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Server Rules

Editing rules

To edit rules, you can use the #rules set [Name] [Value] command to set a rule.

You can then use #reload rules to force all zones to reload the new rules.


The notes field in the database is set by the server software. If you adjust the values in the field, they will be overwritten and restored to default values when you update your server binaries.


If you would like to improve upon the descriptions or notes in the Server Rules table, please submit a pull request on the ruletypes header file.

AA Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
AA:ExpPerPoint 23976503 Amount of experience per AA. Is the same as the amount of experience to go from level 51 to level 52
AA:NormalizedAAEnabled false TSS+ change to AA that normalizes AA experience to a fixed # of white con kills independent of level
AA:NormalizedAANumberOfWhiteConPerAA 25 The number of white con kills per AA point
AA:ModernAAScalingEnabled false Are we linearly scaling AA experience based on total # of earned AA?
AA:ModernAAScalingStartPercent 1000 1000% or 10x AA experience at the start of the scaling range
AA:ModernAAScalingAAMinimum 0 The minimum number of earned AA before AA experience scaling begins
AA:ModernAAScalingAALimit 4000 The number of earned AA when AA experience scaling ends
AA:SoundForAAEarned false Play sound when AA point earned
AA:MaxAAEXPPerKill -1 Maximum AA EXP per Kill (3425214 is about 7%) - Default: -1 will disable the check

Adventure Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Adventure:MinNumberForGroup 2 Minimum members for adventure group
Adventure:MaxNumberForGroup 6 Maximum members for adventure group
Adventure:MaxLevelRange 9 Maximum level range for adventure
Adventure:NumberKillsForBossSpawn 45 Number of adventure kills to make the boss spawn
Adventure:DistanceForRescueAccept 10000.0 Distance for adventure rescue accept
Adventure:DistanceForRescueComplete 2500.0 Distance for adventure rescue complete
Adventure:ItemIDToEnablePorts 41000 ItemID to enable adventure ports. 0 to disable, otherwise using a LDoN portal will require the user to have this item
Adventure:LDoNTrapDistanceUse 625 LDoN trap distance use
Adventure:LDoNBaseTrapDifficulty 15.0 LDoN base trap difficulty
Adventure:LDoNCriticalFailTrapThreshold 10.0 LDoN critical fail trap threshold
Adventure:LDoNLootCountModifier 10 LDoN Loot Count Modifier, lower is better (default is 10)

Aggro Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Aggro:SmartAggroList true Smart aggro list attempts to choose targets in a much smarter fashion, prefering players to pets, sitting and critically injured players to normal players, and players in melee range to players not
Aggro:SittingAggroMod 35 Aggro increase against sitting targets. 35=35%
Aggro:MeleeRangeAggroMod 10 Aggro increase against targets in melee range. 10=10%
Aggro:CurrentTargetAggroMod 0 Aggro increase against current target. 0% = prefer the current target to any other. Makes it harder for our NPC to switch targets
Aggro:CriticallyWoundedAggroMod 100 Aggro increase against critical wounded targets
Aggro:SpellAggroMod 100 Aggro increase for spells
Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod 10 Aggro increase for pet spells
Aggro:TunnelVisionAggroMod 0.75 People not currently the top hate generate this much hate on a Tunnel Vision mob
Aggro:MaxScalingProcAggro 400 Set to -1 for no limit. Maximum amount of aggro that HP scaling SPA effect in a proc will add
Aggro:IntAggroThreshold 75 Int lesser or equal the value will aggro regardless of level difference
Aggro:AllowTickPulling false tick pulling is an exploit in an NPC's call for help fixed sometime in 2006 on live
Aggro:MinAggroLevel 18 Minimum level for use with UseLevelAggro
Aggro:UseLevelAggro true MinAggroLevel rule value+ and Undead will aggro regardless of level difference. This will disabled Rule:IntAggroThreshold if set to true
Aggro:ClientAggroCheckMovingInterval 1000 Interval in which clients actually check for aggro while moving - in milliseconds - this should be lower than ClientAggroCheckIdleInterval
Aggro:ClientAggroCheckIdleInterval 6000 Interval in which clients actually check for aggro while idle - in milliseconds - this should be higher than ClientAggroCheckMovingInterval
Aggro:PetAttackRange 40000.0 Maximum squared range /pet attack works at default is 200
Aggro:NPCAggroMaxDistanceEnabled true If enabled, NPC's will drop aggro beyond 600 units or what is defined at the zone level
Aggro:AggroPlayerPets false If enabled, NPCs will aggro player pets
Aggro:UndeadAlwaysAggro true should undead always aggro?
Aggro:BardAggroCap 40 per song bard aggro cap.
Aggro:InitialAggroBonus 100 Initial Aggro Bonus, Default: 100
Aggro:InitialPetAggroBonus 100 Initial Pet Aggro Bonus, Default 100

Analytics Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Analytics:CrashReporting true Automatic crash reporting analytics for EQEmu Server developers

Bazaar Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Bazaar:AuditTrail false Setting whether a path to the trader should be displayed in the bazaar
Bazaar:MaxSearchResults 50 Maximum number of search results in Bazaar
Bazaar:EnableWarpToTrader true Setting whether teleport to the selected trader should be active
Bazaar:MaxBarterSearchResults 200 The maximum results returned in the /barter search
Bazaar:ParcelDeliveryCostMod 0.20 Cost of parcel delivery for a bazaar purchase as a percentage of item cost. Default is 20% of item cost. RoF+ Only.
Bazaar:VoucherDeliveryCost 200 Number of vouchers for direct delivery for a bazaar purchase. Default is 200 vouchers. RoF+ Only.
Bazaar:EnableParcelDelivery true Enable bazaar purchases via parcel delivery. Default is True.
Bazaar:MaxBuyerInventorySearchResults 200 Maximum number of search results when a Buyer searches the global item list. Default is 200. RoF+ Only.

Bots Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Bots:Enabled false Enable of disable bot functionality, default is false
Bots:BotExpansionSettings 16383 Sets the expansion settings for bot use. Defaults to all expansions enabled up to TSS
Bots:AllowCamelCaseNames false Allows the use of 'MyBot' type names
Bots:AllowBotEquipAnyRaceGear false Allows Bots to wear Equipment even if their race is not valid
Bots:CommandSpellRank 1 Filters bot command spells by rank. 1, 2 and 3 are valid filters - any other number allows all ranks
Bots:CreationLimit 150 Number of bots that each account can create
Bots:FinishBuffing false Allow for buffs to complete even if the bot caster is out of mana. Only affects buffing out of combat
Bots:GroupBuffing false Bots will cast single target buffs as group buffs, default is false for single. Does not make single target buffs work for MGB
Bots:HealRotationMaxMembers 24 Maximum number of heal rotation members
Bots:HealRotationMaxTargets 12 Maximum number of heal rotation targets
Bots:ManaRegen 2.0 Adjust mana regen. Acts as a final multiplier, stacks with Rule Character:ManaRegenMultiplier.
Bots:PreferNoManaCommandSpells true Give sorting priority to newer no-mana spells (i.e., 'Bind Affinity')
Bots:QuestableSpawnLimit false Optional quest method to manage bot spawn limits using the quest_globals name bot_spawn_limit, see: /bazaar/
Bots:SpawnLimit 71 Number of bots a character can have spawned at one time, You + 71 bots is a 12 group pseudo-raid
Bots:BotGroupXP false Determines whether client gets experience for bots outside their group
Bots:BotLevelsWithOwner false Auto-updates spawned bots as owner levels/de-levels (false is original behavior)
Bots:BotCharacterLevel 0 If level is greater that value player can spawn bots if BotCharacterLevelEnabled is true
Bots:CasterStopMeleeLevel 13 Level at which caster bots stop melee attacks
Bots:AllowOwnerOptionAutoDefend true When option is enabled, bots will defend their owner on enemy aggro
Bots:LeashDistance 562500.0f Distance a bot is allowed to travel from leash owner before being pulled back (squared value)
Bots:AllowApplyPoisonCommand true Allows the use of the bot command 'applypoison'
Bots:AllowApplyPotionCommand true Allows the use of the bot command 'applypotion'
Bots:RestrictApplyPotionToRogue true Restricts the bot command 'applypotion' to rogue-usable potions (i.e., poisons)
Bots:OldRaceRezEffects false Older clients had ID 757 for races with high starting STR, but it doesn't seem used anymore
Bots:ResurrectionSickness true Use Resurrection Sickness based on Resurrection spell cast, set to false to disable Resurrection Sickness.
Bots:OldResurrectionSicknessSpell 757 757 is Default Old Resurrection Sickness Spell
Bots:ResurrectionSicknessSpell 756 756 is Default Resurrection Sickness Spell
Bots:AllowPickpocketCommand true Allows the use of the bot command 'pickpocket'
Bots:BotHealOnLevel false Setting whether a bot should heal completely when leveling. Default FALSE.
Bots:AutosaveIntervalSeconds 300 Number of seconds after which a timer is triggered which stores the bot data. The value 0 means no periodic automatic saving.
Bots:CazicTouchBotsOwner true Default True. Cazic Touch/DT will hit bot owner rather than bot.
Bots:BotsClickItemsMinLvl 1 Minimum level for bots to be able to use ^clickitem. Default 1.
Bots:BotsCanClickItems true Enables the ability for bots to click items they have equipped. Default TRUE
Bots:CanClickMageEpicV1 true Whether or not bots are allowed to click Mage Epic 1.0. Default TRUE
Bots:BotsIgnoreLevelBasedHasteCaps false Ignores hard coded level based haste caps.
Bots:BotsHasteCap 100 Haste cap for non-v3(over haste) haste
Bots:BotsHastev3Cap 25 Haste cap for v3(over haste) haste

Bugs Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Bugs:ReportingSystemActive true Activates bug reporting

Channels Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Channels:RequiredStatusAdmin 251 Required status to administer chat channels
Channels:RequiredStatusListAll 251 Required status to list all chat channels
Channels:DeleteTimer 1440 Empty password protected channels will be deleted after this many minutes

