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    merc_stats {
        varchar merc_npc_type_id
    merc_npc_types {
        varchar merc_npc_type_id
    merc_stats ||--o{ merc_npc_types : "One-to-One"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
One-to-One merc_npc_type_id merc_npc_types merc_npc_type_id


Column Data Type Description
merc_npc_type_id int Mercenary NPC Type Identifier
clientlevel tinyint Client Level
level tinyint Level
hp int Health
mana int Mana
AC smallint Armor Class
ATK mediumint Attack
STR mediumint Strength
STA mediumint Stamina
DEX mediumint Dexterity
AGI mediumint Agility
_INT mediumint Intelligence
WIS mediumint Wisdom
CHA mediumint Charisma
MR smallint Magic Resistance
CR smallint Cold Resistance
DR smallint Disease Resistance
FR smallint Fire Resistance
PR smallint Poison Resistance
Corrup smallint Corruption Resistance
mindmg int Minimum Damage
maxdmg int Maximum Damage
attack_count smallint Attack Count
attack_speed tinyint Attack Speed: The lower the number, the faster the NPC hits. (Deprecated)
attack_delay tinyint Attack Delay: Delay between the attack arounds in 10ths of a second.
special_abilities text Special Abilities
Accuracy mediumint Accuracy
hp_regen_rate int Health Regeneration Rate
mana_regen_rate int Mana Regeneration Rate
runspeed float Run Speed
statscale int Stat Scale: 50 = 50%, 100 = 100%, 150 = 150%
spellscale float Spell Scale: 50 = 50%, 100 = 100%, 150 = 150%
healscale float Heal Scale: 50 = 50%, 100 = 100%, 150 = 150%