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DBStr Types


ID Description
0 Descriptions for all of the banners added in The Buried Sea expansion.
1 AA title.
2 First line of a 2-line spell name. Also applicable to AA hotkeys.
3 Second line of a 2-line spell name. Also applicable to AA hotkeys.
4 AA description.
5 Corresponds to the typedescnum and effectdescnum columns in spells_new .
6 Spells.
7 Lore Group.
8 Race descriptions shown at character creation.
9 Class descriptions shown at character creation.
10 Stat's description shown at character creation.
11 Races.
12 Plural form of Races.
13 Classes.
14 Deity description shown at character creation.
15 Starting City descriptions, ID is the Zone ID.
16 Augment Type descriptions, ID is the Augment Type.
17 Names of currencies for The Buried Sea.
18 Plural names of currencies for The Buried Sea.
19 Names of special AA categories.
20 Names of the Expansions.

Rain of Fear Types

ID Description
0 Descriptions for all of the banners added in The Buried Sea expansion.
1 AA title.
2 First line of a 2-line spell name. Also applicable to AA hotkeys.
3 Second line of a 2-line spell name. Also applicable to AA hotkeys.
4 AA description.
5 Corresponds to the typedescnum and effectdescnum columns in spells_new .
6 Spells.
7 Lore Group.
8 Race descriptions shown at character creation.
9 Class descriptions shown at character creation.
10 Stat's description shown at character creation.
11 Races.
12 Plural form of Races.
13 Classes.
14 Deity description shown at character creation.
15 Starting city descriptions, ID is the Zone ID.
16 Aug type descriptions, ID is the Augment Type.
17 Names of currencies for The Buried Sea.
18 Plural names of currencies for The Buried Sea.
19 Names of special AA categories.
20 Names of the Expansions.
21 Mercenary type/race.
22 Mercenary tier text.
23 Extended mercenary race/type descriptions.
24 Mercenary stance names.
25 Extended mercenary stance text.
26 Mercenary stance text.
71 Brellium Token.

Symbols used in spell descriptions that pull data from spells_new

# effect_base_value# [ie #1 for effect1]

$ effect_limit_value#

@ max#

%z buffduration