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If you make use of the various services listed below, be sure to open the corresponding ports on your server / firewall / router to TCP and UDP traffic!


STOP! Did you read the line above? It's a really important tip.

Not required

Config Example


Variable Default Description
*shortname This is the short name of your server, this shows up in a client's .ini file eg: servername_charactername.ini
*longname This is the long name of your server, this shows up in a on the Loginserver
address Not required, but binds the server to this address, default is to listen on all addresses
localaddress Not required, but recommended to set for LAN setups so other local clients can connect properly
maxclients -1 This sets the max amount of clients that can connect to your server, -1 is unlimited
locked false This determines whether the server starts up locked or not, it takes a minimum status of 100 to get through locked state
key This key is used for encryption between your server processes - make sure this is unique and random to your server


Subsection for world telnet sub-service

Variable Default Description
*ip Telnet server IP ( would bind all addresses)
*port 9000 Telnet server port
*enabled false Enables the telnet service


Required for a connection to the MySQL database

Variable Default Description
*username eq MySQL username
*password eq MySQL password
*host localhost MySQL host
*port 3306 MySQL port
*db eq MySQL database name


Optional for a connection to the query server MySQL database if you decide to use a different and external source and/or database for it (Logging purposes or otherwise)

Variable Default Description
*username eq MySQL username
*password eq MySQL password
*host localhost MySQL host
*port 3306 MySQL port
*db eq MySQL database name


Optional for UCS (chat and mail service)

Variable Default Description
*host Hostname - just use (
port 7778 Mailserver port


  • Zone level configuration
Variable Default Description
*defaultstatus 0 Default status on account creation


Variable Default Description
low 7000 Starting TCP/UDP port assignment for zones
high 7500 Ending TCP/UDP port assignment for zones


Variable Default Description
*host This is the hostname of the loginserver endpoint
*port 5998 Loginserver endpoint port
legacy 0 When set to 1, will connect to old netcode (IE current public LS)
account Account forum username for public EQEmu authentication, this is used with worldserver registration
password Account forum password


Your server will need to use port 5998 to communicate with the public EQEmu loginserver. Do NOT change that value as you would for your eqhost file, based on client.


Multiple Loginserver endpoints can be established by using the same configuration above, however declaring your loginserver subsections with a number, below is an example

  "world": {
    "loginserver1": {
      "account": "",
      "host": "",
      "legacy": "1",
      "password": "",
      "port": "5998"
    "loginserver2": {
      "account": "",
      "host": "",
      "password": "",
      "port": "5998"


Most of these are optional, but configurable settings for the server

Variable Default Description
maps Maps/ Maps directory
quests quests/ Quests Directory
plugins plugins/ Plugins Directory
lua_modules lua_modules/ LUA Modules Directory
patches ./ Patches Directory
shared_memory shared/ Shared Memory Directory
logs logs/ Logs Directory