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    npc_spells {
        intunsigned id
        intunsigned parent_list
    bot_data {
        varchar bot_id
        varchar owner_id
        varchar spells_id
        varchar zone_id
    bot_spells_entries {
        varchar type
        varchar npc_spells_id
        varchar spell_id
        varchar spellid
    npc_spells_entries {
        int npc_spells_id
        smallintunsigned spellid
    npc_spells {
        intunsigned id
        intunsigned parent_list
    npc_spells ||--o{ bot_data : "Has-Many"
    npc_spells ||--o{ bot_spells_entries : "Has-Many"
    npc_spells ||--o{ npc_spells_entries : "Has-Many"
    npc_spells ||--o{ bot_data : "Has-Many"
    npc_spells ||--o{ bot_spells_entries : "Has-Many"
    npc_spells ||--o{ npc_spells : "One-to-One"
    npc_spells ||--o{ npc_spells_entries : "Has-Many"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
Has-Many id bot_data spells_id
Has-Many id bot_spells_entries npc_spells_id
Has-Many id npc_spells_entries npc_spells_id
Has-Many parent_list bot_data spells_id
Has-Many parent_list bot_spells_entries npc_spells_id
One-to-One parent_list npc_spells parent_list
Has-Many parent_list npc_spells_entries npc_spells_id


Column Data Type Description
id int Unique NPC Spell Set Identifier
name tinytext NPC Spell Set Name
parent_list int Inherit all the spells from this list, and merge them with our spells. Only one level of inheritance is allowed, so your parent's parent will not be included.
attack_proc smallint The combat proc that an NPC with this spell set will add to their list of procs. Spell Identifier
proc_chance tinyint Proc Chance: 0 = Never, 100 = Always
range_proc smallint The ranged proc that an NPC with this spell set will add to their list of procs.
rproc_chance smallint Ranged Proc Chance: 0 = Never, 100 = Always
defensive_proc smallint The defensive proc that an NPC with this spell set will add to their list of procs.
dproc_chance smallint Defensive Proc Chance: 0 = Never, 100 = Always
fail_recast int Fail Recast
engaged_no_sp_recast_min int Engaged No Spell Recast Minimum (Unused)
engaged_no_sp_recast_max int Engaged No Spell Recast Maximum (Unused)
engaged_b_self_chance tinyint Engaged B Self Chance (Unused)
engaged_b_other_chance tinyint Engaged B Other Chance (Unused)
engaged_d_chance tinyint Engaged D Chance (Unused)
pursue_no_sp_recast_min int Pursue No Spell Recast Minimum (Unused)
pursue_no_sp_recast_max int Pursue No Spell Recast Maximum (Unused)
pursue_d_chance tinyint Pursue D Chance (Unused)
idle_no_sp_recast_min int Idle No Spell Recast Minimum (Unused)
idle_no_sp_recast_max int Idle No Spell Recast Maximum (Unused)
idle_b_chance tinyint Idle B Chance (Unused)