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    pets {
        int npcID
        varchar type
        int equipmentset
    npc_types {
        intunsigned alt_currency_id
        int id
        int npc_faction_id
        text name
        intunsigned loottable_id
        intunsigned merchant_id
        intunsigned emoteid
        intunsigned adventure_template_id
        intunsigned armortint_id
        intunsigned npc_spells_id
        intunsigned npc_spells_effects_id
        intunsigned trap_template
    pets_equipmentset {
        int set_id
    pets ||--o{ npc_types : "One-to-One"
    pets ||--o{ npc_types : "One-to-One"
    pets ||--o{ pets_equipmentset : "One-to-One"

Relationship Type Local Key Relates to Table Foreign Key
One-to-One npcID npc_types id
One-to-One type npc_types name
One-to-One equipmentset pets_equipmentset set_id


Column Data Type Description
id int Unique Pet Identifier
type varchar NPC Type Name
petpower int Pet Power
npcID int NPC Type Identifier
temp tinyint Temporary: 0 = False, 1 = True
petcontrol tinyint Pet Control: 0 = No Control, 1 = No Attack Control, 2 = Full Control
petnaming tinyint Pet Naming: 0 = Soandsos Pet, 1 = Soandsos Familiar, 2 = Soandsos Warder, 3 = Random Naming (i.e. Gobaner), 4 = Keeps name from npc_types table
monsterflag tinyint Monster Flag: 0 = False, 1 = True
equipmentset int Pet Equipment Set Identifier