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Group/Raid Methods

Group methods

bool DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name, int max_check_count = 0)

Returns true if any group member has the specified lockout.

Passing a non-zero max_check_count will limit to checking that number of group members in no guaranteed order.

See Raid::DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout for example. .

Raid methods

bool DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(string expedition_name, string event_name, int max_check_count = 0)

Returns true if any raid member has the specified lockout.

Passing a non-zero max_check_count will limit to checking that number of raid members. The order that raid members are checked is leader first, followed by raid member group number, and finally ungrouped members. The order of group members within raid groups is not guaranteed to be the same as displayed.

local member_has_lockout = false

if e.other:GetRaid().valid then
  member_has_lockout = e.other:GetRaid():DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout("foo", "bar")
elseif e.other:GetGroup().valid then
  member_has_lockout = e.other:GetGroup():DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout("foo", "bar")
  member_has_lockout = e.other:HasExpeditionLockout("foo", "bar")

if member_has_lockout then
  e.self:Say("Insert custom quest dialogue if someone has a lockout")
  local expedition = e.other:CreateExpedition("zone", 0, 36000, "foo", 6, 54)