Commands Reference
This page lists the commands that are available in-game, based on assigned Account Status, for your EQEmu Server.
Command | Description | Status Level |
#acceptrules | [acceptrules] - Accept the EQEmu Agreement | Player (0) |
#advnpcspawn | [maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox] | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#aggrozone | [aggro] - Aggro every mob in the zone with X aggro. Default is 0. Not recommend if you're not invulnerable. | GMAdmin (100) |
#ai | [factionid/spellslist/con/guard/roambox/stop/start] - Modify AI on NPC target | GMAdmin (100) |
#appearance | [type] [value] - Send an appearance packet for you or your target | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#appearanceeffects | [Help|Remove|Set|View] - Modify appearance effects on yourself or your target. | GMAdmin (100) |
#apply_shared_memory | [shared_memory_name] - Tells every zone and world to apply a specific shared memory segment by name. | GMImpossible (250) |
#attack | [Entity Name] - Make your NPC target attack an entity by name | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#augmentitem | Force augments an item. Must have the augment item window open. | GMImpossible (250) |
#ban | [Character Name] [Reason] - Ban by character name | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#bugs | [Close|Delete|Review|Search|View] - Handles player bug reports | QuestTroupe (80) |
#bot | Type #bot help or ^help to the see the list of available commands for bots. | Player (0) |
#camerashake | [Duration (Milliseconds)] [Intensity (1-10)] - Shakes the camera on everyone's screen globally. | QuestTroupe (80) |
#castspell | [Spell ID] [Instant (0 = False, 1 = True, Default is 1 if Unused)] - Cast a spell | Guide (50) |
#chat | [Channel ID] [Message] - Send a channel message to all zones | GMMgmt (200) |
#clearxtargets | Clears XTargets | Player (0) |
#copycharacter | [source_char_name] [dest_char_name] [dest_account_name] - Copies character to destination account | GMImpossible (250) |
#corpse | Manipulate corpses, use with no arguments for help | Guide (50) |
#corpsefix | Attempts to bring corpses from underneath the ground within close proximity of the player | Player (0) |
#countitem | [Item ID] - Counts the specified Item ID in your or your target's inventory | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#damage | [Amount] - Damage yourself or your target | GMAdmin (100) |
#databuckets | View|Delete [key] [limit]- View data buckets, limit 50 default or Delete databucket by key | QuestTroupe (80) |
#dbspawn2 | [Spawngroup ID] [Respawn] [Variance] [Condition ID] [Condition Minimum] - Spawn an NPC from a predefined row in the spawn2 table, Respawn and Variance are in Seconds (condition is optional) | GMAdmin (100) |
#delacct | [Account ID|Account Name] - Delete an account by ID or Name | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#delpetition | [petition number] - Delete a petition | ApprenticeGuide (20) |
#depop | [Start Spawn Timer] - Depop your NPC target and optionally start their spawn timer (false by default) | Guide (50) |
#depopzone | [Start Spawn Timers] - Depop the zone and optionally start spawn timers (false by default) | GMAdmin (100) |
#devtools | [menu|window] [enable|disable] - Manages Developer Tools (send no parameter for menu) | GMMgmt (200) |
#disablerecipe | [Recipe ID] - Disables a Recipe | QuestTroupe (80) |
#disarmtrap | Analog for ldon disarm trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working. | QuestTroupe (80) |
#door | Door editing command | QuestTroupe (80) |
#doanim | [Animation ID|Animation Name] [Speed] - Send an animation by ID or name at the specified speed to you or your target (Speed is optional) | Guide (50) |
#dye | [slot|'help'] [red] [green] [blue] [use_tint] - Dyes the specified armor slot to Red, Green, and Blue provided, allows you to bypass darkness limits. | ApprenticeGuide (20) |