Character Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Character:MaxLevel 65 Sets the highest level for players that can be reached through experience
Character:PerCharacterQglobalMaxLevel false Check for qglobal 'CharMaxLevel' character qglobal (Type 5, \"\, if player tries to level beyond that point, it will not go beyond that level
Character:PerCharacterBucketMaxLevel false Check for data bucket 'CharMaxLevel', if player tries to level beyond that point, it will not go beyond that level
Character:MaxExpLevel 0 Defines the maximum level that can be reached through experience
Character:DeathExpLossLevel 10 Any level equal to or greater than this will lose experience at death
Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel 255 Every higher level will no longer lose experience at death
Character:DeathItemLossLevel 10 From this level on, items are left in the corpse when LeaveCorpses is activated
Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier 3 Adjust how much experience is lost. Default 3.5% (0=0.5%, 1=1.5%, 2=2.5%, 3=3.5%, 4=4.5%, 5=5.5%, 6=6.5%, 7=7.5%, 8=8.5%, 9=9.5%, 10=11%)
Character:DeathKeepLevel false Players can not drop below 0% experience from death.
Character:UseDeathExpLossMult false Setting to control whether DeathExpLossMultiplier or the code default is used: (Level x Level / 18.0) x 12000
Character:UseOldRaceRezEffects false Older clients had ID 757 for races with high starting STR, but it doesn't seem used anymore
Character:CorpseDecayTime 604800000 Time after which the corpse decays (milliseconds) DEFAULT: 604800000 (7 Days)
Character:EmptyCorpseDecayTime 10800000 Time after which an empty corpse decays (milliseconds) DEFAULT: 10800000 (3 Hours)
Character:CorpseResTime 10800000 Time after which the corpse can no longer be resurrected (milliseconds) DEFAULT: 10800000 (3 Hours)
Character:DuelCorpseResTime 600000 Time before cant res corpse after a duel (milliseconds) DEFAULT: 600000 (10 Minutes)
Character:CorpseOwnerOnlineTime 30000 How often corpse will check if its owner is online DEFAULT: 30000 (30 Seconds)
Character:LeaveCorpses true Setting whether you leave a corpse behind
Character:LeaveNakedCorpses false Setting whether you leave a corpse without items
Character:MaxDraggedCorpses 2 Maximum number of corpses you can drag at once
Character:DragCorpseDistance 400 If a player is using /corpsedrag and moving, the corpse will not move until the player exceeds this distance
Character:FinalExpMultiplier 1 Added on top of everything else, easy for setting EXP events
Character:ExpMultiplier 0.5 If greater than 0, the experience gained is multiplied by this value.
Character:AAExpMultiplier 0.5 If greater than 0, the AA experience gained is multiplied by this value.
Character:GroupExpMultiplier 0.5 The experience in a group is multiplied by this value in addition to the group multiplier. The group multiplier is: 2 members=x 1.2, 3=x1.4, 4=x1.6, 5=x1.8, 6=x2.16
Character:RaidExpMultiplier 0.2 The experience gained in raids is multiplied by (1-RaidExpMultiplier)
Character:FinalRaidExpMultiplier 1.0 Multiplies all raid experience by this value. Default: 1.0
Character:UseXPConScaling true When activated, the experience is modified depending on the difference between player level and NPC level. The values from the rules GreenModifier to RedModifier are used
Character:ShowExpValues 0 Show experience values. 0=normal, 1=show raw experience values, 2=show raw experience values and percent
Character:GreenModifier 20 The experience obtained for green con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:LightBlueModifier 40 The experience obtained for light-blue con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:BlueModifier 90 The experience obtained for blue con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:WhiteModifier 100 The experience obtained for white con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:YellowModifier 125 The experience obtained for yellow con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:RedModifier 150 The experience obtained for red con mobs is multiplied by value/100
Character:AutosaveIntervalS 300 Number of seconds after which a timer is triggered which stores the character data. The value 0 means no periodic automatic saving.
Character:HPRegenMultiplier 100 The hitpoint regeneration is multiplied by value/100 (up to the caps)
Character:ManaRegenMultiplier 100 The mana regeneration is multiplied by value/100 (up to the caps)
Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier 100 The endurance regeneration is multiplied by value/100 (up to the caps)
Character:OldMinMana false This is used for servers that want to follow older skill cap formulas so they can still have some regen w/o mediate
Character:HealOnLevel false Setting whether a player should heal completely when leveling
Character:FeignKillsPet false Setting whether Feign Death kills the player pet
Character:ItemManaRegenCap 15 Limit on mana regeneration granted by items
Character:ItemHealthRegenCap 30 Limit on health regeneration granted by items
Character:ItemDamageShieldCap 30 Limit on damage shields granted by items
Character:ItemAccuracyCap 150 Limit on accuracy granted by items
Character:ItemAvoidanceCap 100 Limit on avoidance granted by items
Character:ItemCombatEffectsCap 100 Limit on combat effects granted by items
Character:ItemShieldingCap 35 Limit on shielding granted by items
Character:ItemSpellShieldingCap 35 Limit on spell shielding granted by items
Character:ItemDoTShieldingCap 35 Limit on DoT shielding granted by items
Character:ItemStunResistCap 35 Limit on resistance granted by items
Character:ItemStrikethroughCap 35 Limit on strikethrough granted by items
Character:ItemATKCap 250 Limit on ATK granted by items
Character:ItemHealAmtCap 250 Limit on heal amount granted by items
Character:ItemSpellDmgCap 250 Limit on spell damage granted by items
Character:ItemClairvoyanceCap 250 Limit on clairvoyance granted by items
Character:ItemDSMitigationCap 50 Limit on damageshield mitigation granted by items
Character:ItemEnduranceRegenCap 15 Limit on endurance regeneration granted by items
Character:ItemExtraDmgCap 150 Cap for bonuses to melee skills like Bash, Frenzy, etc.
Character:HasteCap 100 Haste cap for non-v3(over haste) haste
Character:Hastev3Cap 25 Haste cap for v3(over haste) haste
Character:HeroicStatsUseDataBucketsToScale false Allows scaling the benefits a character receives from Heroic Stats using Data Buckets. Stacks with other Heroic Stats Mulitplier Rules.
Character:HeroicIntelligenceIncreaseSpellDmgMultiplier 0.00 Allows Heroic Intelligence to increase a Players Worn Spell Damage Stat from Equipment, for example, setting this rule to 1.00 will always grant 1 Spell Damage per 1 Heroic Intelligence
Character:HeroicWisdomIncreaseHealAmtMultiplier 0.00 Allows Heroic Wisdom to increase a Players Worn Heal Amount Stat from Equipment, for example, setting this rule to 1.00 will always grant 1 Heal Amount per 1 Heroic Wisdom
Character:HeroicStrengthMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Strength. Grants 25 Base Endurance, 0.05 Endurance Regen, 1 Melee Damage each Hit, and 1 Shield AC per 10 Heroic Strength.
Character:HeroicStaminaMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Stamina. Grants 25 Base Endurance, 0.05 Endurance Regen, 100 Base HP, and 0.5 HP Regen per 10 Heroic Stamina.
Character:HeroicAgilityMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Agility. Grants 25 Base Endurance, 0.05 Endurance Regen, and 1 Avoidance AC per 10 Heroic Agility. (Rule does not change Dodge Chance)
Character:HeroicDexterityMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Dexterity. Grants 25 Base Endurance, 0.05 Endurance Regen, and 1 Archery/Throwing Damage each hit per 10 Heroic Dexterity. (Rule does not change Assassinate/Headshot/Block/Parry/Riposte Chances)
Character:HeroicWisdomMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Wisdom. Grants 250 Base Mana, 1 Mana Regen per 25 Heroic Wisdom.
Character:HeroicIntelligenceMultiplier 1.00 Multplier scales benefits from Heroic Intelligence. Grants 250 Base Mana, 1 Mana Regen per 25 Heroic Intelligence.
Character:SkillUpModifier 100 The probability for a skill-up is multiplied by value/100
Character:SharedBankPlat false Shared bank platinum. Off by default to prevent duplication
Character:BindAnywhere false Allows players to bind their soul anywhere in the world
Character:RestRegenEnabled true Setting to activate out-of-combat regeneration
Character:RestRegenTimeToActivate 30 Time in seconds for rest state regen to kick in
Character:RestRegenRaidTimeToActivate 300 Time in seconds for rest state regen to kick in with a raid target
Character:KillsPerGroupLeadershipAA 250 Minimum number of dark blue mobs that must be killed to get a Group Leadership AA
Character:KillsPerRaidLeadershipAA 250 Minimum number of dark blue mobs that must be killed to get a Raid Leadership AAA
Character:MaxFearDurationForPlayerCharacter 4 Maximum number of tics a player can be feared. 1 tic equls 6 seconds
Character:MaxCharmDurationForPlayerCharacter 15 Maximum number of tics a player can be charmed. 1 tic equls 6 seconds
Character:BaseHPRegenBonusRaces 4352 A bitmask of race(s) that receive the regen bonus. Iksar (4096) & Troll (256) = 4352. See common/races.h for the bitmask values
Character:SoDClientUseSoDHPManaEnd false Setting this to true will allow SoD clients to use the SoD HP/Mana/End formulas and previous clients will use the old formulas
Character:UseRaceClassExpBonuses true Setting this to true will enable Class and Racial experience rate bonuses
Character:UseOldRaceExpPenalties false Setting this to true will enable racial experience penalties for Iksar, Troll, Ogre, and Barbarian, as well as the bonus for Halflings
Character:UseOldClassExpPenalties false Setting this to true will enable old class experience penalties for Paladin, SK, Ranger, Bard, Monk, Wizard, Enchanter, Magician, and Necromancer, as well as the bonus for Rogues and Warriors
Character:RespawnFromHover false Setting whether the respawn window should be used
Character:RespawnFromHoverTimer 300 Respawn Window countdown timer, in seconds
Character:UseNewStatsWindow true Setting whether the new Stats window, which displays all information, should be used
Character:ItemCastsUseFocus false If true, this allows item clickies to use focuses that have limited maximum levels on them
Character:MinStatusForNoDropExemptions 80 This allows status x and higher to trade no drop items
Character:SkillCapMaxLevel 75 Sets the Maximum Level used for Skill Caps (from skill_caps table). -1 makes it use MaxLevel rule value. It is set to 75 because PEQ only has skill caps up to that level, and grabbing the players' skill past 75 will return 0, breaking all skills past that level. This helps servers with obsurd level caps (75+ level cap) function without any modifications
Character:StatCap 0 If StatCap > 0 then this value is used. If it is 0, the value of the following code is used: If Level < 61: 255. If Level >= 61 and the client SoF or newer: 255 + 5 x (level -60). If the client is older than SoF and the level < 71 then: 255 + x (level-60). In all other cases: 330.
Character:CheckCursorEmptyWhenLooting true If true, a player cannot loot a corpse (player or NPC) with an item on their cursor
Character:MaintainIntoxicationAcrossZones true If true, alcohol effects are maintained across zoning and logging out/in
Character:EnableDiscoveredItems true If enabled, it enables EVENT_DISCOVER_ITEM and also saves character names and timestamps for the first time an item is discovered
Character:EnableXTargetting true Enable Extended Targeting Window, for users with UF and later clients
Character:EnableAggroMeter true Enable Aggro Meter, for users with RoF and later clients
Character:KeepLevelOverMax false Don't de-level a character that has somehow gone over the level cap
Character:FoodLossPerUpdate 32 How much food/water you lose per stamina update
Character:EnableHungerPenalties false Being hungry/thirsty has negative effects -- it does appear normal live servers do not have penalties
Character:EnableFoodRequirement true If disabled, food is no longer required
Character:BaseInstrumentSoftCap 36 Softcap for instrument mods, 36 commonly referred to as 3.6 as well
Character:UseSpellFileSongCap true When they removed the AA that increased the cap they removed the above and just use the spell field
Character:BaseRunSpeedCap 158 Base Run Speed Cap, on live it's 158% which will give you a runspeed of 1.580 hard capped to 225
Character:EnvironmentDamageMulipliter 1 Multiplier for environmental damage like fall damage.
Character:UnmemSpellsOnDeath true Setting whether at death all memorized Spells are forgotten
Character:TradeskillUpAlchemy 2.0 Alchemy skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpBaking 2.0 Baking skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpBlacksmithing 2.0 Blacksmithing skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpBrewing 3.0 Brewing skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpFletching 2.0 Fletching skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpJewelcrafting 2.0 Jewelcrafting skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpMakePoison 2.0 Make Poison skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpPottery 4.0 Pottery skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpResearch 1.0 Research skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpTinkering 2.0 Tinkering skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:TradeskillUpTailoring 2.0 Tailoring skillup rate adjustment. Lower is faster
Character:MarqueeHPUpdates false Will show health percentage in center of screen if health lesser than 100%
Character:IksarCommonTongue 95 Starting value for Common Tongue for Iksars
Character:OgreCommonTongue 95 Starting value for Common Tongue for Ogres
Character:TrollCommonTongue 95 Starting value for Common Tongue for Trolls
Character:ActiveInvSnapshots false Takes a periodic snapshot of inventory contents from online players
Character:InvSnapshotMinIntervalM 180 Minimum time between inventory snapshots (minutes)
Character:InvSnapshotMinRetryM 30 Time to re-attempt an inventory snapshot after a failure (minutes)
Character:InvSnapshotHistoryD 30 Time to keep snapshot entries (days)
Character:RestrictSpellScribing false Setting whether to restrict spell scribing to allowable races/classes of spell scroll
Character:UseStackablePickPocketing true Allows stackable pickpocketed items to stack instead of only being allowed in empty inventory slots
Character:AllowMQTarget false Disables putting players in the 'hackers' list for targeting beyond the clip plane or attempting to target something untargetable
Character:UseOldBindWound false Uses the original bind wound behavior
Character:GrantHoTTOnCreate false Grant Health of Target's Target leadership AA on character creation
Character:UseOldConSystem false Setting whether the pre SoF era consider system should be used
Character:OPClientUpdateVisualDebug false Shows a pulse and forward directional particle each time the client sends its position to server
Character:AllowCrossClassTrainers false If the value is true, a player can also train with other class Guildmasters.
Character:PetsUseReagents true Conjuring pets consumes reagents
Character:DismountWater true Dismount horses when entering water
Character:NoSkillsOnHorse false Enabling this will prevent Bind Wound and Foraging while on a mount
Character:UseNoJunkFishing false Disregards junk items when fishing
Character:SoftDeletes true When characters are deleted in character select, they are only soft deleted
Character:DefaultGuild 0 If not 0, new characters placed into the guild # indicated
Character:DefaultGuildRank 8 Default guild rank when Character:DefaultGuild is a non-0 value, default is 8 (Recruit)
Character:ProcessFearedProximity false Processes proximity checks when feared
Character:EnableCharacterEXPMods false Enables character zone-based experience modifiers.
Character:PVPEnableGuardFactionAssist true Enables faction based assisting against the aggresor in pvp.
Character:SkillUpFromItems true Allow Skill ups from clickable items
Character:EnableTestBuff false Allow the use of /testbuff
Character:UseResurrectionSickness true Use Resurrection Sickness based on Resurrection spell cast, set to false to disable Resurrection Sickness.
Character:OldResurrectionSicknessSpellID 757 757 is Default Old Resurrection Sickness Spell ID
Character:ResurrectionSicknessSpellID 756 756 is Default Resurrection Sickness Spell ID
Character:EnableBardMelody true Enable Bard /melody by default, to disable change to false for a classic experience.
Character:EnableRangerAutoFire true Enable Ranger /autofire by default, to disable change to false for a classic experience.
Character:EnableTGB true Enable /tgb (Target Group Buff) by default, to disable change to false for a classic experience.
Character:SkillUpMaximumChancePercentage 25 Maximum chance to improve a combat skill, before skill-specific modifiers. This should be greater than SkillUpMinimumChancePercentage.
Character:SkillUpMinimumChancePercentage 2 Minimum chance to improve a combat skill, after skill-specific modifiers. This should be lesser than SkillUpMaximumChancePercentage.
Character:WarriorTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want warriors to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:ClericTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want clerics to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:PaladinTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want paladins to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:RangerTrackingDistanceMultiplier 12 If you want rangers to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:ShadowKnightTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want shadow knights to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:DruidTrackingDistanceMultiplier 10 If you want druids to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:MonkTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want monks to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:BardTrackingDistanceMultiplier 7 If you want bards to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:RogueTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want rogues to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:ShamanTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want shaman to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:NecromancerTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want necromancers to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:WizardTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want wizards to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:MagicianTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want magicians to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:EnchanterTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want enchanters to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:BeastlordTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want beastlords to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:BerserkerTrackingDistanceMultiplier 0 If you want berserkers to be able to track, increase this above 0. 0 disables tracking packets.
Character:OnInviteReceiveAlreadyinGroupMessage true If you want clients to receive a message when trying to invite a player into a group that is currently in another group.
Character:PetZoneWithOwner true Should Pets Zone with Owner
Character:FullManaOnDeath true On death set mana to full
Character:FullEndurOnDeath true On death set endurance to full
Character:ExperiencePercentCapPerKill -1 Caps the percentage of experience that can be gained per kill. -1 disables the cap; 0 blocks all (non-aa) xp.
Character:EnableGroupEXPModifier true Enable or disable the group experience modifier in group, default is true
Character:EnableGroupMemberEXPModifier true Enable or disable the group member experience modifier based on number of players in group, default is true
Character:GroupMemberEXPModifier 0.2 Sets the group experience modifier per members between 2 and 5, default is 0.2
Character:FullGroupEXPModifier 2.16 Sets the group experience modifier for a full group, default is 2.16
Character:IgnoreLevelBasedHasteCaps false Ignores hard coded level based haste caps.
Character:EnableRaidEXPModifier true Enable or disable the raid experience modifier, default is true
Character:EnableRaidMemberEXPModifier true Enable or disable the raid experience modifier based on members in raid, default is true
Character:LeaveCursorMoneyOnCorpse false Enable or disable leaving cursor money on player corpses
Character:ItemExtraSkillDamageCalcAsPercent false If enabled, apply Item Extra Skill Damage as Percentage-based modifiers
Character:UseForageCommonFood true If enabled, use the common foods specified in the code.
Character:ClearXTargetDelay 10 Seconds between uses of the #clearxtargets command (Set to 0 to disable)
Character:PreventMountsFromZoning false Enable to prevent mounts from zoning - Prior to December 15, 2004 this is enabled.
Character:GroupInvitesRequireTarget false Enable to require players to have invitee on target (Disables /invite name) - Classic Style
Character:PlayerTradingLoreFeedback true If enabled, during a player to player trade, if lore items exist, it will output which items.
Character:MendAlwaysSucceedValue 199 Value at which mend will always succeed its skill check. Default: 199
Character:SneakAlwaysSucceedOver100 false When sneak skill is over 100, always succeed sneak/hide. Default: false
Character:BandolierSwapDelay 0 Bandolier swap delay in milliseconds, default is 0

