damage and DoT Amount Modify spell damage, healing and damge over time by a flat amount. amount none none
509 SE_Health_Transfer Health Transfer Exchange health for damage or healing on a target. casters percent HP change percent of casters HP to damage none Used in newer versions of Lifeburn and Act of Valor. Base is calculated as value / 100, where a reducation of 75 percent of casters HP would be value 750. Limit is calculated as value / 10, if value is set to 1000 then damage will be 100 percent of casters HP. Negative base decreases casters HP, negative limit decreases targets HP, positive limit heals target.
510 SE_Fc_ResistIncoming Focus: Incoming Resist Modifier Modify incoming spells resist modifier by amount. amount none none Positive value will lower resist modifier. Every 2 pts of value equals a resist rate decrease of 1 percent. Example, base -750 and limit -10000, will consumes 75% of your current health and deals 1000% of that health as direct damage.
511 SE_Ff_FocusTimerMin Limit: Focus Reuse Timer Sets a recast time until focus can be used again. 1 time ms none Example, set limit to 1500, then this focus can only trigger once every 1.5 seconds.
512 SE_Proc_Timer_Modifier Proc Reuse Timer Sets a recast time until a proc can fire again. 1 time ms none Example, set limit to 1500, then this proc can only trigger once every 1.5 seconds.
513 SE_Mana_Max_Percent Mana Max Percent
514 SE_Endurance_Max_Percent Endurance Max Percent
515 SE_AC_Avoidance_Max_Percent AC Avoidance Max Percent Modify AC avoidance by percent. percent modifier none none Calculated as base value / 100 is actual percent. Example for 7.14 percent modifier, set to 714.
516 SE_AC_Mitigation_Max_Percent AC Mitigation Max Percent Modify AC mitigation by percent. percent modifier none none Calculated as base value / 100 is actual percent. Example for 7.14 percent modifier, set to 714.
517 SE_Attack_Offense_Max_Percent Attack Offense Max Percent Modify ATK offense by percent. percent modifier none none Calculated as base value / 100 is actual percent. Example for 7.14 percent modifier, set to 714.
518 SE_Attack_Accuracy_Max_Percent Attack Accuracy Max Percent Modify ATK accuracy by percent. percent modifier none none Calculated as base value / 100 is actual percent. Example for 7.14 percent modifier, set to 714.
519 SE_Luck_Amount Luck Amount
520 SE_Luck_Percent Luck Percent
521 SE_Endurance_Absorb_Pct_Damage Absorb Damage with Endurance Reduces a percent of incoming damage using endurance, drains endurance at a ratio. mitigation percentage ratio none Base calculated as value / 100, example if base 2000 then mitigation is 20 percent. Limit is calculated as value / 10000, example if limit 500 then ratio will be 0.05 Endurance reduced per 1 Hit Point of damage.
522 SE_Instant_Mana_Pct Instant Mana Percent Modify mana by percent of maximum mana, or flat amount, whichever is lower. percent of max mana max amount none Negative base value increases mana
523 SE_Instant_Endurance_Pct Instant Endurance Percent Modify endurance by percent of maximum endurance, or flat amount, whichever is lower. percent of max endurance max amount none Negative base value increases endurance
524 SE_Duration_HP_Pct Duration HP Percent Modify hit points by percent of maximum hit points, or flat amount, whichever is lower, repeates every tic if in a buff. percent of max hit points max amount none Negative base value increases hit points
525 SE_Duration_Mana_Pct Duration Mana Percent Modify mana by percent of maximum mana, or flat amount, whichever is lower, repeates every tic if in a buff. percent of max mana max amount none Negative base value increases mana
526 SE_Duration_Endurance_Pct Duration Endurance Percent Modify endurance by percent of maximum endurance, or flat amount, whichever is lower, repeates every tic if in a buff. percent of max endurance max amount none Negative base value increases endurance