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    bot_pet_buffs {
        varchar pets_index
        varchar spell_id
    bot_pets {
        varchar bot_id
        varchar pets_index
        varchar spell_id
    spells_new {
        int id
        int descnum
        int effectdescnum
        int effectdescnum2
        int typedescnum
        varchar teleport_zone
    bot_pet_buffs ||--o{ bot_pets : "One-to-One"
    bot_pet_buffs ||--o{ spells_new : "One-to-One"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
One-to-One pets_index bot_pets pets_index
One-to-One spell_id spells_new id


Column Data Type Description
pet_buffs_index int Unique Bot Pet Buffs Identifier
pets_index int Bot Pet Identifier
spell_id int Spell Identifier
caster_level int Caster Level
duration int Duration of buff