#dz | Manage expeditions and dynamic zone instances | QuestTroupe (80) |
#dzkickplayers | Removes all players from current expedition. (/kickplayers alternative for pre-RoF clients) | Player (0) |
#editmassrespawn | [name-search] [second-value] - Mass (Zone wide) NPC respawn timer editing command | GMAdmin (100) |
#emote | [Name|World|Zone] [type] [message] - Send an emote message by name, to the world, or to your zone (^ separator allows multiple messages to be sent at once) | QuestTroupe (80) |
#emptyinventory | Clears your or your target's entire inventory (Equipment, General, Bank, and Shared Bank) | GMImpossible (250) |
#enablerecipe | [Recipe ID] - Enables a Recipe | QuestTroupe (80) |
#entityvariable | [clear|delete|set|view] - Modify entity variables for yourself or your target | GMAdmin (100) |
#exptoggle | [Toggle] - Toggle your or your target's experience gain. | QuestTroupe (80) |
#faction | [Find (criteria | all ) | Review (criteria | all) | Reset (id)] - Resets Player's Faction | QuestTroupe (80) |
#factionassociation | [factionid] [amount] - triggers a faction hits via association | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#feature | Change your or your target's feature's temporarily | QuestTroupe (80) |
#size | Change your targets size (alias of #feature size) | QuestTroupe (80) |
#find | Search command used to find various things | Guide (50) |
#fish | Fish for an item | QuestTroupe (80) |
#fixmob | [race|gender|texture|helm|face|hair|haircolor|beard|beardcolor|heritage|tattoo|detail] [next|prev] - Manipulate appearance of your target | QuestTroupe (80) |
#flagedit | Edit zone flags on your target. Use #flagedit help for more info. | GMAdmin (100) |
#fleeinfo | - Gives info about whether a NPC will flee or not, using the command issuer as top hate. | QuestTroupe (80) |
#forage | Forage an item | QuestTroupe (80) |
#gearup | Developer tool to quickly equip yourself or your target | GMMgmt (200) |
#giveitem | [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your target's cursor. Charges are optional. | GMMgmt (200) |
#givemoney | [Platinum] [Gold] [Silver] [Copper] - Gives specified amount of money to you or your player target | GMMgmt (200) |
#gmzone | [Zone ID|Zone Short Name] [Version] [Instance Identifier] - Zones to a private GM instance (Version defaults to 0 and Instance Identifier defaults to 'gmzone' if not used) | GMAdmin (100) |
#goto | [playername] or [x y z] [h] - Teleport to the provided coordinates or to your target | Steward (10) |
#grantaa | [level] - Grants a player all available AA points up the specified level, all AAs are granted if no level is specified. | GMMgmt (200) |
#grid | [add/delete] [grid_num] [wandertype] [pausetype] - Create/delete a wandering grid | GMAreas (170) |
#guild | Guild manipulation commands. Use argument help for more info. | Steward (10) |
#help | [Search Criteria] - List available commands and their description, specify partial command as argument to search | Player (0) |
#hotfix | [hotfix_name] - Reloads shared memory into a hotfix, equiv to load_shared_memory followed by apply_shared_memory | GMImpossible (250) |
#hp | Refresh your HP bar from the server. | Player (0) |
#instance | Modify Instances | GMMgmt (200) |
#interrogateinv | use [help] argument for available options | Player (0) |
#interrupt | [Message ID] [Color] - Interrupt your casting. Arguments are optional. | Guide (50) |
#invsnapshot | Manipulates inventory snapshots for your current target | QuestTroupe (80) |
#ipban | [IP] - Ban IP | GMMgmt (200) |
#kick | [Character Name] - Disconnect a player by name | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#kill | Kill your target | GMAdmin (100) |
#killallnpcs | [npc_name] - Kills all npcs by search name, leave blank for all attackable NPC's | GMMgmt (200) |
#list | [npcs|players|corpses|doors|objects] [search] - Search entities | ApprenticeGuide (20) |
