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    global_loot {
        varchar content_flags
        varchar content_flags_disabled
        int loottable_id
        mediumtext zone
    content_flags {
        varchar flag_name
    loottable {
        varchar content_flags
        varchar content_flags_disabled
        intunsigned id
    zone {
        int zoneidnumber
        varchar short_name
        tinyintunsigned version
        varchar content_flags
        varchar content_flags_disabled
    global_loot ||--o{ content_flags : "One-to-One"
    global_loot ||--o{ content_flags : "One-to-One"
    global_loot ||--o{ loottable : "One-to-One"
    global_loot ||--o{ zone : "One-to-One"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
One-to-One content_flags content_flags flag_name
One-to-One content_flags_disabled content_flags flag_name
One-to-One loottable_id loottable id
One-to-One zone zone short_name


Column Data Type Description
id int Unique Global Loot Identifier
description varchar Description
loottable_id int Loottable Identifier
enabled tinyint Enabled: 0 = False, 1 = True
min_level int Minimum Level
max_level int Maximum Level
rare tinyint Rare: 0 = False, 1 = True
raid tinyint Raid: 0 = False, 1 = True
race mediumtext Race, multiple races supported if
class mediumtext Class, multiple classes supported if
bodytype mediumtext Body Type, multiple body types supported if
zone mediumtext Zone Short Name,, multiple zones supported if
hot_zone tinyint Hot Zone: 0 = False, 1 = True
min_expansion tinyint Minimum Expansion
max_expansion tinyint Maximum Expansion
content_flags varchar Content Flags Required to be Enabled
content_flags_disabled varchar Content Flags Required to be Disabled