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  • #wpinfo - Target an NPC and use this to retrieve WP information assigned to it.
  • #gassign grid_num - Target an NPC and use this to assign it's spawn2 point to grid grid_num.
  • #grid add/delete grid_num wandertype pausetype - Adds grid grid_num with the wandertype/pausetype, or deletes grid number grid_num.
  • #wp add/delete grid_num pause wp_num -h - Adds waypoint number wp_num to grid grid_num with a pause of pause on the location you're standing at, or deletes waypoint number wp_num in grid number grid_num. Use the -h switch to use your current heading as the heading for that waypoint.
  • #wpadd [pause] [-h] - Adds a waypoint to a targeted NPC. If no grid is assigned, a new one will be created. Pause (default 0) and the heading switch are optional. As with #wp add, the heading switch will use your current heading.

Wander Type:

  • 0: Circular. NPC will cycle waypoints in order, then head back to the first waypoint.
  • 1: Random 10. NPC will pick a random of the nearest 10 waypoints and go to it.
  • 2: Random. NPCwill pick a random waypoint in the grid and go to it.
  • 3: Patrol. NPC will walk the waypoints to the end, then turn and backtrack.
  • 4: One Way. NPC will walk the waypoints to the end, then repop.
  • 5: Random 5 LoS. NPC will pick a random of the nearest 5 waypoints within line of sight.
  • 6: One Way. NPC will walk the waypoints to the end, then Depop.
  • 7: Center Point. NPC will treat wp0 as center and move between it and a random wp.
  • 8: Random Center Point. NPC will alternate between a random waypoint and a random waypoint that is marked as center point.
  • 9: Random Path. Pick random waypoints, but follow path instead of heading there directly.

Pause Type:

  • 0: Random half. NPC pauses for half of it's pause time + random of half it's pause time.
  • 1: Full. NPC pauses for full pause time.
  • 2: Random. NPC pauses for random of it's pause time.


  • To setup an NPC to a grid, simply #gassign an NPC spawned by a certain spawn2 point, and all NPC's spawned by that point will adhere to the selected grid. An NPC assigned to a grid will simply start wandering it after spawning.