#lootsim | [npc_type_id] [loottable_id] [iterations] - Runs benchmark simulations using real loot logic to report numbers and data | GMImpossible (250) |
#load_shared_memory | [shared_memory_name] - Reloads shared memory and uses the input as output | GMImpossible (250) |
#loc | Print out your or your target's current location and heading | Player (0) |
#logs | Manage anything to do with logs | GMImpossible (250) |
#makepet | [Pet Name] - Make a pet | Guide (50) |
#memspell | [Spell ID] [Spell Gem] - Memorize a Spell by ID to the specified Spell Gem for you or your target | Guide (50) |
#merchantshop | Closes or opens your target merchant's shop | GMAdmin (100) |
#modifynpcstat | [Stat] [Value] - Modifies an NPC's stats temporarily. | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#movechar | [Character ID|Character Name] [Zone ID|Zone Short Name] - Move an offline character to the specified zone | Guide (50) |
#movement | Various movement commands | GMMgmt (200) |
#myskills | Show details about your current skill levels | Player (0) |
#mysql | [Help|Query] [SQL Query] - Mysql CLI, see 'Help' for options. | GMImpossible (250) |
#mystats | Show details about you or your pet | Guide (50) |
#npccast | [targetname/entityid] [spellid] - Causes NPC target to cast spellid on targetname/entityid | QuestTroupe (80) |
#npcedit | [column] [value] - Mega NPC editing command | GMAdmin (100) |
#npceditmass | [name-search] [column] [value] - Mass (Zone wide) NPC data editing command | GMAdmin (100) |
#npcemote | [Message] - Make your NPC target emote a message. | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#npcloot | Manipulate the loot an NPC is carrying. Use #npcloot help for more information. | QuestTroupe (80) |
#npcsay | [Message] - Make your NPC target say a message. | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#npcshout | [Message] - Make your NPC target shout a message. | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#npcspawn | [create/add/update/remove/delete] - Manipulate spawn DB | GMAreas (170) |
#npctypespawn | [NPC ID] [Faction ID] - Spawn an NPC by ID from the database with an option of setting its Faction ID | Steward (10) |
#nudge | Nudge your target's current position by specific values | QuestTroupe (80) |
#nukebuffs | [Beneficial|Detrimental|Help] - Strip all buffs by type on you or your target (no argument to remove all buffs) | Guide (50) |
#nukeitem | [Item ID] - Removes the specified Item ID from you or your player target's inventory | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#object | List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Copy|Save|Undo|Delete - Manipulate static and tradeskill objects within the zone | GMAdmin (100) |
#opcode | Reloads all opcodes from server patch files | GMMgmt (200) |
#parcels | View and edit the parcel system. Requires parcels to be enabled in rules. | GMMgmt (200) |
#path | view and edit pathing | GMMgmt (200) |
#peqzone | [Zone ID|Zone Short Name] - Teleports you to the specified zone if you meet the requirements. | Player (0) |
#petitems | View your pet's items if you have one | ApprenticeGuide (20) |
#picklock | Analog for ldon pick lock for the newer clients since we still don't have it working. | Player (0) |
#profanity | Manage censored language. | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#push | [Back Push] [Up Push] - Lets you do spell push on an NPC | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#raidloot | [All|GroupLeader|RaidLeader|Selected] - Sets your Raid Loot Type if you have permission to do so. | Player (0) |
#randomfeatures | Temporarily randomizes the Facial Features of your target | QuestTroupe (80) |
#refreshgroup | Refreshes Group for you or your player target. | Player (0) |
#reload | Reloads different types of server data globally, use no argument for help menu. | GMMgmt (200) |
#rq | Reloads quests (alias of #reload quests). | GMMgmt (200) |
#rl | Reloads logs (alias of #reload logs). | GMMgmt (200) |
