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Task System

The EQEmu Task System allows implementation of quests that utilize the clients Task Window (alt+Q). Many aspects of this system can be found throughout this wiki; this guide attempts to organize that information on a single page to inform the reader who wishes to understand and utilize the Task System.

Much of the Task System functionality can be found in /zones/task.cpp and should be referenced by those comfortable with looking at the EQEmu source code.


While every attempt will be made to keep this page updated, please reference the additional supporting documentation found in the Database Schema, Quest API, and Changelog.

Section Description Link
Database Schema: All of the DB tables for the task system Database Schema
GM Commands: in-game GM commands for the task system GM Commands
Task System Rules: server rules effecting the task system Task System Rules
Logging Options: use with the Logging System Logging Options
Quest API: quest methods and EVENT triggers relating to the task system Quest API

Database Schema

The most up to date information regarding the database schema can be found in the Database Schema Space for Tasks. The information presented here is current as of this writing.

Tasks Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
id int Unique Task Identifier; use 1 - 9999, a value of 0 should NOT be used
type tinyint Task Type; 0=Task, 1=Shared, 2=Quest, 3=Expedition
duration int Duration in seconds; if 0, the task has no time limit
duration_code tinyint Duration Code; 0=None, 1=Short, 2=Medium, 3=Long
title varchar Title
description text Description; only the active task description displays
reward varchar Reward Description
rewardid int Item ID number, or a reference to a list of item ID numbers (from goallists table)
cashreward int Cash Reward, listed in copper (system will convert to plat, gold, etc.)
xpreward int Experience Reward; for level-based, set a negative value using the following formula: max level * 100 + experience percent
rewardmethod tinyint Reward Method: 0 = Single Item ID, 1 = List of Items (in the goallist table), 2 = Quest Controlled (reward granted through NPC quest script)
minlevel tinyint Minimum Level to obtain tasks
maxlevel tinyint Maximum Level to obtain tasks
repeatable tinyint Repeatable: 0 = False, 1 = True
faction_reward int Faction Reward
completion_emote varchar Completion Emote

Task_Activities Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
taskid int Task Identifier (ID from Tasks table); each activity for a task will utilize the same ID.
activityid int Activity Identifier: Starts at 0, must be sequential
step int Step: 0 = Always Available, >0 = Must Complete Previous ("stepped" task)
activitytype tinyint Activity Type (or see below)
target_name varchar Target Name
item_list varchar Item Identifier List
skill_list varchar Skill Identifier List
spell_list varchar Spell Identifier List
description_override varchar Description Override
goalid int Goal Identifier or Goal List Identifier
goalmethod int

Goal Method:

0 = Single Value (npc_type ID or item ID)

1 = List (refers to the goallist table to use a list of npc_type IDs or Item IDs)

2 = Under control of quest system

goalcount int Goal Count (how many of the things in the goal id must be done)
delivertonpc int Deliver To NPC: 0 = No Delivery NPC, >0 = npc_type ID
zones varchar Zones List--use the zoneidnumber field; "0" displays "ALL". Activities will only be counted if completed in the assigned zone. Can also be used as "Touch" for visiting an assigned zone.
optional tinyint Optional: 0 = False, 1 = True; if a task activity is optional, the task will be complete when all non-optional task activities are completed.

Activity Types


Please note that **quest::updatetaskactivity **could be used in many EVENT triggers if you did not want to use the task system as described in the table below.

Type ID


Information and usage
1 Deliver

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system without the need to write any Perl quest code, set:

  • goalmethod 0
  • goalid to the id of the item you want delivered
  • delivertonpc to the npc_types id you want the item delivered to
  • zoneid to the zoneidnumber the npc is in (or 0 for all)

If you wish to allow the player to deliver any out of a group of items, then you can use a list. To do this, create a list in the goallist table containing the allowable items. Then set the goalmethod to 1 and put the list number in the goalid field.

2 Kill

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system without the need to write any Perl quest code, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the npc that must be killed (from the npc_types table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber if the mobs must be killed in a particular zone to count.

