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Illusion Spell Guidelines

Illusion Spells follow a couple different rules.

These are influenced by spell base, limit, and max values.

Gender-Inspecific Illusions

If an Illusion Spell has a max value of 0 on the Illusion effect ID we use the base value as the Race ID, assume the gender using a source method, use the limit value as texture, and the max value as helmtexture.

Example Spell is Illusion: Human (582).

Gender-Specific Illusions

If an Illusion Spell has a max value greater than 0 on the Illusion effect ID we check if the limit value is 0, if it is we use the base value as the Race ID and the max value minus 1 as the gender, texture and helmtexture are assumed.

  • 1 is Male
  • 2 is Female
  • 3 is Neuter

Example Spell is Illusion: Male (1732).

Gender and Texture Specific Spells

If an Illusion Spell has a max value greater than 0 on the Illusion effect ID and the limit value is not 0, we then check if the max value is not equal to 3, if it's not equal to 3 we use the base value as the Race ID, the max value minus 1 as the gender, the limit value as texture, and the max value as helmtexture.

Example Spell is Illusion: Runic Tattoo Nihil Male (33575).

Gender, Texture, and Helmtexture Specific Spells

If an Illusion Spell has a max value greater than 0 and equal to 3, we use the base value as the Race ID, assume the gender using a source method, use the limit value as texture and helmtexture.

Example Spell is Illusion: Rallosian Goblin (32787).