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Implement PvP

Note: PVP Is currently a work in progress.

To emulate the original Everquest PVP servers, the only rule you have to adjust is the PVPSettings one.


Value Name Desc
0 Disabled Default, No PVP Enabled
1 Rallos Zek Not yet supported
2 TZ/VZ Partial Support
4 Sullon Zek Partial support
6 Discord Partial Support
7+ Discord+ (Any value above 6) Discord without the no-drop restrictions removed

Rules from this point onward are optional, and allow you the ability to customize your PVP server beyond the classic PVP rules. If you enable PVPSettings then adjust the below, most values will override defaults. Some exceptions include PVPLootCoin (once true by above PVPSettings, it cannot be turned off without setting PVPSettings to 0).


minimum level pvp is enabled

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
0 1 ? 6


use deity based pvp alignment (agnostic is neutral)

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
false false false true


use racial size based pvp alignment (drakkin is human group)

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
false false true false

The teams are as follows:

  • Team 1: Human, Barbarian, Erudite, Drakkin
  • Team 2: Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Froglok
  • Team 3: High Elf, Wood Elf, Half Elf, Vahshir
  • Team 4: Dark Elf, Ogre, Troll, Iksar
  • Note: The above teams may be inaccurate. If you can source a reference to correct this, please let Shin know


Players with a difference greater than value will not be attackable

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
0 4 ? 6


Players lose experience if killed by a player within level difference

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
0 0 ? 5


Pet damage is mitigated by this amount

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
50 100 ? ?


Melee is mitigated by this amount

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
67 100 ? ?


Spells are mitigated by this amount

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
67 67 ? ?


Ranged attacks are mitigated by this amount

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
80 100 ? ?


Can players loot coin from player corpses?

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
false true true true


Chance for root to break when cast on by a client (20% more than native root)

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
75 75 75 75


Percent of mana to respawn with

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
100 0 0 0


Can players loot no trade items from player corpses?

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
false false false false


Can players loot bags/containers from player corpses?

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
false false false false


When looting a player's corpse, equipped items in slots listed here are lootable. 0 means all slots are lootable

Default RZ TV/VZ SZ
0 0 0 0