If you wish to allow the player to kill any out of a group of NPC types, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity. For common mobs, you will probably always be using lists, since there are a lot of entries for mobs with the same name in the npc_types table which differ by level, etc.

3 Loot

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system without the need to write any Perl quest code, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the item that must be looted (from the items table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber if the item must be looted in a particular zone to count.

If you wish to allow the player to loot any one of a group of items, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity.

4 Speak With

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system without the need to write any Perl quest code, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the NPC that must be spoken to (from the npc_types table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber that the NPC is in.

If you wish to allow the player to speak to any one of a group of NPCs, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity.

5 Explore

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system without the need to write any Perl quest code, you will need to add a row to the proximity table. Once you have added the row and given it a unique exploreid number, in the activity table, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the exploreid of your newly created row in the proximity table.
  • zoneid should be set to the zoneidnumber that the proximity is in.

It should be possible to set up multiple proximities in the same zone, using lists, such that any of the proximities will trigger the activity complete.

6 Tradeskill

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the item that must be created (from the items table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber that the items must be created in.

If you wish to allow the player to create any one of a group of items, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity. Sometimes there are several items with the same name that can be created from a tradeskill, CLASS 1 Wood Point arrows being one of them.

7 Fish

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the item that must be fished (from the items table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber that the items must be fished in.

If you wish to allow the player to fish any one of a group of items, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity.

8 Forage

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • goalid to the id of the item that must be foraged (from the items table).
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber that the items must be fished in.

If you wish to allow the player to forage any one of a group of items, then you can use a list as described for the Deliver activity.

9 Use
10 Use
11 Touch

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system, set:

  • goalmethod to 0

Since the zoneid field is used to specify the zoneidnumber, the goalid field is not used. It is also not possible to specify a list of zones.

100 Give Cash

To have this activity automatically handled by the task system, set:

  • goalmethod to 0
  • npctypeid to the id of the NPC that the cash should be given to
  • zoneid should be set to 0 (any zone), or the zoneidnumber that the NPC is found in.

Character_Tasks Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
charid int Character Identifier; ID from character_data
taskid int Task Identifier; ID from tasks table
slot int

Slot; the slot number (up to 19) that causes the activity to

display in order to the client

type tinyint Task Type; 0=Task, 1=Shared, 2=Quest, 3=Expedition
acceptedtime int Accepted Time UNIX Timestamp

Character_Activities Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
charid int Character Identifier; ID from character_data
taskid int Task Identifier; ID from tasks table
activityid int Activity Identifier, ID from tasks table
donecount int Done Count (IE 'items looted', 'npcs killed', etc.)
completed tinyint Completed: 0 = False, 1 = True

Completed Tasks


If the rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks is set to false, then this table is not used.

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
charid int Character Identifier; ID from character_data table
completedtime int Completed Time UNIX Timestamp
taskid int Task Identifier; ID from tasks table
activityid int Activity Identifier; ID from tasks table


This table may have duplicate entries for repeatable tasks. To display Optional Tasks, be sure to set the rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalTasks to true.

Goallists Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
listid int Goal List Identifier; repeat ID for multiple entries
entry int Entry Identifier; either npc_type id or item id


Example: list id 10 for a "kill" mission could have three rows, all with list id 10, and entries of 2001, 2102, and 2103 (for Fippy Darkpaw, Kraxz Darkpaw, and Grarrax Darkpaw).

Proximities Table


The rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity must be set to **true **to allow the use of proximities independent of proximities defined by quest scripts for npcs (IE for "explore" tasks).

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
zoneid int Zone Identifier; use the zoneidnumber field
exploreid int Explore Identifier; match the goalid in the activity table for type 5 (explore) activities
minx float Minimum X Coordinate
maxx float Maximum X Coordinate
miny float Minimum Y Coordinate
maxy float Maximum Y Coordinate
minz float Minimum Z Coordinate
maxz float Maximum Z Coordinate


Overlapping proximities will only trigger proximity detection for the proximity with the lowest-numbered exploreid.