Chat Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Chat:ServerWideOOC true Enable server wide ooc-chat
Chat:ServerWideAuction true Enable server wide auction-chat
Chat:EnableVoiceMacros true Enable voice macros
Chat:EnableMailKeyIPVerification true Setting whether the authenticity of the client should be verified via its IP address when accessing the InGame mailbox
Chat:EnableAntiSpam true Enable anti-spam system for chat
Chat:SuppressCommandErrors false Do not suppress command errors by default
Chat:ChannelsIgnoreNameFilter false Ignore name filtering when creating new chat channels
Chat:MaxPermanentPlayerChannels 0 Maximum number of permanent chat channels a player can make. Default 0.
Chat:MinStatusToBypassAntiSpam 100 Minimum status to bypass the anti-spam system
Chat:MinimumMessagesPerInterval 4 Minimum number of chat messages allowed per interval. The karma value is added to this value
Chat:MaximumMessagesPerInterval 12 Maximum value of chat messages allowed per interval
Chat:MaxMessagesBeforeKick 20 If an attempt is made to send more than the maximum allowed number of chat messages per interval, the client will be disconnected after this absolute number of messages
Chat:IntervalDurationMS 60000 Interval length in milliseconds
Chat:KarmaUpdateIntervalMS 1200000 Karma update interval in milliseconds
Chat:KarmaGlobalChatLimit 72 Amount of karma you need to be able to talk in ooc/auction/chat below the level limit
Chat:GlobalChatLevelLimit 8 Level limit you need to of reached to talk in ooc/auction/chat if your karma is too low
Chat:AutoInjectSaylinksToSay true Automatically injects saylinks into dialogue that has [brackets in them]
Chat:AutoInjectSaylinksToClientMessage true Automatically injects saylinks into dialogue that has [brackets in them]
Chat:QuestDialogueUsesDialogueWindow false Pipes all quest dialogue to dialogue window
Chat:DialogueWindowAnimatesNPCsIfNoneSet true If there is no animation specified in the dialogue window markdown then it will choose a random greet animation such as wave or salute

Cheat Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Cheat:MQWarpDetectionDistanceFactor 9.0 clients move at 4.4 about if in a straight line but with movement and to acct for lag we raise it a bit
Cheat:MQWarpExemptStatus -1 Required status level to exempt the MQWarpDetector. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Cheat:MQZoneExemptStatus -1 Required status level to exempt the MQZoneDetector. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Cheat:MQGateExemptStatus -1 Required status level to exempt the MQGateDetector. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Cheat:MQGhostExemptStatus -1 Required status level to exempt the MQGhostDetector. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Cheat:MQFastMemExemptStatus -1 Required status level to exempt the MQFastMemDetector. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Cheat:EnableMQWarpDetector true Enable the MQWarp Detector. Set to False to disable this feature.
Cheat:EnableMQZoneDetector true Enable the MQZone Detector. Set to False to disable this feature.
Cheat:EnableMQGateDetector true Enable the MQGate Detector. Set to False to disable this feature.
Cheat:EnableMQGhostDetector true Enable the MQGhost Detector. Set to False to disable this feature.
Cheat:EnableMQFastMemDetector true Enable the MQFastMem Detector. Set to False to disable this feature.
Cheat:MarkMQWarpLT false Mark clients makeing smaller warps

Client Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Client:UseLiveFactionMessage false Allows players to see detailed faction adjustments as on the live servers
Client:UseLiveBlockedMessage false Setting whether detailed spell block messages should be used as on the live servers

