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Emote Colors

These colors are available to the Quest API:

ID Color
0 white
1 gray
2 dark green
3 gray
4 light blue
5 light purple
6 grey
7 white
8 grey
9 grey
10 white
11 grey
12 light silver
13 red
14 light green
15 yellow
16 dark blue
17 grey
18 cyan
257 darkish purple
258 lighter cyan
259 green, light
260 ooc green, slightly lighter
261 ooc green, slightly lighter
263 blue, emote/spell
264 blue emote, filters under spells
269 yellow, filters under broadcast
270 blue, filters under broadcast
271 white, filters under spells
272 white, filters under broadcast
300 odd blue color
315 Maroon

Example Snippet for Colors

if ($text=~/colors/i) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
                $client->Message($i, "Emote Color ID (" . $i . ")");


Lower Range

Higher Range