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Quest API (Lua)

Note: Methods described as returning a nullptr for Expedition return types refers to the internal wrapped pointer and should not be validated with Lua's nil. Use result.valid or result.null to check the return result.

Global methods

return type function
void eq.add_expedition_lockout_all_clients(string expedition_name, string event_name, int seconds, string uuid = "")
void eq.add_expedition_lockout_by_char_id(int character_id, string expedition_name, string event_name, int seconds, string uuid = "")
Expedition* eq.get_expedition()
Expedition* eq.get_expedition_by_char_id(int character_id)
Expedition* eq.get_expedition_by_dz_id(int dz_id)
Expedition* eq.get_expedition_by_zone_instance(int zone_id, int instance_id)
LUA_TTABLE eq.get_expedition_lockout_by_char_id(int character_id, string expedition_name, string event_name)
LUA_TTABLE eq.get_expedition_lockouts_by_char_id(int character_id, string expedition_name = "")
void eq.remove_all_expedition_lockouts_by_char_id(int character_id, string expedition_name = "")
void eq.remove_expedition_lockout_by_char_id(int character_id, string expedition_name, string event_name)

Client methods

return type function
void AddExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name, uint32 seconds, string uuid = "")
void AddExpeditionLockoutDuration(string expedition_name, string event_name, int seconds, string uuid = "")
Expedition* CreateExpedition(string zone_short_name, int zone_version, int duration, string expedition_name, int min_players, int max_players, bool disable_messages = false)
Expedition* CreateExpedition(LUA_TTABLE expedition_info)
Expedition* GetExpedition()
LUA_TTABLE GetExpeditionLockouts(string expedition_name = "")
string GetLockoutExpeditionUUID(string expedition_name, string event_name)
bool HasExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name)
void MovePCDynamicZone(int zone_id, int zone_version = -1, bool msg_if_invalid = true)
void MovePCDynamicZone(string zone_short_name, int zone_version = -1, bool msg_if_invalid = true)
void RemoveAllExpeditionLockouts(string expedition_name = "")
void RemoveExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name)

Group methods

return type function
bool DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name, int max_member_check_count = 0)

Raid methods

return type function
bool DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name, int max_member_check_count = 0)

Expedition methods

return type property
bool valid
bool null
return type function
void AddLockout(string event_name, uint32 seconds_duration)
void AddLockoutDuration(string event_name, int seconds, bool members_only = true)
void AddReplayLockout(int seconds_duration)
void AddReplayLockoutDuration(int seconds_duration, bool members_only = true)
uint32 GetDynamicZoneID()
uint32 GetID()
int GetInstanceID()
string GetLeaderName()
LUA_TTABLE GetLockouts()
string GetLootEventByNPCTypeID(uint32 npc_type_id)
string GetLootEventBySpawnID(uint32 spawn_id)
uint32 GetMemberCount()
LUA_TTABLE GetMembers()
string GetName()
int GetSecondsRemaining()
string GetUUID()
int GetZoneID()
string GetZoneName()
int GetZoneVersion()
bool HasLockout(string event_name)
bool HasReplayLockout()
bool IsLocked()
void RemoveCompass()
void RemoveLockout(string event_name)
void SetCompass(int zone_id, float x, float y, float z)
void SetCompass(string zone_short_name, float x, float y, float z)
void SetLocked(bool value, ExpeditionLockMessage lock_msg = ExpeditionLockMessage::None, uint32 msg_color = Chat::Yellow)
void SetLootEventByNPCTypeID(uint32_t npc_type_id, string event_name)
void SetLootEventBySpawnID(uint32_t spawn_id, string event_name)
void SetReplayLockoutOnMemberJoin(bool value)
void SetSafeReturn(uint32_t zone_id, float x, float y, float z, float heading)
void SetSafeReturn(string zone_short_name, float x, float y, float z, float heading)
void SetZoneInLocation(float x, float y, float z, float heading)
void SetSecondsRemaining(uint32 seconds_remaining)
void UpdateLockoutDuration(string event_name, uint32_t seconds, bool members_only = true)

Expedition constants


constant value lock message
None 0
Close 1 "Your expedition is nearing its close. You cannot bring any additional people into your expedition at this time."
Begin 2 "The trial has begun. You cannot bring any additional people into your expedition at this time."