#removeitem | [Item ID] [Amount] - Removes the specified Item ID by Amount from you or your player target's inventory (Amount defaults to 1 if not used) | GMAdmin (100) |
#repop | [Force] - Repop the zone with optional force repop | GMAdmin (100) |
#resetaa | [aa|leadership] - Resets a player's AAs or Leadership AAs and refunds spent AAs (not Leadership AAs) to unspent, may disconnect player. | GMMgmt (200) |
#resetaa_timer | [All|Timer ID] - Command to reset AA cooldown timers for you or your player target. | GMMgmt (200) |
#resetdisc_timer | [All|Timer ID] - Command to reset discipline timers. | GMMgmt (200) |
#revoke | [Character Name] [0|1] - Revokes or unrevokes a player's ability to talk in OOC by name (0 = Unrevoke, 1 = Revoke) | GMMgmt (200) |
#roambox | [Remove|Set] [Box Size] [Delay (Milliseconds)] - Remove or set an NPC's roambox size and delay | GMMgmt (200) |
#rules | (subcommand) - Manage server rules | GMImpossible (250) |
#save | Force your player or player corpse target to be saved to the database | Guide (50) |
#scale | Handles NPC scaling | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#scribespell | [Spell ID] - Scribe a spell by ID to your or your target's spell book. | GMCoder (180) |
#scribespells | [Max level] [Min level] - Scribe all spells for you or your player target that are usable by them, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds) | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#sendzonespawns | Refresh spawn list for all clients in zone | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#sensetrap | Analog for ldon sense trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working. | Player (0) |
#serverrules | Show server rules | Player (0) |
#set | Set command used to set various things | Guide (50) |
#show | Show command used to show various things | Guide (50) |
#shutdown | Shut this zone process down | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#spawn | [name] [race] [level] [material] [hp] [gender] [class] [priweapon] [secweapon] [merchantid] - Spawn an NPC | Steward (10) |
#spawneditmass | [Search Criteria] [Edit Option] [Edit Value] [Apply] Mass editing spawn command (Apply is optional, 0 = False, 1 = True, default is False) | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#spawnfix | Find targeted NPC in database based on its X/Y/heading and update the database to make it spawn at your current location/heading. | GMAreas (170) |
#stun | [duration] - Stuns you or your target for duration | GMAdmin (100) |
#summon | [Character Name] - Summons your corpse, NPC, or player target, or by character name if specified | QuestTroupe (80) |
#summonburiedplayercorpse | Summons the target's oldest buried corpse, if any exist. | GMAdmin (100) |
#summonitem | [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your cursor. Charges are optional. | GMMgmt (200) |
#suspend | [name] [days] [reason] - Suspend by character name and for specificed number of days | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#suspendmulti | [Character Name One|Character Name Two|etc] [Days] [Reason] - Suspend multiple characters by name for specified number of days | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#takeplatinum | [Platinum] - Takes specified amount of platinum from you or your player target | GMMgmt (200) |
#task | (subcommand) - Task system commands | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#petname | [newname] - Temporarily renames your pet. Leave name blank to restore the original name. | GMAdmin (100) |
#traindisc | [level] - Trains all the disciplines usable by the target, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds) | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#tune | Calculate statistical values related to combat. | GMAdmin (100) |
#undye | Remove dye from all of your or your target's armor slots | GMAdmin (100) |
#unmemspell | [Spell ID] - Unmemorize a Spell by ID for you or your target | Guide (50) |
