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macOS Client Configuration

The EverQuest client can be run through Wine v4 (old) or v5 (current) on macOS Mojave. A similar workflow should work for older versions of macOS.


You cannot use a case-sensitive drive formatting schema.


If you are running Catalina, you will not be able to run EverQuest at this time.

If you wish to downgrade Catalina to Mojave, you will be in for an adventure. It can be accomplished, but is well-beyond the scope of this guide.


With the introduction of macOS Mavericks, "App Nap" was introduced. You will likely want to turn this off (instructions below).

To configure your system, follow these steps:

Install Xcode:

  • Click the Apple Icon in the upper-left corner of your screen⋅⋅
  • Choose App Store...
  • Search for Xcode
  • Install Xcode

Install Command Line Tools:

  • Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
xcode-select --install

Install Homebrew:

  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11

Install XQuartz:

  • In Terminal... (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib /usr/X11/lib/*

Install Wine


This step has recently been updated due to changes with Wine.

  • In Terminal... (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
brew install cask wine-stable

Create a 32-bit Wine Prefix


Unfortunately, wine-stable now installs a 64-bit Prefix. Be sure to complete this step to overcome this unfortunate decision.

  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

Install Winetricks

  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
brew install winetricks

Configure Wine fonts

  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
winetricks corefonts

Configure Font Smoothing

  • Copy and paste this command and execute:
cat << EOF > /tmp/fontsmoothing

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

WINE=${WINE:-wine} WINEPREFIX=${WINEPREFIX:-$HOME/.wine} $WINE regedit /tmp/fontsmoothing 2> /dev/null

Launch EverQuest


Be sure to follow the instructions to configure your client for use with EQEmu that are applicable to all operating systems.

  • In Terminal... (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Navigate to your EverQuest directory (IE cd Applications/EverQuest/)
  • Launch with the "patchme" option:
wine eqgame.exe patchme

Optional Launcher Script/Icon

  • Open TextEdit (/Applications/
  • Copy and paste the information below
  • Replace $WINEPREFIX with the location of your Prefix
  • Replace the path to your EverQuest folder
  • Save the file as "EverQuest.command"
export FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="truetype:interpreter-version=35"
cd "/path/to/my/everquest/folder/"
wine eqgame.exe patchme


Client Disconnects When Inactive

Mac OS Mavericks introduced a power-saving feature called "App Nap" to save battery power on apps that are not actively being used. When Wine is put into "nap" mode, you will likely be disconnected from the world server.

Steps to disable "App Nap"

  1. Open the Finder App and navigate to your Applications folder
  2. Right-click on your Wine application
  3. Choose the Get Info option on the contextual menu
  4. Check the box that says Prevent App Nap

Check the box to Prevent App Nap

Excessive GPU usage with MacOS Mojave

  • Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Enter the command "wine regedit"
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine -> Direct3D
  • Create a DWORD Value (REG_DWORD) named "csmt" and set the value to 0x0 (disable)


If you do not find Direct3D in Wine, locate your installation and make the same modification.