Combat Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Combat:AERampageMaxDistance 70 Max AERampage range (% of max combat distance)
Combat:PetBaseCritChance 0 Pet base crit chance
Combat:NPCBashKickLevel 6 The level that NPCcan KICK/BASH
Combat:NPCKickStunLevel 1 The level that NPC has a chance to stun with kick.
Combat:PCKickStunLevel 56 The level that PC has a chance to stun with kick.
Combat:MeleeCritDifficulty 8900 Value against which is rolled to check if a melee crit is triggered. Lower is easier
Combat:ArcheryCritDifficulty 3400 Value against which is rolled to check if an archery crit is triggered. Lower is easier
Combat:ThrowingCritDifficulty 1100 Value against which is rolled to check if a throwing crit is triggered. Lower is easier
Combat:NPCCanCrit false Setting whether an NPC can land critical hits
Combat:UseIntervalAC true Switch whether bonuses, armour class, multipliers, classes and caps should be considered in the calculation of damage values
Combat:PetAttackMagicLevel 10 Level at which pets can cause magic damage, no longer used
Combat:NPCAttackMagicLevel 10 Level at which NPC and pets can cause magic damage
Combat:LevelDifferenceRollCheck -1 Level Difference to enable LeverDifferenceRollBonus for MeleeMitigation - Default: -1 is disabled, 20 is common
Combat:LevelDifferenceRollBonus 0.5 Roll Bonus/Detrement if using LevelDifferenceRollCheck
Combat:EnableFearPathing true Setting whether to use pathing during fear
Combat:FleeGray true If true FleeGrayHPRatio will be used
Combat:FleeGrayHPRatio 50 HP percentage when a Gray NPC begins to flee
Combat:FleeGrayMaxLevel 18 NPC above this level won't do gray/green con flee
Combat:FleeHPRatio 25 HP percentage when a NPC begins to flee
Combat:FleeIfNotAlone false If false, mobs won't flee if other mobs are in combat with it
Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute true Adapt the average proc rate to the speed of the weapon
Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute 2.0 Average proc rate per minute
Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib 0.075 Increases the probability of a proc increased by DEX by the value indicated
Combat:BaseProcChance 0.035 Base chance for procs
Combat:ProcDexDivideBy 11000 Divisor for the probability of a proc increased by dexterity
Combat:MinRangedAttackDist 25 Minimum Distance to use Ranged Attacks
Combat:ArcheryBonusRequiresStationary true does the 2x archery bonus chance require a stationary npc
Combat:ArcheryBonusLevelRequirement 51 Level requirement when the 2x archery bonus will be enabled. The default is 51.
Combat:ArcheryNPCMultiplier 1.0 Value is multiplied by the regular dmg to get the archery dmg
Combat:AssistNoTargetSelf true When assisting a target that does not have a target: true = target self, false = leave target as was before assist (false = live like)
Combat:MaxRampageTargets 3 Maximum number of people hit with rampage
Combat:DefaultRampageTargets 1 Default number of people to hit with rampage
Combat:RampageHitsTarget false Rampage will hit the target if it still has targets left
Combat:MaxFlurryHits 2 Maximum number of extra hits from flurry
Combat:MinHastedDelay 400 Minimum hasted combat delay
Combat:AvgDefProcsPerMinute 2.0 Average defense procs per minute
Combat:DefProcPerMinAgiContrib 0.075 How much agility contributes to defensive proc rate
Combat:NPCFlurryChance 20 Chance for NPC to flurry
Combat:TauntOverLevel 1 Allows you to taunt NPC's over warriors level
Combat:TauntOverAggro 0 + amount over hate_top it will add before any bonus hate.
Combat:TauntChanceBonus 0 Bonus to taunt chance
Combat:ClassicTauntSystem false Enable to use the pre 2006 taunt system.
Combat:TauntSkillFalloff 0.33 For every taunt skill point that's not maxed you lose this percentage chance to taunt
Combat:EXPFromDmgShield false Determine if damage from a damage shield counts for experience gain
Combat:QuiverHasteCap 1000 Quiver haste cap 1000 on live for a while, currently 700 on live
Combat:BerserkerFrenzyStart 35 Percentage Health Points below which Warrior and Berserker start frenzy
Combat:BerserkerFrenzyEnd 45 Percentage Health Points above which Warrior and Berserker end frenzy
Combat:OneProcPerWeapon true If enabled, One proc per weapon per round
Combat:ProjectileDmgOnImpact true If enabled, projectiles (i.e. arrows) will hit on impact, instead of instantly
Combat:MeleePush true Enable melee push
Combat:MeleePushChance 50 NPC chance the target will be pushed. Made up, 100 actually isn't that bad
Combat:MeleePushForceClientPercent 0.00 Percent to add or remove from push for players
Combat:MeleePushForcePetPercent 0.00 Percent to add or remove from push for pets
Combat:NPCtoNPCPush false Disabled prevents NPC to NPC pushing per the 2013+ patch.
Combat:UseLiveCombatRounds true Turn this false if you don't want to worry about fixing up combat rounds for NPCs
Combat:NPCAssistCap 5 Maximum number of NPC that will assist another NPC at once
Combat:NPCAssistCapTimer 6000 Time a NPC will take to clear assist aggro cap space (milliseconds)
Combat:UseRevampHandToHand false Use h2h revamped dmg/delays I believe this was implemented during SoF
Combat:ClassicMasterWu false Classic Master Wu uses a random special, modern doesn't
Combat:HitBoxMod 1.00 Added to test hit boxes.
Combat:LevelToStopDamageCaps 0 Level to stop damage caps. 1 will effectively disable them, 20 should give basically same results as old incorrect system
Combat:LevelToStopACTwinkControl 50 Level to stop armorclass twink control. 1 will effectively disable it, 50 should give basically same results as current system
Combat:ClassicNPCBackstab false True disables NPC facestab - NPC get normal attack if not behind
Combat:UseNPCDamageClassLevelMods true Uses GetClassLevelDamageMod calc in npc_scale_manager
Combat:UseExtendedPoisonProcs false Allow old school poisons to last until characrer zones, at a lower proc rate
Combat:EnableSneakPull false Enable implementation of Sneak Pull
Combat:SneakPullAssistRange 400 Modified range of assist for sneak pull
Combat:Classic2HBAnimation false 2HB will use the 2 hand piercing animation instead of the overhead slashing animation
Combat:ArcheryConsumesAmmo true Set to false to disable Archery Ammo Consumption
Combat:ThrowingConsumesAmmo true Set to false to disable Throwing Ammo Consumption
Combat:UseLiveRiposteMechanics false Set to true to disable SPA 173 SE_RiposteChance from making those with the effect on them immune to enrage, can longer riposte from a riposte.
Combat:FrontalStunImmunityClasses 0 Bitmask for Classes than have frontal stun immunity, No Races (0) by default.
Combat:NPCsUseFrontalStunImmunityClasses false Enable or disable NPCs using frontal stun immunity Classes from Combat:FrontalStunImmunityClasses, false by default.
Combat:FrontalStunImmunityRaces 512 Bitmask for Races than have frontal stun immunity, Ogre (512) only by default.
Combat:NPCsUseFrontalStunImmunityRaces true Enable or disable NPCs using frontal stun immunity Races from Combat:FrontalStunImmunityRaces, true by default.
Combat:AssassinateOnlyHumanoids true Enable or disable Assassinate only being allowed on Humanoids, true by default.
Combat:AssassinateLevelRequirement 60 Level requirement to enable assassinate attempts on backstabs. The default is 60.
Combat:HeadshotOnlyHumanoids true Enable or disable Headshot only being allowed on Humanoids, true by default.
Combat:EnableWarriorShielding true Enable or disable Warrior Shielding Ability (/shield), true by default.
Combat:BackstabIgnoresElemental false Enable or disable Elemental weapon damage affecting backstab damage, false by default.
Combat:BackstabIgnoresBane false Enable or disable Bane weapon damage affecting backstab damage, false by default.
Combat:DoubleBackstabLevelRequirement 55 Level requirement to enable double backstab attempts. The default is 55.
Combat:SummonMeleeRange true Enable or disable summoning of a player when already in melee range of the summoner.
Combat:ArcheryHitPenalty 0 Archery has a hit penalty to try to help balance it with the plethora of long term +hit modifiers for it - Default: 0
Combat:ArcheryBaseDamageBonus 1 Percentage modifier to base archery Damage 0.5=50% base damage, 1=100%,2=200% - Default: 1
Combat:WaterMatchRequiredForAutoFireLoS true Enable/Disable the requirement of both the attacker/victim being both in or out of water for AutoFire LoS to pass.
Combat:ExtraAllowedKickClassesBitmask 0 Bitmask for allowing extra classes beyond Warrior, Ranger, Beastlord, and Berserker to kick, No Extra Classes (0) by default
Combat:MaxProcs 4 Adjustable maximum number of procs per round, the hard cap is MAX_PROCS (11). Requires mob repop or client zone when changed
Combat:FinishingBlowOnlyWhenFleeing false Enable to only allow Finishing Blow when fleeing (Original Style Finishing Blow)
Combat:ClassicTripleAttack false enable to use non-skill based classic triple attack. Originally it was Warrior Only but was expanded, can use the TripleAttackChance to tune the classes out.
Combat:ClassicTripleAttackChanceWarrior 100 Innate Chance for Warrior to Triple Attack after a Double Attack (125 = 12.5%). DEFAULT: 100
Combat:ClassicTripleAttackChanceMonk 100 Innate Chance for Monk to Triple Attack after a Double Attack (200 = 20%). DEFAULT: 100
Combat:ClassicTripleAttackChanceBerserker 100 Innate Chance for Berserker to Triple Attack after a Double Attack (200 = 20%). DEFAULT: 100
Combat:ClassicTripleAttackChanceRanger 100 Innate Chance for Ranger to Triple Attack after a Double Attack (200 = 20%). DEFAULT: 100
Combat:StunChance 12 Percent chance that client will be stunned when mob is behind player. DEFAULT: 12
Combat:StunDuration 2000 Duration of stuns in ms. DEFAULT: 2000
Combat:ClientStunMessage false Client stunning NPC produces message. DEFAULT false
Combat:BashTwoHanderUseShoulderAC false Enable to use shoulder AC for bash calculations when two hander is equipped. Unproven if accurate DEFAULT: false
Combat:BashACBonusDivisor 25.0 this divides the AC value contribution to bash damage, lower to increase damage
Combat:UseMobStaticOffenseSkill false Toggle to enabled the use of a static offense skill for Mobs. DEFAULT: false
Combat:UseEnhancedMobStaticWeaponSkill false Toggle to enabled the use of an enhanced (slightly higher hit rate) static weapon skill for Mobs. DEFAULT: false
Combat:PCAttackPowerScaling 100 Applies scaling to PC Attack Power (75 = 75%). DEFAULT: 100 to not adjust existing Servers
Combat:PCAccuracyAvoidanceMod2Scale 100 Scale Factor for PC Accuracy and Avoidance (Mod2, found on items). Found a value of 100 to make both too strong (75 = x0.75). DEFAULT: 100 to not adjust existing Servers
Combat:AllowRaidTargetBlind false Toggle to allow raid targets to be blinded, default is false (Live-like)
Combat:RogueBackstabHasteCorrection false Toggle to enable correction for Haste impacting Backstab DPS too much. DEFAULT: false
Combat:LegacyComputeDefense false Trim AGI Scaling of defense mostly for lower levels to help compensate for the newer agi based defense system. Default: False
Combat:SlayDamageMultiplier 1.0 Slay Damage Adjustment - Multiply final slay damage by this value. Default: 1.0
Combat:SlayRateMultiplier 1.0 Slay Rate Adjustments - Multiply final slay rate check by this value. Default: 1.0
Combat:MaximumLevelStunsCripplingBlow 55 Maximum level that Crippling Blows will stun a npc. Default: 55
Combat:ArcheryBaseDamage 0 Archery base damage, default is 0
Combat:BackstabBaseDamage 0 Backstab base damage, default is 0
Combat:BashBaseDamage 2 Bash base damage, default is 2
Combat:DragonPunchBaseDamage 12 Dragon Punch base damage, default is 12
Combat:EagleStrikeBaseDamage 7 Eagle Strike base damage, default is 7
Combat:FlyingKickBaseDamage 25 Flying Kick base damage, default is 25
Combat:FrenzyBaseDamage 10 Frenzy base damage, default is 10
Combat:KickBaseDamage 3 Kick base damage, default is 3
Combat:RoundKickBaseDamage 5 Round Kick base damage, default is 5
Combat:ThrowingBaseDamage 0 Throwing base damage, default is 0
Combat:TigerClawBaseDamage 4 Tiger Claw base damage, default is 4

Command Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Command:DyeCommandRequiresDyes false Enable this to require a Prismatic Dye (32557) each time someone uses #dye.
Command:HideMeCommandDisablesTells true Disable this to allow tells to be received when using #hideme.