Tasksets Table


Task Sets are intended to make it easier to write quest NPCs that can offer a lot of tasks. While this functionality can also be achieved with quest::assigntask, it is important to note that players can remove tasks when writing your scripts. A Task Set could require a series of tasks in a progression.

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
id int Unique Task Set Entry Identifier
taskid int Task Identifier; ID from the tasks table

Character_enabledtasks Table

Field Descriptions

Column Data Type Description
charid int Character Identifier; ID from character_data
taskid int Task Identifier; ID from tasks table

GM Commands

Command Description
#task show Shows the active tasks for the targeted client
#task update [count] Updates the specified activity by 1, or by [count]
#task reloadall Reload all information relating to tasks from DB (all zones)
#task reload task Reload all information for the specified task from the DB (all zones)
#task reload lists Reload all information from the goallists table (all zones)
#task reload prox Reload all information from the proximities table (all zones)
#task reload sets Reload task sets (all zones)

Task System Rules

Rule Name Default Value Description
TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask True Keeps one record for each completed task (the client displays the most recent 50; use quest::istaskcompleted for lookups).
TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity True Makes use of the 'proximities' table, independent of quest::set_proximitiy
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities True Makes use of the 'character_activities' table for optional tasks
TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer 5 Seconds between checks for failed tasks. Also used by the 'Touch' activity
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks True Makes use of the 'character_activities' table for non-optional tasks
TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem True Globally enable or disable the Task system
QueryServ:PlayerLogTaskUpdates False Logs Player Task Updates

Logging Options


These options are present in the Logging System through logsys_categories or in-game via command #logs set [output] [type] [level]


TASKS UPDATE is used to print out debug information when checking if activities are completed.

Quest API (for the task system)

These are the quest::[methods] and EVENT triggers that are related to the Task System.


Be sure to reference the Quest API in the event that functionality is expanded.



  task_id _(int)_


  Used to bring up the Task Selector Window with the specified tasks available for selection (from 1 to 40 task_id(s)). Note that when the task selector is brought up via this method, no check is made as to whether the character has the tasks enabled.

     if ($text=~/hail/i) {
          quest::say("Heyo! Looking for an exciting [task] to fill the time?");
     if ($text=~/task/i) {
          #:: Select task 103



  task_set_id _(int)_


  Sets the Task Set, by provided Task Set ID.

#:: Set task set 202



  task_id _(int)_


  Used to determine if a task is active, by Task ID.

#:: Check if task 212 is active
quest::istaskactive(212); #:: Returns bool



  task_id _(int)_, activity_id _(int)_


  Used to determine if a task activity is active, by Task ID and Activity ID.

#:: Check if Activity 9 of Task 212 is active 
quest::istaskactivityactive(212, 9); #:: Returns bool



  task_id _(int)_, activity_id _(int)_, count _(int)_, ignore_quest_update _(bool)_


  Used to increment the done count of the specified task is active. The parameter for ignore_quest_update is optional, and defaults to false; the parameter for count default to 1 (increase count by 1).

#:: Update Task ID 219 activity 9, by 1 count



  task_id _(int)_, activity_id _(int)_


  Sets the done count to 0 for the specified Task ID

#:: Reset the activity done count for task 202



  explore_id _(int)_


  Used to mark any explore activities (type 5), which have the numeric value Explore ID in their Goal ID field, and for which the Zone ID of the activity is either 0 or this zone, as completed.

#:: Mark Task 21 complete



  task_id _(int)_, npcid _(int)_, enforce_level_requirement = false _(bool)_


  Used to assign a task to a client, optionally this can include the NPC ID and whether or not to enforce the level requirement specified in the DB.

#:: Assign Task 102
#:: Assign Task 103 with level requirement enforced
quest::assigntask(103, 1);
#:: Assign Task 104 and include the NPC ID
$client->AssignTask(104, $npc->GetID());
#:: Assign Task 105, include the NPC ID with level requirement enforced
$client->AssignTask(105, $npc->GetID(), 1);



  task_id _(int)_


  Fails the task, by Task ID, for the client character that triggered the event.

