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    bot_spell_casting_chances {
        varchar spell_type_index
        varchar stance_index
    bot_spells_entries {
        varchar type
        varchar npc_spells_id
        varchar spell_id
        varchar spellid
    bot_spell_casting_chances ||--o{ bot_spells_entries : "Has-Many"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
Has-Many spell_type_index bot_spells_entries type


Column Data Type Description
id int Unique Bot Spell Casting Chance Identifier
spell_type_index tinyint Spell Type Identifier
class_id tinyint Class Identifier
stance_index tinyint Stance Type Identifier
nHSND_value tinyint Negative Healer/Slower/Nuker/Doter Value
pH_value tinyint Positive Healer Value
pS_value tinyint Positive Slower Value
pHS_value tinyint Positive Healer/Slower Value
pN_value tinyint Positive Nuker Value
pHN_value tinyint Positive Healer/Nuker Value
pSN_value tinyint Positive Slower/Nuker Value
pHSN_value tinyint Positive Healer/Slower/Nuker Value
pD_value tinyint Positive Doter Value
pHD_value tinyint Positive Healer/Doter Value
pSD_value tinyint Positive Slower/Doter Value
pHSD_value tinyint Positive Healer/Slower/Doter Value
pND_value tinyint Positive Nuker/Doter Value
pHND_value tinyint Positive Healer/Nuker/Doter Value
pSND_value tinyint Positive Slower/Nuker/Doter Value
pHSND_value tinyint Positive Healer/Slower/Nuker/Doter Value