Console Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Console:SessionTimeOut 600000 Amount of time in ms for the console session to time out

Doors Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Doors:RequireKeyOnCursor false Enable this to require pre-keyring keys to be on player cursor to open doors.

DynamicZone Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
DynamicZone:ClientRemovalDelayMS 60000 Delay (milliseconds) until a client is teleported out of dynamic zone after being removed as member
DynamicZone:EmptyShutdownEnabled true Enable early instance shutdown for dynamic zones that have no members
DynamicZone:EmptyShutdownDelaySeconds 1500 Seconds to set dynamic zone instance expiration if early shutdown enabled
DynamicZone:EnableInDynamicZoneStatus false Enables the 'In Dynamic Zone' member status in dynamic zone window. If false (live-like) players inside the dynamic zone will show as 'Online'
DynamicZone:WorldProcessRate 6000 Timer interval (milliseconds) that systems check their dynamic zone states

EventLog Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
EventLog:RecordSellToMerchant false Record sales from a player to an NPC merchant in eventlog table
EventLog:RecordBuyFromMerchant false Record purchases by a player from an NPC merchant in eventlog table

Expansion Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Expansion:CurrentExpansion -1 The current expansion enabled for the server [-1 = ALL, 0 = Classic, 1 = Kunark etc.]
Expansion:UseCurrentExpansionAAOnly false When true will only load AA ranks that match CurrentExpansion rule
Expansion:AutoGrantAAExpansion -1 Expansion to auto grant AAs up to, [-1 = Disabled, 0 = Classic, 1 = Kunark etc.]

Expedition Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Expedition:MinStatusToBypassPlayerCountRequirements 80 Minimum GM status to bypass minimum player requirements for Expedition creation
Expedition:AlwaysNotifyNewLeaderOnChange false Always notify clients when made expedition leader. If false (live-like) new leaders are only notified when made leader via /dzmakeleader
Expedition:LockoutDurationMultiplier 1.0 Multiplies lockout duration by this value when new lockouts are added
Expedition:ChooseLeaderCooldownTime 2000 Cooldown time (milliseconds) between choosing a new leader for automatic leader changes

Faction Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Faction:AllyFactionMinimum 1100 Minimum faction for ally
Faction:WarmlyFactionMinimum 750 Minimum faction for warmly
Faction:KindlyFactionMinimum 500 Minimum faction for kindly
Faction:AmiablyFactionMinimum 100 Minimum faction for amiably
Faction:IndifferentlyFactionMinimum 0 Minimum faction for indifferently
Faction:ApprehensivelyFactionMinimum -100 Minimum faction for apprehensively
Faction:DubiouslyFactionMinimum -500 Minimum faction for dubiously
Faction:ThreateninglyFactionMinimum -750 Minimum faction for threateningly

GM Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
GM:MinStatusToSummonItem 250 Minimum required status to summon items
GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere 250 Minimum required status to zone anywhere
GM:MinStatusToLevelTarget 100 Minimum required status to set the level of a player
GM:MinStatusToBypassLockedServer 100 Players >= this status can log in to the server even when it is locked
GM:MinStatusToBypassCheckSumVerification 100 Players >= this status can bypass the eqgame.exe and spells_us.txt checksum verification

Guild Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Guild:PlayerCreationAllowed false Allow players to create a guild using the window in Underfoot+
Guild:PlayerCreationLimit 1 Only allow use of the UF+ window if the account has < than this number of guild leaders on it
Guild:PlayerCreationRequiredStatus 0 Required status to create a guild
Guild:PlayerCreationRequiredLevel 0 Required level of the player attempting to create the guild
Guild:PlayerCreationRequiredTime 0 Time needed online on the account to create a guild (in minutes)
Guild:TributeTime 600000 Time in ms for guild tributes. Default is 10 mins.
Guild:TributeTimeRefreshInterval 180000 Time in ms to send all guild members a Tribute Time refresh. Default is 3 mins.
Guild:TributePlatConversionRate 10 The conversion rate of platinum donations. Default is 10 guild favor to 1 platinum.
Guild:UseCharacterMaxLevelForGuildTributes true Guild Tributes will adhere to Character:MaxLevel. Default is true.

HotReload Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
HotReload:QuestsRepopWithReload true When a hot reload is triggered, the zone will repop
HotReload:QuestsRepopWhenPlayersNotInCombat true When a hot reload is triggered, the zone will repop when no clients are in combat
HotReload:QuestsResetTimersWithReload true When a hot reload is triggered, quest timers will be reset
HotReload:QuestsAutoReloadGlobalScripts false When a quest, plugin, or global script changes, auto reload.

Instances Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Instances:ReservedInstances 100 Number of instance IDs which are reserved for globals. This value should not be changed while a server is running
Instances:RecycleInstanceIds true Setting whether free instance IDs should be recycled to prevent them from gradually running out at 32k
Instances:GuildHallExpirationDays 90 Amount of days before a Guild Hall instance expires

Inventory Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Inventory:EnforceAugmentRestriction true Forces augment slot restrictions
Inventory:EnforceAugmentUsability true Forces augmented item usability
Inventory:EnforceAugmentWear true Forces augment wear slot validation
Inventory:DeleteTransformationMold true False if you want mold to last forever
Inventory:AllowAnyWeaponTransformation false Weapons can use any weapon transformation
Inventory:TransformSummonedBags false Transforms summoned bags into disenchanted ones instead of deleting
Inventory:AllowMultipleOfSameAugment false Allows multiple of the same augment to be placed in an item via #augmentitem or MQ2, set to true to allow
Inventory:AlternateAugmentationSealer 53 Allows RoF+ clients to augment items from a special container type
Inventory:LazyLoadBank true Don't load bank during zoning, only when in proximinity to a banker. May increase zone speed and stability

Items Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Items:DisableAttuneable false Enable this to disable Attuneable Items
Items:DisableBardFocusEffects false Enable this to disable Bard Focus Effects on Items
Items:DisableLore false Enable this to disable Lore Items
Items:DisableNoDrop false Enable this to disable No Drop Items
Items:DisableNoPet false Enable this to disable No Pet Items
Items:DisableNoRent false Enable this to disable No Rent Items
Items:DisableNoTransfer false Enable this to disable No Transfer Items
Items:DisablePotionBelt false Enable this to disable Potion Belt Items
Items:DisableSpellFocusEffects false Enable this to disable Spell Focus Effects on Items
Items:SummonItemAllowInvisibleAugments false Enable this to allow augments to be put in invisible augment slots of items in Client::SummonItem
Items:AugmentItemAllowInvisibleAugments false Enable this to allow augments to be put in invisible augment slots by players

Logging Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Logging:PrintFileFunctionAndLine false Ex: [World Server] [net.cpp::main:309] Loading variables...
Logging:WorldGMSayLogging true Relay worldserver logging to zone processes via GM say output
Logging:PlayerEventsQSProcess false Have query server process player events instead of world. Useful when wanting to use a dedicated server and database for processing player events on separate disk
Logging:BatchPlayerEventProcessIntervalSeconds 5 This is the interval in which player events are processed in world or qs
Logging:BatchPlayerEventProcessChunkSize 10000 This is the cap of events that can be inserted into the queue before a force flush. This is to keep from hitting MySQL max_allowed_packet and killing the connection

Mail Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Mail:EnableMailSystem true Setting whether the mail system is activated. If false, client won't bring up the Mail window
Mail:ExpireTrash 0 Setting when the mail trash is emptied. Time in seconds. 0 will delete all messages in the trash when the mailserver starts
Mail:ExpireRead 31536000 Setting when read mails expire. 31536000=1 Year. Set to -1 for never
Mail:ExpireUnread 31536000 Setting when unread mails expire. 31536000=1 Year. Set to -1 for never

Map Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Map:FixPathingZOnSendTo false Try to repair Z coordinates in the SendTo routine as well
Map:FixZWhenPathing true Automatically fix NPC Z coordinates when moving/pathing/engaged (Far less CPU intensive than its predecessor)
Map:MobZVisualDebug false Displays spell effects determining whether or not NPC is hitting Best Z calcs (blue for hit, red for miss)
Map:MobPathingVisualDebug false Displays nodes in pathing points in realtime to help with visual debugging
Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaSendTo 20 At runtime in SendTo: maximum change in Z to allow the BestZ code to apply
Map:FindBestZHeightAdjust 1 Adds this to the current Z before seeking the best Z position

Merchant Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Merchant:UsePriceMod true Use faction/charisma price modifiers
Merchant:UseClassicPriceMod false Must also set UsePriceMod. Negates other rules for vendor price mods.
Merchant:SellCostMod 1.05 Modifier for NPC sell price
Merchant:BuyCostMod 0.95 Modifier for NPC buy price
Merchant:PriceBonusPct 4 Determines maximum price bonus from having good faction/CHA. Value is a percent
Merchant:PricePenaltyPct 4 Determines maximum price penalty from having bad faction/CHA. Value is a percent
Merchant:ChaBonusMod 3.45 Determines CHA cap, from 104 CHA. 3.45 is 132 CHA at apprehensive. 0.34 is 400 CHA at apprehensive
Merchant:ChaPenaltyMod 1.52 Determines CHA bottom, up to 102 CHA. 1.52 is 37 CHA at apprehensive. 0.98 is 0 CHA at apprehensive
Merchant:EnableAltCurrencySell true Enables the ability to resell items to alternate currency merchants
Merchant:AllowCorpse false Setting whether dealers leave a corpse behind