#:: Fail Task 216



  task_id _(int)_


  Returns the amount of time left, in seconds, before the specified task runs out. -1 is returned if there is no time limit, or if the player does not have the task.

#:: Create a scalar variable to store the amount of time left for Task ID 22
$timeremaining = quest::tasktimeleft(22);  #:: Returns int
if ($timeremaining => 1) {
     quest::say("You have $timeremaining seconds left--better hurry!");
else {
     quest::say("Sorry $name, but you're out of time!");



  task_id (int)


  Used to determine if a task is completed, by Task ID.

#:: Check if task 212 is completed
quest::istaskcompleted(212); #:: Returns bool



  task_id _(int)_


  Enables a task.

#:: Match if the player has an active task
if ($task != 0) {
     #:: Create a scalar variable to store the active speak-to activity
     $activity = quest::activespeakactivity($task);
     #:: Mark the activity as complete
     quest::updatetaskactivity($task, $activity);
     quest::say("Well done!");
     #:: Offer the next task, if there is one
     if (!quest::istaskactive($task)) {
          #:: Disable the task so that it cannot be repeated
          #:: Match if there are tasks remaining in the Task Set
          if ($task != quest::lasttaskinset(200)) {
               quest::say("Well done, I have another task if you are willing.");
               #:: Enable the next Task in the Task Set
               quest::enabletask(quest::nexttaskinset(200, $task));
          #:: Match if there are no tasks remaining in the task set
          else {
               quest::say("Thank you for cleansing Qeynos Hills!");



  task_id _(int)_


  Disables a task so that it is not available to a client character. Useful if you do not want someone to repeat a task.

#:: Match if the player has an active task
if ($task != 0) {
     #:: Create a scalar variable to store the active speak-to activity
     $activity = quest::activespeakactivity($task);
     #:: Mark the activity as complete
     quest::updatetaskactivity($task, $activity);
     quest::say("Well done!");
     #:: Offer the next task, if there is one
     if (!quest::istaskactive($task)) {
          #:: Disable the task so that it cannot be repeated
          #:: Match if there are tasks remaining in the Task Set
          if ($task != quest::lasttaskinset(200)) {
               quest::say("Well done, I have another task if you are willing.");
               #:: Enable the next Task in the Task Set
               quest::enabletask(quest::nexttaskinset(200, $task));
          #:: Match if there are no tasks remaining in the task set
          else {
               quest::say("Thank you for cleansing Qeynos Hills!");



  task_id (int)


  Used to determine if a task is enabled, by Task ID.

#:: Check if task 212 is enabled
quest::istaskenabled(212); #:: Returns bool



  task_set _(int)_


  Counts the enabled tasks in the specified Task Set.

#:: Match if there are no enabled tasks in Task Set 10
if (quest::enabledtaskcount(10) == 0) {
     quest::enabletask(50, 51, 52);



  task_set _(int)_


  Returns the first task in the specified Task Set.

     #:: If the player hasn't completed the last task in the Task Set
     if (!quest::istaskcompleted(quest::lasttaskinset(200))) {
          #:: If the player has no tasks enabled for this task set, enable the first one
          if (quest::enabledtaskcount(200) == 0) {
               quest::say("You have not done any of my tasks before!");
               #:: Enable the first task in Task Set 200



  task_set _(int)_


  Returns the last task in the specified Task Set.

#:: Find the Task ID of the last task in Task Set 200
quest::lasttaskinset(200); #:: Returns int



  task_set _(int)_, task_id _(int)_


  Returns the next task in the specified Task Set that comes after the specified Task ID.

