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Install Docker

It doesn't matter what Linux OS you use as long as it has Docker and Docker Compose, my personal recommendation is Debian.


Do not run Docker as root, run docker as the user you are logged in as and add your user to the docker group

Installing Docker Compose

sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Confirm that it's working

docker-compose -v
Docker Compose version v2.2.3

Installing Akk-Stack

First clone the repository somewhere on your server, in this case I'm going to clone it to an /opt/eqemu-servers folder in a Debian Linux host with Docker installed

git clone && cd akk-stack
$ git clone
Cloning into 'akk-stack'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 57, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (57/57), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Total 782 (delta 14), reused 52 (delta 11), pack-reused 725
Receiving objects: 100% (782/782), 101.94 KiB | 7.28 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (437/437), done.

Initialize the Environment

There are a ton of configuration variables available in the .env file that is produced from running the next command, we will get into that later. The key thing here is that it creates the base .env and scrambles all of the password fields in the environment.


Do not run make init-reset-env after the environment has been initialized. Things will no longer work properly.

make init-reset-env

Will output the following.

make env-transplant
Wrote updated config to [.env]
make env-scramble-secrets
Wrote updated config to [.env]

Initialize Network Parameters

The next command is going to initialize two large key things in our setup

  • The ip address we're going to use
  • The zone port range we're going to use

Make sure that you only open as many ports as you need on the zone end, because docker-proxy will NAT all ports individually in its own docker userland which does take some time when starting and shutting off containers.

The more ports you nail up, the longer it takes to start / stop. Since this is a test server, I'm only going to use 30 ports.

This make command also configures the eqemu_config.json port and address parameters as well automatically for you

make set-vars port-range-high=7030 ip-address=

Yields the following output

Wrote [IP_ADDRESS] = [] to [.env]
Wrote [PORT_RANGE_HIGH] = [7030] to [.env]


From this point you're ready to run the fully automated install with a simple make install

An example of what this output looks like below (Sped up)


Start / Stop

To start the server, simply use the make up command from the root of the akk-stack directory

make up

To stop the server, simply use the make down command from the root of the akk-stack directory

make down

Deploying Bots

To deploy bots, simply use the ``` make bashcd server/bin ./world bots:enable

command from the root of the **akk-stack** directory.

### Deploying Mercenaries

 To deploy Mercenaries, simply use the 
make bashcd
./world mercenaries:enable
command from the root of the akk-stack directory.

Deployment Info

To print a handy list of passwords and access URL's, simply use make info at the host level of the deployment

make info


Note this may look different depending on the services you have booted

> Server Info
> Akkas Test Bed (LDL)
> Passwords
> IP
> Quests FTP  | | quests / gtL1yKDmZyC4eK9X85ZAytGdUVEgN62
> Web Interfaces
> PEQ Editor  | | admin / jufMcw584ZDK3JRNJf4JB8z0e3Whoma
> PhpMyAdmin  | | admin / L6buMu5dzfIkhNTjh7LeMsxNdFfLUrA
> EQEmu Admin | | admin / 2c9a88fa8470a70168080e5dbc8446
> Spire Backend Development  | | 
> Spire Frontend Development | | 