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Database Backup Tool

World has a database backup utility wrapped as a CLI (Command Line Interface) utility

It's what powers the ProjectEQ archives micro-service

Dumper wrapper script


  • Selectively backup certain types of tables (content tables, player tables, login tables, state tables, system tables etc)
  • Does not table lock by default; making it easy to backup a server while it is online and players are running on it
  • Supports table locking (Can impact server playability)
  • Supports specifying a custom dump path
  • Supports piping the dump output to console instead of writing directly to a file
  • Supports option for compressing the backup (only works with file output) as long as you have a supported compression utility installed
  • 7Zip (Linux, Windows)
  • Tar (Linux)

CLI Options

eqemu@e5311a8e9505:~/server$ ./bin/world database:dump





Schema Source

The schema source for the table groupings can be found in the source at

Example Output(s)

The below shows a few different types of examples

Player Tables and Compression

eqemu@e5311a8e9505:~/server$ ./bin/world database:dump --compress --player-tables
[World] [Info] MySQL installed [mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2]
[World] [Info] Database [peq] Host [mariadb] Username [eqemu]
[World] [Info] Dumping Tables [account account_ip account_flags account_rewards adventure_details adventure_stats buyer char_recipe_list character_activities character_alt_currency character_alternate_abilities character_auras character_bandolier character_bind character_buffs character_corpse_items character_corpses character_currency character_data character_disciplines character_enabledtasks character_expedition_lockouts character_exp_modifiers character_inspect_messages character_item_recast character_languages character_leadership_abilities character_material character_memmed_spells character_pet_buffs character_pet_info character_pet_inventory character_potionbelt character_skills character_spells character_tasks character_tribute completed_tasks data_buckets discovered_items faction_values friends guild_bank guild_members guild_ranks guild_relations guilds instance_list_player inventory inventory_snapshots keyring mail petitions player_titlesets quest_globals sharedbank spell_buckets spell_globals timers titles trader trader_audit zone_flags ]
[World] [Info] Database dump created at [backups/peq-2021-05-17-player.sql]
[World] [Info] Compression requested... Compressing dump [backups/peq-2021-05-17-player.sql]
[World] [Info] Compressed dump created at [backups/peq-2021-05-17-player.tar.gz]

Append Multiple Table Categories (System, State, Login)

You can specify as many or as little table groupings as possible

eqemu@e5311a8e9505:~/server$ ./bin/world database:dump --compress --system-tables --state-tables --login-tables
[World] [Info] MySQL installed [mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2]
[World] [Info] Database [peq] Host [mariadb] Username [eqemu]
[World] [Info] Dumping Tables [chatchannels command_settings content_flags db_str eqtime launcher launcher_zones spawn_condition_values spawn_events level_exp_mods logsys_categories name_filter perl_event_export_settings profanity_list rule_sets rule_values variables db_version inventory_versions adventure_members banned_ips bug_reports bugs dynamic_zones eventlog expedition_lockouts expedition_members expeditions gm_ips group_id group_leaders hackers ip_exemptions instance_list item_tick lfguild merchantlist_temp object_contents raid_details raid_leaders raid_members reports respawn_times saylink server_scheduled_events login_accounts login_api_tokens login_server_admins login_world_servers ]
[World] [Info] Database dump created at [backups/peq-2021-05-17-system-state-login.sql]
[World] [Info] Compression requested... Compressing dump [backups/peq-2021-05-17-system-state-login.sql]
[World] [Info] Compressed dump created at [backups/peq-2021-05-17-system-state-login.tar.gz]