Mercs Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Mercs:SuspendIntervalMS 10000 Time interval for merc suspend (milliseconds)
Mercs:UpkeepIntervalMS 180000 Time interval for merc upkeep (milliseconds)
Mercs:SuspendIntervalS 10 Time interval for merc suspend command (seconds)
Mercs:AllowMercs false Allow the use of mercs
Mercs:ChargeMercPurchaseCost false Turns Mercenary purchase costs on or off
Mercs:ChargeMercUpkeepCost false Turns Mercenary upkeep costs on or off
Mercs:AggroRadius 100 Determines the distance from which a merc will aggro group member's target(also used to determine the distance at which a healer merc will begin healing a group member)
Mercs:AggroRadiusPuller 25 Determines the distance from which a merc will aggro group member's target, if they have the group role of puller (also used to determine the distance at which a healer merc will begin healing a group member, if they have the group role of puller)
Mercs:ResurrectRadius 50 Determines the distance from which a healer merc will attempt to resurrect a group member's corpse
Mercs:ScaleRate 100 Merc scale factor
Mercs:AllowMercSuspendInCombat true Allow merc suspend in combat
Mercs:MercsIgnoreLevelBasedHasteCaps false Ignores hard coded level based haste caps.
Mercs:MercsHasteCap 100 Haste cap for non-v3(over haste) haste
Mercs:MercsHastev3Cap 25 Haste cap for v3(over haste) haste

NPC Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTime 450000 NPC corpse decay time, if NPC below level 55 (milliseconds)
NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTime 1500000 NPC corpse decay time, if NPC equal or greater than level 55 (milliseconds)
NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer 150000 Time after which corpses are unlocked for everyone to loot (milliseconds)
NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTime 0 NPC corpse decay time, if no items are left on the corpse (milliseconds)
NPC:UseItemBonusesForNonPets true Switch whether item bonuses should be used for NPCs who are not pets
NPC:UseBaneDamage false If NPCs can't inherently hit the target we don't add bane/magic dmg which isn't exactly the same as PCs
NPC:SayPauseTimeInSec 5 Time span in which an NPC pauses his movement after a Say event without aggro (seconds)
NPC:OOCRegen 0 Enable out-of-combat regeneration for NPC
NPC:BuffFriends false Setting whether NPC should buff other NPC
NPC:EnableNPCQuestJournal false Setting whether the NPC Quest Journal is active
NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMin 10000 Minimum time before mob goes home after all aggro loss (milliseconds)
NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMax 20000 Maximum time before mob goes home after all aggro loss (milliseconds)
NPC:SmartLastFightingDelayMoving true When true, mobs that started going home previously will do so again immediately if still on FD hate list
NPC:ReturnNonQuestNoDropItems false Returns NO DROP items on NPC that don't have an EVENT_TRADE sub in their script
NPC:ReturnQuestItemsFromNonQuestNPCs false Returns Quest items traded to NPCs that are not flagged as a Quest NPC
NPC:StartEnrageValue 9 Percentage HP that an NPC will begin to enrage
NPC:LiveLikeEnrage false If set to true then only player controlled pets will enrage
NPC:EnableMeritBasedFaction false If set to true, faction will be given in the same way as experience (solo/group/raid)
NPC:NPCToNPCAggroTimerMin 500 Minimum time span after which one NPC aggro another NPC (milliseconds)
NPC:NPCToNPCAggroTimerMax 6000 Maximum time span after which one NPC aggro another NPC (milliseconds)
NPC:UseClassAsLastName true Uses class archetype as LastName for NPC with none
NPC:NewLevelScaling true Better level scaling, use old if new formulas would break your server
NPC:NPCBackstabMod 1.9 Multiplier for NPC Backstab, Higher = Lower backstab amount
NPC:NPCGatePercent 20 Percentage at which the NPC Will attempt to gate at
NPC:NPCGateNearBind false Will NPC attempt to gate when near bind location?
NPC:NPCGateDistanceBind 75 Distance from bind before NPC will attempt to gate
NPC:NPCHealOnGate true Will the NPC Heal on Gate
NPC:UseMeditateBasedManaRegen false Based NPC ooc regen on Meditate skill
NPC:NPCHealOnGateAmount 25 How much the NPC will heal on gate if enabled
NPC:AnimalsOpenDoors true Determines or not whether animals open doors or not when they approach them
NPC:MaxRaceID 732 Maximum Race ID, RoF2 by default supports up to 732
NPC:DisableLastNames false Enable to disable NPC Last Names
NPC:NPCIgnoreLevelBasedHasteCaps false Ignores hard coded level based haste caps.
NPC:NPCHasteCap 150 Haste cap for non-v3(over haste) haste
NPC:NPCHastev3Cap 25 Haste cap for v3(over haste) haste

Network Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Network:ResendDelayBaseMS 100 Base delay for resending data in EQStreamManager (milliseconds)
Network:ResendDelayFactor 1.5 Multiplier for the base delay when resending data in EQStreamManager
Network:ResendDelayMinMS 300 Minimum timespan between two send retries (milliseconds)
Network:ResendDelayMaxMS 5000 Maximum timespan between two send retries (milliseconds)
Network:ClientDataRate 0.0 KB / sec, 0.0 disabled
Network:CompressZoneStream true Setting whether the zone stream should be compressed for transmission

Parcel Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Parcel:EnableParcelMerchants true Enable or Disable Parcel Merchants. Requires RoF+ Clients.
Parcel:EnableDirectToInventoryDelivery false Enable or Disable RoF2 bazaar purchases to be delivered directly to the buyer's inventory.
Parcel:DeleteOnDuplicate false Delete retrieved item if it creates a lore conflict.
Parcel:EnablePruning false Enable the automatic pruning of sent parcels. Uses rule ParcelPruneDelay for prune delay.
Parcel:ParcelDeliveryDelay 30000 Sets the time that a player must wait between sending parcels.
Parcel:ParcelMaxItems 50 The maximum number of parcels a player is allowed to have in their mailbox.
Parcel:ParcelPruneDelay 30 The number of days after which a parcel is deleted. Items are lost!

Pathing Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Pathing:Find true Enable pathing for FindPerson requests from the client
Pathing:Fear true Enable pathing for fear
Pathing:NavmeshStepSize 100.0f Step size for the movement manager
Pathing:ShortMovementUpdateRange 130.0f Range for short movement updates
Pathing:MaxNavmeshNodes 4092 Maximum navmesh nodes in a traversable path

Pets Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Pets:AttackCommandRange 150 Range at which a pet will respond to attack commands
Pets:UnTargetableSwarmPet false Setting whether swarm pets should be targetable
Pets:PetPowerLevelCap 10 Maximum number of levels a player pet can go up with pet power
Pets:CanTakeNoDrop false Setting whether anyone can give no-drop items to pets
Pets:CanTakeQuestItems true Setting whether anyone can give quest items to pets
Pets:LivelikeBreakCharmOnInvis true Default: true will break charm on any type of invis (hide/ivu/iva/etc) false will only break if the pet can not see you (ex. you have an undead pet and cast IVU
Pets:ClientPetsUseOwnerNameInLastName true Disable this to keep client pet's last names from being owner_name's pet
Pets:PetTauntRange 150 Range at which a pet will taunt targets.

QueryServ Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
QueryServ:PlayerLogChat false Log player chat
QueryServ:PlayerLogTrades false Log player trades
QueryServ:PlayerDropItems false Log player dropping items
QueryServ:PlayerLogHandins false Log player hand ins
QueryServ:PlayerLogNPCKills false Log player NPC kills
QueryServ:PlayerLogDeletes false Log player deletes
QueryServ:PlayerLogMoves false Log player moves
QueryServ:PlayerLogMerchantTransactions false Log merchant transactions
QueryServ:PlayerLogZone false Log player zone events
QueryServ:PlayerLogDeaths false Log player deaths
QueryServ:PlayerLogConnectDisconnect false Logs player connect/disconnect state
QueryServ:PlayerLogLevels false Log player leveling/deleveling
QueryServ:PlayerLogAARate false Log player AA experience rates
QueryServ:PlayerLogQGlobalUpdate false Log player QGlobal updates
QueryServ:PlayerLogTaskUpdates false Log player Task updates
QueryServ:PlayerLogAAPurchases false Log player AA purchases
QueryServ:PlayerLogTradeSkillEvents false Log player tradeskill transactions
QueryServ:PlayerLogIssuedCommandes false Log player issued commands
QueryServ:PlayerLogAlternateCurrencyTransactions false Log player alternate currency transactions

Range Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Range:Say 15 The range that is required before /say or hail messages will work to an NPC
Range:Emote 135 The packet range in which emote messages are sent'
Range:BeginCast 200 The packet range in which begin cast messages are sent
Range:Anims 135 The packet range in which begin cast messages are sent
Range:SpellParticles 135 The packet range in which spell particles are sent
Range:DamageMessages 50 The packet range in which damage messages are sent (non-crit)
Range:SpellMessages 75 The packet range in which spell damage messages are sent
Range:SongMessages 75 The packet range in which song messages are sent
Range:StunMessages 75 The packet range in which stun messages are sent
Range:ClientPositionUpdates 300 Distance in which the own changed position is communicated to other clients
Range:CriticalDamage 80 The packet range in which critical hit messages are sent
Range:MobCloseScanDistance 600 Close scan distance
Range:MaxDistanceToClickDoors 100 Max distance that a client can click a door from (Client says 'You can't reach that' at roughly 25-50 for most doors)

Skills Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills 21 Highest level for trade skills that can be taught by the trainer
Skills:MaxTrainResearch 21 Highest level for training research from a GM.
Skills:UseLimitTradeskillSearchSkillDiff true Enables the limit for the maximum difference between trivial and skill for recipe searches and favorites
Skills:TrivialTradeskillCombinesNoFail false Enable to make all trivial tradeskill combines unable to fail
Skills:MaxTradeskillSearchSkillDiff 50 The maximum difference in skill between the trivial of an item and the skill of the player if the trivial is higher than the skill. Recipes that have not been learnt or made at least once via the Experiment mode will be removed from searches based on this criteria.
Skills:MaxTrainSpecializations 50 Maximum level a GM trainer will train casting specializations
Skills:SwimmingStartValue 100 Start value of swimming skill
Skills:TrainSenseHeading false Switch whether SenseHeading is trained by use
Skills:SenseHeadingStartValue 200 Start value of sense heading skill
Skills:SelfLanguageLearning true Enabling self-learning of languages
Skills:RequireTomeHandin false Disable click-to-learn and force hand in to Guild Master
Skills:TradeSkillClamp 0 Legacy tradeskills would clamp at 252 regardless of item modifiers and skill combination. DEFAULT: 0 will bypass clamp. Legacy value 252
Skills:UseAltSinisterStrikeFormula false Enabling will utilize a formula derived from 2004 monkey business post which makes the AA actually worth something.
Skills:TrackingAutoRefreshSkillUps true Disable to prevent tracking auto-refresh from giving skill-ups. Classic Style
Skills:MaximumTauntDistance 150 Maximum player taunt distance.