     #:: Create a scalar variable to store a task integer
     $task = quest::activespeaktask();
     #:: Match if there is an active task to speak to the NPC
     if ($task != 0) {
          #:: Match if there are no active tasks for the current speaking task
          if (!quest::istaskactive($task)) {
               #:: Disable the current speaking task
               #:: Match if the current speaking task is NOT the last task in the Task Set
               if ($task != quest::lasttaskinset(200)) {
                    quest::say("Well done, I have another task if you are willing.");
                    #:: Enable the next task in Task Set 200
                    quest::enabletask(quest::nexttaskinset(200, $task));
               else {
                    quest::say("Thank you for cleansing Qeynos Hills!");





  Returns the Task ID of the lowest numbered task slot if the player who triggered the event has an active task with an active activity to speak to the NPC (returns 0 if not).


  If you have task id 150: activity 0--kill three rats, activity 1--talk with NPC, activity 2--kill four fire beetles, activity 3--talk with NPC.
     #:: Match text for hail, case insensitive
     if ($text=~/hail/i) {
          #:: Create a scalar variable to store the current task that has a speak activity
          $speaktask = quest::activespeaktask(); #:: Returns int
          #:: Match if there's an active task with a speak activity
          if ($speaktask => 1) {
               quest::say("You have a task to speak with me and its ID is $speaktask.");
          #:: Match if there's NO active task with a speak activity
          else {
               quest::say("You do not have any tasks with a speaking activity at this time.");



  task_id _(int)_


  Returns the Activity ID of the lowest numbered active activity to speak with an NPC in the specified task.


  If you have task id 150: activity 0--kill three rats, activity 1--talk with NPC, activity 2--kill four fire beetles, activity 3--talk with NPC.
     #:: Match text for hail, case insensitive
     if ($text=~/hail/i) {
          #:: Create a scalar variable to store the current speak activity for task 150
          $speakactivity = quest::activespeakactivity(150); #:: Returns int
          #:: Match if the player is on the first speak activity
          if ($speakactivity == 1) {
               quest::say("I really hate rats.");
          #:: Match if the player is on the second speak activity
          elsif ($speakactivity == 3) {
               quest::say("I really hate fire beetles.");



  task_set _(int)_


  Returns the number of tasks in the given TaskSet that the player has active.


  You have a TaskSet "20", which consists of three tasks--200, 201, 202.
     #:: Create a scalar variable to store the number of active tasks in TaskSet 20
     $activetaskcount = quest::activetasksinset(20);  #:: returns int
     #:: Match text for hail, case insensitive
     if ($text=~/hail/i) {
          quest::say("You have $activetaskcount tasks remaining.");



  task_set _(int)_


  Returns the number of tasks in the given Task Set that the player has completed.

     #:: Match text for "tasks", case insensitive
     if ($text=~/tasks/i) {
          #:: Create a scalar variable to store the count of completed tasks in task set "200"
          my $TasksComplete = quest::completedtasksinset(200); #:: Returns int
          quest::say("You have completed $TasksComplete tasks.");



  • when a player accepts a task from the task selector window.


If the assigntask(taskid) function is used to forcibly assign a task to a player, then this sub will also be called with task_id set to taskid if assigntask is successful.



  • when a player completes a task.


Name Type Usage
donecount int quest::say($donecount); # returns int
activity_id int quest::say($activity_id); # returns int
task_id int quest::say($task_id); # returns int



  • When a player fails a task.


Name Type Usage
task_id int quest::say($task_id); # returns int



  • When a task stage is completed.


Name Type Usage
activity_id int quest::say($activity_id); # returns int
task_id int quest::say($task_id); # returns int


  • In this example, when a player completes a task, it triggers the event and tries to match with task ID 212; if it matches, a yellow message is displayed to the client.
    #:: Match task id 212
    if ($task_id == 212) {
        $client->Message(15,"The zombie presence seems somewhat lessened, and perhaps they have been quelled...for the time being.");
function event_task_stage_complete(e)
    --:: Match task id 212
    if (e.task_id == 212) then
        e.self:Message(15, "The zombie presence seems somewhat lessened, and perhaps they have been quelled...for the time being.");



  • when a player's task is updated.


Name Type Usage
donecount int quest::say($donecount); # returns int
activity_id int quest::say($activity_id); # returns int
task_id int quest::say($task_id); # returns int