#unmemspells | Unmemorize all spells for you or your target | Guide (50) |
#unscribespell | [Spell ID] - Unscribe a spell from your or your target's spell book by Spell ID | GMCoder (180) |
#unscribespells | Clear out your or your player target's spell book. | GMCoder (180) |
#untraindisc | [Spell ID] - Untrain your or your target's discipline by Spell ID | GMCoder (180) |
#untraindiscs | Untrains all disciplines from your target. | GMCoder (180) |
#wc | [Slot ID] [Material] [Hero Forge Model] [Elite Material] - Sets the specified slot for you or your target to a material, Hero Forge Model and Elite Material are optional | GMMgmt (200) |
#worldshutdown | Shut down world and all zones | GMMgmt (200) |
#wp | [add|delete] [grid_id] [pause] [waypoint_id] [-h] - Add or delete a waypoint by grid ID. (-h to use current heading) | GMAreas (170) |
#wpadd | [pause] [-h] - Add your current location as a waypoint to your NPC target's AI path. (-h to use current heading) | GMAreas (170) |
#worldwide | Performs world-wide GM functions such as cast (can be extended for other commands). Use caution | GMImpossible (250) |
#zone | [Zone ID|Zone Short Name] [X] [Y] [Z] - Teleport to specified Zone by ID or Short Name (coordinates are optional) | Guide (50) |
#zonebootup | [ZoneServerID] [shortname] - Make a zone server boot a specific zone | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#zoneinstance | [Instance ID] [X] [Y] [Z] - Teleport to specified Instance by ID (coordinates are optional) | Guide (50) |
#zoneshutdown | [shortname] - Shut down a zone server | GMLeadAdmin (150) |
#zsave | Saves zheader to the database | QuestTroupe (80) |
Command | Subcommand | Usage |
#find | aa | #find aa [Search Criteria] |
#find | body_type | #find body_type [Search Criteria] |
#find | bug_category | #find bug_category [Search Criteria] |
#find | character | #find character [Search Criteria] |
#find | class | #find class [Search Criteria] |
#find | comparison_type | #find comparison_type [Search Criteria] |
#find | currency | #find currency [Search Criteria] |
#find | deity | #find deity [Search Criteria] |
#find | emote | #find emote [Search Criteria] |
#find | faction | #find faction [Search Criteria] |
#find | item | #find item [Search Criteria] |
#find | language | #find language [Search Criteria] |
#find | ldon_theme | #find ldon_theme [Search Criteria] |
#find | object_type | #find object_type [Search Criteria] |
#find | race | #find race [Search Criteria] |
#find | recipe | #find recipe [Search Criteria] |
#find | skill | #find skill [Search Criteria] |
#find | special_ability | #find special_ability [Search Criteria] |
#find | stance | #find stance [Search Criteria] |
#find | spell | #find spell [Search Criteria] |
#find | task | #find task [Search Criteria] |
#find | zone | #find zone [Search Criteria] |
#find | bot | #find bot [Search Criteria] |
#set | aa_exp | #set aa_exp [aa|group|raid] [Amount] |
#set | aa_points | #set aa_points [aa|group|raid] [Amount] |
#set | adventure_points | #set adventure_points [Theme ID] [Amount] |
#set | alternate_currency | #set alternate_currency [Currency ID] [Amount] |
#set | animation | #set animation [Animation ID] |
#set | anon | #set anon [Character ID] [Anonymous Flag] or #set anon [Anonymous Flag] |
#set | auto_login | #set auto_login [0|1] |
#set | bind_point | #set bind_point |
#set | checksum | #set checksum |
#set | class_permanent | #set class_permanent [Class ID] |
#set | crystals | #set crystals [ebon|radiant] [Amount] |
#set | date | #set date [Year] [Month] [Day] [Hour] [Minute] (Hour and Minute are optional) |
#set | endurance | #set endurance [Amount] |
#set | endurance_full | #set endurance_full |
#set | exp | #set exp [aa|exp] [Amount] |
#set | flymode | #set flymode [Flymode ID] |
#set | frozen | #set frozen [on|off] |
#set | gender | #set gender [Gender ID] |
#set | gender_permanent | #set gender_permanent [Gender ID] |