Spells Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Spells:AllowExtraDmgSkill false Allow ExtraDmgSkill from Items, Spells, and AAs to apply ExtraDmgAmt when the ExtraDmgSkill matches the casted Spells Skill Type.
Spells:BaseCritChance 0 Base percentage chance that everyone has to crit a spell
Spells:BaseCritRatio 100 Base percentage bonus to damage on a successful spell crit. 100=2xdamage
Spells:WizCritLevel 12 Level wizards first get spell crits
Spells:WizCritChance 7 Wizards crit chance, on top of BaseCritChance
Spells:WizCritRatio 0 Wizards crit bonus, on top of BaseCritRatio (should be 0 for Live-like)
Spells:TranslocateTimeLimit 0 If not zero, time in seconds to accept a Translocate
Spells:SacrificeMinLevel 46 First level the spell Sacrifice will work on
Spells:SacrificeMaxLevel 69 Last level the spell Sacrifice will work on
Spells:SacrificeItemID 9963 Item ID of the item Sacrifice will return (defaults to an Essence Emerald)
Spells:EnableSpellGlobals false If enabled, spells check the spell_globals table and compare character data from their quest globals before allowing the spell to scribe with scribespells/traindiscs
Spells:EnableSpellBuckets false If enabled, spells check the spell_buckets table and compare character data from their data buckets before allowing the spell to scribe with scribespells/traindiscs
Spells:MaxBuffSlotsNPC 60 Maximum number of NPC buff slots. The default value is the limit of the Titanium client
Spells:MaxSongSlotsNPC 0 Maximum number of NPC song slots. NPC don't have songs, so it should be 0
Spells:MaxDiscSlotsNPC 0 Maximum number of NPC disc slots. NPC don't have discs, so it should be 0
Spells:MaxTotalSlotsNPC 60 Maximum total of NPC slots. The default value is the limit of the Titanium client
Spells:MaxTotalSlotsPET 30 Maximum total of pet slots. The default value is the limit of the Titanium client
Spells:ReflectType 4 Reflect type. 0=disabled, 1=single target player spells only, 2=all player spells, 3=all single target spells, 4=all spells
Spells:ReflectMessagesClose true True (Live functionality) is for Reflect messages to show to players within close proximity. False shows just player reflecting
Spells:LiveLikeFocusEffects true Determines whether specific healing, dmg and mana reduction focuses are randomized
Spells:BaseImmunityLevel 55 The level that targets start to be immune to stun, fear and mez spells with a maximum level of 0
Spells:NPCIgnoreBaseImmunity true Whether or not NPC get to ignore the BaseImmunityLevel for their spells
Spells:AvgSpellProcsPerMinute 6.0 Adjust rate for sympathetic spell procs
Spells:ResistFalloff 67 Maximum that level that will adjust our resist chance based on level modifiers
Spells:CharismaEffectiveness 10 Determines how much resist modification charisma applies to charm/pacify checks. Default 10 CHA = -1 resist mod
Spells:CharismaEffectivenessCap 255 Determines how much resist modification charisma applies to charm/pacify checks. Default 10 CHA = -1 resist mod
Spells:CharismaCharmDuration false Allow CHA resist mod to extend charm duration
Spells:CharmBreakCheckChance 25 Determines chance for a charm break check to occur each buff tick
Spells:CharmDisablesSpecialAbilities false When charm is cast on an NPC, strip their special abilities
Spells:RootBreakFromSpells 55 Chance for root to break when cast on
Spells:DeathSaveCharismaMod 3 Determines how much charisma effects chance of death save firing
Spells:DivineInterventionHeal 8000 Divine intervention heal amount
Spells:AdditiveBonusWornType 0 Calc worn bonuses to add together (instead of taking highest) if set to THIS worn type. (2=Will covert live items automatically)
Spells:UseCHAScribeHack false ScribeSpells and TrainDiscs quest functions will ignore entries where field 12 is CHA
Spells:BuffLevelRestrictions true Buffs will not land on low level toons like live
Spells:RootBreakCheckChance 70 Determines chance for a root break check to occur each buff tick
Spells:FearBreakCheckChance 70 Determines chance for a fear break check to occur each buff tick
Spells:SuccorFailChance 2 Determines chance for a succor spell not to teleport an invidual player
Spells:FRProjectileItem_Titanium 1113 Item id for Titanium clients for Fire 'spell projectile'
Spells:FRProjectileItem_SOF 80684 Item id for SOF clients for Fire 'spell projectile'
Spells:FRProjectileItem_NPC 80684 Item id for NPC Fire 'spell projectile'
Spells:UseLiveSpellProjectileGFX false Use spell projectile graphics set in the spells_new table (player_1). Server must be using UF+ spell file
Spells:FocusCombatProcs false Allow all combat procs to receive focus effects
Spells:PreNerfBardAEDoT false Allow bard AOE dots to damage targets when moving
Spells:AI_SpellCastFinishedFailRecast 800 AI spell recast time when an spell is cast but fails, ie if stunned (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_EngagedNoSpellMinRecast 500 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast while engaged. Min time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_EngagedNoSpellMaxRecast 1000 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast engaged. Mmaximum time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_EngagedBeneficialSelfChance 100 Chance during first AI Cast check to do a beneficial spell on self
Spells:AI_EngagedBeneficialOtherChance 25 Chance during second AI Cast check to do a beneficial spell on others
Spells:AI_EngagedDetrimentalChance 20 Chance during third AI Cast check to do a determental spell on others
Spells:AI_PursueNoSpellMinRecast 500 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast while chasing target. Mmin time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_PursueNoSpellMaxRecast 2000 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast while chasing target. Maximum time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_PursueDetrimentalChance 90 Chance while chasing target to cast a detrimental spell
Spells:AI_IdleNoSpellMinRecast 6000 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast while idle. Mmin time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_IdleNoSpellMaxRecast 60000 AI spell recast time check when no spell is cast while chasing target. Maximum time in random (milliseconds)
Spells:AI_IdleBeneficialChance 100 Chance while idle to do a beneficial spell on self or others
Spells:AI_HealHPPct 50 Hitpoint percentage at which NPC starts healing when max_hp of the spell is not set (inside and outside combat)
Spells:SHDProcIDOffByOne true Pre June 2009 SHD spell procs were off by 1, they stopped doing this in June 2009 (UF+ spell files need this false)
Spells:Jun182014HundredHandsRevamp false This should be true for if you import a spell file newer than June 18, 2014
Spells:SwarmPetTargetLock false Use old method of swarm pets target locking till target dies then despawning
Spells:NPC_UseFocusFromSpells true Allow NPC to use most spell derived focus effects
Spells:NPC_UseFocusFromItems false Allow NPC to use most item derived focus effects
Spells:UseAdditiveFocusFromWornSlot false Allows an additive focus effect to be calculated from worn slot. Does not apply limits checks. Can only have one additive focus rule be true.
Spells:UseAdditiveFocusFromWornSlotWithLimits false Allows an additive focus effect to be calculated from worn slot. Applies normal limit checks. Can only have one additive focus rule be true.
Spells:AlwaysSendTargetsBuffs false Ignore Leadership Alternate Abilities level if true
Spells:FlatItemExtraSpellAmt false Allow SpellDmg stat to affect all spells, regardless of cast time/cooldown/etc
Spells:IgnoreSpellDmgLvlRestriction false Ignore the 5 level spread on applying SpellDmg
Spells:ItemExtraSpellAmtCalcAsPercent false Apply the Item stats Spell Dmg and Heal Amount as Percentage-based modifiers instead of flat additions
Spells:BreakFeignDeathWhenCastOn 2.0 Percentage that Feign Death will break when you resist a spell
Spells:BreakSneakWhenCastOn 2.0 Percentage that Sneak will break when you resist a spell
Spells:EnableResistSoftCap false Enabled resist softcap and can be adjusted by rule, SpellResistSoftCap
Spells:SpellResistSoftCap 255 Softcap for spell resists.
Spells:AllowItemTGB false Target group buff (/tgb) doesn't work with items on live, custom servers want it though
Spells:NPCInnateProcOverride true NPC innate procs override the target type to single target
Spells:OldRainTargets false Use old incorrectly implemented maximum targets for rains
Spells:CallOfTheHeroAggroClearDist 250.0 Distance at which CoTH will wipe aggro. To disable and always enable aggro wipe on any distance of CoTH, set to 0.
Spells:NPCSpellPush false Enable spell push on NPCs
Spells:July242002PetResists true Enable Pets using PCs resist change from July 24 2002
Spells:CazicTouchTargetsPetOwner true If True, causes Cazic Touch to swap targets from pet to pet owner if a pet is tanking.
Spells:PreventFactionWarOnCharmBreak false Enable spell interupts and dot removal on charm break to prevent faction wars.
Spells:AllowDoubleInvis true Allows you to cast invisibility spells on a player that is already invisible, live like behavior.
Spells:AllowSpellMemorizeFromItem false Allows players to memorize spells by right-clicking spell scrolls
Spells:InvisRequiresGroup false Invis requires the the target to be in group.
Spells:ClericInnateHealFocus 5 Clerics on live get a 5 pct innate heal focus
Spells:DOTsScaleWithSpellDmg false Allow SpellDmg stat to affect DoT spells
Spells:HOTsScaleWithHealAmt false Allow HealAmt stat to affect HoT spells
Spells:CompoundLifetapHeals true True: Lifetap heals calculate damage bonuses and then heal bonuses. False: Lifetaps heal using the amount damaged to mob.
Spells:UseFadingMemoriesMaxLevel false Enables to limit field in spell data to set the max level that over which an NPC will ignore fading memories effect and not lose aggro.
Spells:FixBeaconHeading false Beacon spells use casters heading to fix live bug. False: Live like heading always 0.
Spells:UseSpellImpliedTargeting false Replicates EQ2-style targeting behavior for spells. Spells will 'pass through' inappropriate targets to target's target if it is appropriate.
Spells:BuffsFadeOnDeath true Disable to keep buffs from fading on death
Spells:IllusionsAlwaysPersist false Allows Illusions to persist beyond death and zoning always.
Spells:UseItemCastMessage false Enable to use the \"item begins to glow\" messages when casting from an item.
Spells:TargetsTargetRequiresCombatRange true Disable to remove combat range requirement from Target's Target Spell Target Type
Spells:NPCBuffLevelRestrictions false Impose BuffLevelRestrictions on NPCs if true
Spells:ResurrectionEffectBlock 2 0 = allow overwrites/rule disabled. If set to 1 = Block all buffs that would overwrite Resurrection Effects. If set to 2 = Will not overwrite Resurrection Effects, instead moves new buff to an empty slot if available. Default is 2.
Spells:WaterMatchRequiredForLoS true Enable/Disable the requirement of both the attacker/victim being both in or out of water for spells LoS to pass.
Spells:WizardCritMinimumRandomRatio 20 The minimum value for the random range which Wizards and Caster DPS Mercs innately have for spell crit ratio. Set to 20 for vanilla values.
Spells:WizardCritMaximumRandomRatio 70 The maximum value for the random range which Wizards and Caster DPS Mercs innately have for spell crit ratio. Set to 70 for vanilla values.
Spells:DefensiveProcPenaltyLevelGap 6 Defensive Proc Penalty Level Gap where procs start losing their proc rate at RuleR(Spells, DefensiveProcPenaltyModifier)% per level difference
Spells:DefensiveProcPenaltyLevelGapModifier 10.0f Defensive Proc Penalty Level Gap Modifier where procs start losing their proc rate at defined % after RuleI(Spells, DefensiveProcLevelGap) level difference
Spells:DOTBonusDamageSplitOverDuration true Disable to have Damage Over Time total bonus damage added to each tick instead of divided across duration
Spells:HOTBonusHealingSplitOverDuration true Disable to have Heal Over Time total bonus healing added to each tick instead of divided across duration
Spells:UseLegacyFizzleCode false Enable will turn on the legacy fizzle code which is far stricter and more accurate to 2001/2002 testing.
Spells:LegacyManaburn false Enable to have the legacy manaburn system from 2003 and earlier.
Spells:LegacyManaburnCap 9492 Adjusted the hard cap (Normal or Crit) for the Legacy Manaburn system. DEFAULT: 9492
Spells:EvacClearAggroInSameZone false Enable to clear aggro on clients when evacing in same zone.
Spells:CharmAggroOverLevel false Enabling this rule will cause Charm casts over level to show resisted and cause aggro. Early EQ style.
Spells:RequireMnemonicRetention true Enabling will require spell slots 9-12 to have the appropriate Mnemonic Retention AA learned.
Spells:EvacClearCharmPet false Enable to have evac in zone clear charm from charm pets and detach buffs.
Spells:ManaTapsRequireNPCMana false Enabling will require target to have mana to tap. Default off as many npc's are caster class with 0 mana and need fixed.
Spells:HarmTouchCritRatio 200 Harmtouch crit bonus, on top of BaseCritRatio
Spells:UseClassicHarmTouchDamage false Use pre 2007 Harm Touch calculations - Default: False
Spells:UseClassicSpellFocus false Enabling will tell the server to handle random focus damage as classic spell imports lack the limit values.
Spells:ManaTapsOnAnyClass false Enabling this will allow you to cast mana taps on any class, this will bypass ManaTapsRequireNPCMana rule.
Spells:HealAmountMessageFilterThreshold 100 Lifetaps below this threshold will not have a message sent to the client (Heal will still process) 0 to Disable.
Spells:SnareOverridesSpeedBonuses false Enabling will allow snares to override any speed bonuses the entity may have. Default: False
Spells:TargetedAOEMaxTargets 4 Max number of targets a Targeted AOE spell can cast on. Set to 0 for no limit.
Spells:PointBlankAOEMaxTargets 0 Max number of targets a Point-Blank AOE spell can cast on. Set to 0 for no limit.
Spells:DefaultAOEMaxTargets 0 Max number of targets that an AOE spell which does not meet other descriptions can cast on. Set to 0 for no limit.
Spells:AllowFocusOnSkillDamageSpells false Allow focus effects 185, 459, and 482 to enhance SkillAttack spell effect 193

