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Zone Utility Tools






  • Azone is a binary responsible for generating our .map files by reading geometry files, for more information on these see Maps Introduction.
  • Azone will look within the current directory for each zone_name you pass it and attempt to open the files with one of three loaders in the following order:
  • EQG Standard
  • EQG Terrain (v4)
  • S3D


./azone nektulos tutorialb qeytoqrg

This will load and output the following files

  • nektulos.eqg ->
  • tutorialb.eqg ->
  • qeytoqrg.s3d ->


  • Awater reads in a geometry file and outputs a water map file that can be loaded by the EQEmu server software and is then used for area detection purposes.
  • Water maps are a bit of a misnomer as they handle more than water volume data but rather all marked area volumes


./awater nektulos tutorialb qeytoqrg

This will load and output the following files

  • nektulos.eqg -> nektulos.wtr
  • tutorialb.eqg -> tutorialb.wtr
  • qeytoqrg.s3d -> qeytoqrg.wtr

Each of these .wtr files may then be copied to the server's maps directory to be used by the server.


PFS is a command line utility for manipulating pfs (S3D/EQG) files. It works similarly to S3DSpy but from a command line.

The usage is modeled loosely after 7-Zip's command line utility for familiarity:

pfs [<switches>...] <command> <command args>... <archive_name> [<file_names>...]
 -i=dir: Set input directory
 -o=dir: Set output directory
 a: Add files to archive
 d: Delete files from the archive
 e: Extract files from the archive
 l: List contents of the archive
 <Command Args>
  arg1: Only search for files with this extension, may use * as a wildcard meaning all extensions
 u: Update files of the archive

Map View

Map View is a utility that will attempt to load map and .wtr files and then render them to a 3D view


./map_view nektulos

This will attempt to load and nektulos.wtr


You may use the mouse and WSAD for movement.

Holding shift will increase the speed you move within the world drastically.

  • N toggles rendering of non-collidable geometry.
  • C toggles rendering of collidable geometry.
  • V toggles rendering of area volumes.


If you're having trouble with getting a zone to render here are some things to check:

  • Your graphics card and drivers support OpenGL 3.3 or 3.0 (you need to specify within CMake for a special 3.0 build)
  • The program can see the shaders/ directory and has the shaders files within it.
  • The program can see the map and wtr files you are attempting to load.