#set | gm | #set gm [on|off] |
#set | gm_speed | #set gm_speed [on|off] |
#set | gm_status | #set gm_status [GM Status] [Account] |
#set | god_mode | #set god_mode [on|off] |
#set | haste | #set haste [Percentage] |
#set | hide_me | #set hide_me [on|off] |
#set | hero_model | #set hero_model [Hero Model] [Slot] (Slot is optional) |
#set | hp | #set hp [Amount] |
#set | hp_full | #set hp_full |
#set | invulnerable | #set invulnerable |
#set | language | #set language [Language ID] [Language Level] |
#set | last_name | #set last_name [Last Name] |
#set | level | #set level [Level] |
#set | loginserver_info | #set loginserver_info [Email] [Password] |
#set | mana | #set mana [Amount] |
#set | mana_full | #set mana_full |
#set | motd | #set motd |
#set | name | #set name |
#set | ooc_mute | #set ooc_mute |
#set | password | #set password [Account Name] [Password] (account table password) |
#set | pvp | #set pvp [on|off] |
#set | pvp_points | #set pvp_points [Amount] |
#set | race | #set race [Race ID] |
#set | race_permanent | #set race_permanent [Race ID] |
#set | server_locked | #set server_locked [on|off] |
#set | skill | #set skill [Skill ID] [Skill Level] |
#set | skill_all | #set skill_all [Skill Level] |
#set | skill_all_max | #set skill_all_max |
#set | start_zone | #set endurance [Amount] |
#set | temporary_name | #set temporary_name [Name] |
#set | texture | #set texture [Texture ID] |
#set | time | #set time [Hour] [Minute] |
#set | time_zone | #set time_zone [Hour] [Minute] |
#set | title | #set title [Title] |
#set | title_suffix | #set title_suffix [Title Suffix] |
#set | temporary_name | #set temporary_name [Name] |
#set | weather | #set weather [0|1|2|3] |
#set | zone | #set zone [option] |
#show | aas | #show aas |
#show | aa_points | #show aa_points |
#show | aggro | #show aggro [Distance] [-v] (-v is verbose Faction Information) |
#show | auto_login | #show auto_login |
#show | buffs | #show buffs |
#show | buried_corpse_count | #show buried_corpse_count |
#show | client_version_summary | #show client_version_summary |
#show | content_flags | #show content_flags |
#show | currencies | #show currencies |
#show | distance | #show distance |
#show | emotes | #show emotes |
#show | field_of_view | #show field_of_view |
#show | flags | #show flags |
#show | group_info | #show group_info |
#show | hatelist | #show hatelist |
#show | inventory | #show inventory |
#show | ip_lookup | #show ip_lookup |
#show | line_of_sight | #show line_of_sight |
#show | network | #show network |
#show | network_stats | #show network_stats |
#show | npc_global_loot | #show npc_global_loot |
#show | npc_stats | #show npc_stats |
#show | npc_type | #show npc_type [NPC ID] |
#show | peqzone_flags | #show peqzone_flags |
#show | petition | #show petition |
#show | petition_info | #show petition_info |
#show | proximity | #show proximity |
#show | quest_errors | #show quest_errors |
#show | quest_globals | #show quest_globals |
#show | recipe | #show recipe [Recipe ID] |
#show | server_info | #show server_info |
#show | skills | #show skills |
#show | spawn_status | #show spawn_status [all|disabled|enabled|Spawn ID] |
#show | special_abilities | #show special_abilities |
#show | spells | #show spells [disciplines|spells] |
#show | spells_list | #show spells_list |
#show | stats | #show stats |
#show | timers | #show timers |
#show | traps | #show traps |
#show | uptime | #show uptime [Zone Server ID] (Zone Server ID is optional) |
#show | variable | #show variable [Variable Name] |
#show | version | #show version |
#show | waypoints | #show waypoints |
#show | who | #show who [Search Criteria] (Search criteria is optional) |
#show | xtargets | #show xtargets [Amount] (Amount is optional) |
#show | zone_data | #show zone_data |
#show | zone_global_loot | #show zone_global_loot |
#show | zone_loot | #show zone_loot |
#show | zone_points | #show zone_points |
#show | zone_status | #show zone_status |