TaskSystem Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem true Globally enable or disable the Task system
TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer 5 Seconds between checks for failed tasks. Also used by the 'Touch' activity
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks true Record completed tasks
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities false Record completed optional activities
TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask true Keep only one record per completed task
TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity true Enable task proximity system
TaskSystem:RequestCooldownTimerSeconds 15 Seconds between allowing characters to request tasks (live-like default: 15 seconds)
TaskSystem:ExpRewardsIgnoreLevelBasedEXPMods false Rewarding Level Based Exp will ignore Rule LevelBasedEXPMods if true
TaskSystem:SharedTasksWorldProcessRate 6000 Timer interval (milliseconds) that shared tasks are processed in world
TaskSystem:SharedTasksTerminateTimerMS 120000 Delay (milliseconds) until a shared task is terminated if requirements are no longer met after member removal (default: 2 minutes)
TaskSystem:UpdateOneElementPerTask true If true (live-like) task updates only increment the first matching activity. If false all matching elements will be incremented.
TaskSystem:MaxUpdateMessages 50 Maximum update messages for non-GiveCash activity types in IncrementDoneCount

Watermap Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Watermap:CheckForWaterOnSendTo false Checks if a mob has moved into/out of water on SendTo
Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenFishing false Only lets a player fish near water (if a water map exists for the zone)
Watermap:FishingRodLength 30 How far in front of player water must be for fishing to work
Watermap:FishingLineLength 100 If water is more than this far below the player, it is considered too far to fish
Watermap:FishingLineStepSize 1 Basic step size for fishing calc, too small and it will eat cpu, too large and it will miss potential water

World Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS 60000 Time out for automatic booting of zones in milliseconds
World:UseBannedIPsTable false Toggle whether or not to check incoming client connections against the banned_ips table. Set this value to false to disable this feature
World:EnableTutorialButton true Setting whether the Tutorial button should be active. At least in RoF2 you can always press the button, but it loses its effect
World:EnableReturnHomeButton true Setting whether the Return Home button should be active
World:MaxLevelForTutorial 10 The highest level with which you can enter the tutorial
World:TutorialZoneID 189 Zone ID of the tutorial
World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome 21600 Minimum offline time to activate the Return Home button. 21600 seconds is 6 Hours
World:MaxClientsPerIP -1 Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < AddMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus -1 Exempt accounts from the MaxClientsPerIP and AddMaxClientsStatus rules, if their status is >= this value. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsPerIP -1 Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < ExemptMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsStatus -1 Accounts with status >= this rule will be allowed to use the amount of accounts defined in the AddMaxClientsPerIP. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:MaxClientsSetByStatus false If true, IP Limiting will be set to the status on the account as long as the status is > MaxClientsPerIP
World:EnableIPExemptions false If true, ip_exemptions table is used, if there is no entry for the IP it will default to RuleI(World, MaxClientsPerIP)
World:ClearTempMerchantlist true Clears temp merchant items when world boots
World:GMAccountIPList false Check IP list against GM accounts. This increases the security of GM accounts, e.g. if you only allow localhost '' for GM accounts. Think carefully about what you enter!
World:MinGMAntiHackStatus 1 Minimum status to check against AntiHack list
World:SoFStartZoneID -1 Sets the Starting Zone for SoF Clients separate from Titanium Clients (-1 is disabled)
World:TitaniumStartZoneID -1 Sets the Starting Zone for Titanium Clients (-1 is disabled). Replaces the old method
World:ExpansionSettings 16383 Sets the expansion settings bitmask for the server, This is sent on login to world and affects client expansion settings. Defaults to all expansions enabled up to TSS, value is bitmask
World:CharacterSelectExpansionSettings -1 Sets the expansion settings bitmask for character select if you wish to override. -1 is off
World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings true If true it will overrule World, ExpansionSettings and set someone's expansion based on the client they're using
World:PVPSettings 0 Sets the PVP settings for the server. 1=Rallos Zek RuleSet, 2=Tallon/Vallon Zek Ruleset, 4=Sullon Zek Ruleset, 6=Discord Ruleset, anything above 6 is the Discord Ruleset without the no-drop restrictions removed. NOTE: edit IsAttackAllowed in Zone-table to accomodate for these rules
World:PVPMinLevel 0 Minimum level to pvp
World:StartZoneSameAsBindOnCreation true Should the start zone always be the same location as your bind?
World:EnforceCharacterLimitAtLogin false Enforce the limit for characters that are online at login
World:EnableDevTools true Enable or Disable the Developer Tools globally (Most of the time you want this enabled)
World:EnableChecksumVerification false Enable or Disable the Checksum Verification for eqgame.exe and spells_us.txt
World:MaximumQuestErrors 30 Changes the maximum number of quest errors that can be displayed in #questerrors, default is 30
World:BootHour 0 Sets the in-game hour world will set when it first boots. 0-24 are valid options, where 0 disables this rule
World:UseItemLinksForKeyRing false Uses item links for Key Ring Listing instead of item name
World:UseOldShadowKnightClassExport true Disable to have Shadowknight show as Shadow Knight (live-like)
World:EnableAutoLogin false Enables or disables auto login of characters, allowing people to log characters in directly from loginserver to ingame
World:EnablePVPRegions true Enables or disables PVP Regions automatically setting your PVP flag
World:CustomFilesAdminLevel 20 Admin level at which custom file key is not required when CustomFilesKey is specified

Zone Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
Zone:ClientLinkdeadMS 90000 The time a client remains link dead on the server after a sudden disconnection (milliseconds)
Zone:GraveyardTimeMS 1200000 Time until a player corpse is moved to a zone's graveyard, if one is specified for the zone (milliseconds)
Zone:EnableShadowrest 1 Enables or disables the Shadowrest zone feature for player corpses. Default is turned on
Zone:AutoShutdownDelay 60000 How long a dynamic zone stays loaded while empty (milliseconds)
Zone:PEQZoneReuseTime 900 Seconds between two uses of the #peqzone command (Set to 0 to disable)
Zone:PEQZoneDebuff1 4454 First debuff casted by #peqzone Default is Cursed Keeper's Blight
Zone:PEQZoneDebuff2 2209 Second debuff casted by #peqzone Default is Tendrils of Apathy
Zone:UsePEQZoneDebuffs true Setting if the command #peqzone applies the defined debuffs
Zone:PEQZoneHPRatio 75 Required HP Ratio to use #peqzone
Zone:HotZoneBonus 0.75 Value which is added to the experience multiplier. This also applies to AA experience.
Zone:EbonCrystalItemID 40902 Item ID for Ebon Crystal
Zone:RadiantCrystalItemID 40903 Item ID for Radiant Crystal
Zone:LevelBasedEXPMods false Allows you to use the level_exp_mods table in consideration to your players experience hits
Zone:WeatherTimer 600 Weather timer when no duration is available
Zone:EnableLoggedOffReplenishments true 'Replenish mana/hp/end if logged off for MinOfflineTimeToReplenishments
Zone:MinOfflineTimeToReplenishments 21600 Minimum time a player must be offline before LoggedOffReplenishments becomes active (seconds)
Zone:UseZoneController true Enables the ability to use persistent quest based zone controllers (
Zone:EnableZoneControllerGlobals false Enables the ability to use quest globals with the zone controller NPC
Zone:GlobalLootMultiplier 1 Sets Global Loot drop multiplier for database based drops, useful for double, triple loot etc
Zone:KillProcessOnDynamicShutdown true When process has booted a zone and has hit its zone shut down timer, it will hard kill the process to free memory back to the OS
Zone:SpawnEventMin 3 When strict is set in spawn_events, specifies the max EQ minutes into the trigger hour a spawn_event will fire. Going below 3 may cause the spawn_event to not fire.
Zone:ForageChance 25 Chance of foraging from zone table vs global table
Zone:FishingChance 399 Chance of fishing from zone table vs global table
Zone:AllowCrossZoneSpellsOnBots false Set to true to allow cross zone spells (cast/remove) to affect bots
Zone:AllowCrossZoneSpellsOnMercs false Set to true to allow cross zone spells (cast/remove) to affect mercenaries
Zone:AllowCrossZoneSpellsOnPets false Set to true to allow cross zone spells (cast/remove) to affect pets